200PleaseBot: "200PleaseBot (200please.com/bot)" 360Spider: "360Spider" abot: "CrawlDaddy, abot (code.google.com/p/abot)" AddThis: "AddThis" ADmantX: "ADmantX Platform Semantic Analyzer" AdsBot-Google: "Google Adwords" AdvBot: "AdvBot (advbot.net/bot.htmlm, advbot.org/bot.html)" AhrefsBot: "Ahrefs backlinks research tool" alexa: "Alexa Crawler" Apache-HttpClient: "Java http library" ApacheBench: "ApacheBench (ab)" AppEngine-Google: "Google App Engine" Applebot: "Apple Bot" archive.org_bot: "Internet Archive (archive.org)" Ask Jeeves: "Ask Jeeves" AsyncHttpClient: "Java http and WebSocket client library" awe.sm: "Awe.sm URL expander" Baidu: "baidu" Baiduspider: "Chinese search engine" BDCbot: "Big Data Corp (ecommerce.bigdatacorp.com.br/faq.aspx)" bingbot: "Microsoft bing bot" bitlybot: "bit.ly bot" Blekkobot: "Blekkobot (blekko.com/about/blekkobot)" BLEXBot: "webmeup-crawler.com" bot@linkfluence.net: "Linkfluence bot" BufferBot: "BufferBot" BuiBui-CheckBot: "email: buibui[at]dadapro[dot]com" Butterfly: "Topsy Labs" buzztalk: "buzztalk" CatchBot: "CatchBot (catchbot.com)" check_http: "Nagios monitor" Cliqzbot: "Cliqzbot (cliqz.com/company/cliqzbot)" CMRadar/0.1: "CMRadar/0.1" ColdFusion: "ColdFusion http library" Comodo-Webinspector-Crawler: "Comodo (comodorobot.com)" Crowsnest: "Crowsnest" curabot: "cura.yt" curl: "curl unix CLI http client" DAP/NetHTTP: "DAP/NetHTTP" datagnionbot: "datagnion.com/bot.html" Daumoa: "Korean portal and search engine indexing bot" developers.google.com/+/web/snippet/: "Google Plus" diffbot: "Diffbot (diffbot.com)" DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software: "HP Fingerprint scanner" Domain Re-Animator Bot: "Domain Re-Animator Bot (http://domainreanimator.com) - support@domainreanimator.com" domainsbot: "DomainsBot (domainsbot.com)" DomainTunoCrawler: "DomainTuno (domaintuno.com/robot)" DotBot: "Dot Bot" DuckDuckBot: "Duck Duck Go" DuckDuckGo: "Duck Duck Go" Embedly: "Embedly" EOAAgent: "EOAAgent" EventMachine HttpClient: "Ruby http library" EveryoneSocialBot: "EveryoneSocial (everyonesocial.com)" EvriNid: "Evri bot" Exabot: "Exalead's bot" ExaleadCloudView: "ExaleadCloudView" facebookexternalhit: "Facebook Bot" Facebot: "Facebook Bot" FeedBurner: "RSS bot" Feedfetcher-Google: "Google Feedfetcher" Findxbot: "Findxbot (http://www.findxbot.com)" FlipboardProxy: "FlipboardProxy" FriendFeedBot: "FriendFeed (friendfeed.com/about/bot)" Genieo: "Genieo Web filter bot" getprismatic.com: "getprismatic.com" Gigabot: "Gigabot spider" Gimme60bot: "Gimme60 (gimme60.com)" gimme60bot: "Gimme60 (gimme60.com)" GimmeUSAbot: "Gimme60 (gimme60.com)" Go http package: "Go http library" Google Page Speed Insights: "Google Page Speed Insights" Google Web Preview: "Google Instant Previews crawler" Googlebot: "Google spider" GrapeshotCrawler: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; GrapeshotCrawler/2.0; +http://www.grapeshot.co.uk/crawler.php)" Gravitybot: "Gravitybot (gravity.com)" Hatena::Bookmark: "Hatena::Bookmark" heritrix: "heritrix" HTMLParser: "HTMLParser" HTTP_Request2: "HTTP_Request2" HTTPClient: "HTTPClient" https://developers.google.com/+/web/snippet: "Google+ Snippet Fetcher" HubSpot: "HubSpot" ia_archiver: "Internet Archive (WayBackMachine)" iCoreService: "iCoreService" idmarch: "idmarch.org/bot.html" InAGist: "URL resolver" Insieve: "Insieve Bot" Insitesbot: "Insitesbot" Instapaper: "Instapaper" IstellaBot: "IstellaBot" jack: "jack" Jakarta Commons: "Jakarta Commons HttpClient" Java: "Generic Java http library" Jetslide: "Jetslide" JS-Kit: "URL resolver" Kemvibot: "Kemvi (kemvi.com)" Kimengi: "Kimengi/nineconnections.com bot" knows.is: "knows.is" Kojitsubot: "Kojitsubot" KomodiaBot: "KomodiaBot" kraken: "kraken" Laconica: "Laconica" libwww-perl: "Perl client-server library loved by script kids" Lijit Crawler: "Lijit (lijit.com/robot/crawler)" linkdexbot: "Linkdex Bot" LinkedInBot: "LinkedIn" LinksCrawler: "LinksCrawler" Linode: "Linode Longview" Lipperhey: "Lipperhey" Livelapbot: "Livelapbot" LoadTimeBot: "Load Time Bot" LongURL: "URL expander service" Lumibot: "Lumibot" lwp-trivial: "Another Perl library loved by script kids" magpie-crawler: "magpie-crawler" Mail.RU_Bot: "Mail.ru Bot" meanpathbot: "meanpath (meanpath.com)" Mediapartners-Google: "Google Adsense bot" MegaIndex.ru: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MegaIndex.ru/2.0; +https://www.megaindex.ru/?tab=linkAnalyze)" memoryBot: "mignify.com/bot.html" memorybot: "mignify.com/bot.html" MetaURI: "MetaURI" MFE_expand: "Mcafee spider" MIR web crawler: "MIR web crawler (mirproject15@gmail.com)" MJ12bot: "Majestic-12 spider" MojeekBot: "Mojeek UK search crawler" MS Search 6.0 Robot: "MS Search 6.0 Robot" msnbot: "Microsoft bot" NerdyBot: "NerdyBot" netState: "netEstate NE Crawler" Netvibes: "Personalized dashboard bot" NetzCheckBot: "bot@netzcheck.com" NewRelicPinger: "NewRelic monitor" newsme: "newsme" niki-bot: "niki-bot" NING: "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer" Nutch: "Apache search spider" OpenHoseBot: "OpenHoseBot (http://www.openhose.org/bot.html)" OrangeBot: "OrangeBot (support.orangebot@orange.com)" PagesInventory: "pagesinventory.com" Panopta: "Monitoring service" PaperLiBot: "PaperLi is another content curation service" peerindex: "peerindex" PercolateCrawler: "PercolateCrawler" PerfectMarketKWTbot: "PerfectMarket (perfectmarket.com)" PhantomJS: "PhantomJS" Pingdom: "Pingdom monitoring" Pinterest: "Pinterest" Plukkie: "botje.com/plukkie.htm" psbot-page: "picsearch.com/bot.html" publiclibraryarchive.org: "publiclibraryarchive.org" PycURL: "Python http library" Python-httplib2: "Python-httplib2" python-requests: "Python http library" Python-urllib: "Python http library" QuerySeeker: "QuerySeekerSpider ( http://queryseeker.com/bot.html )" QuickLook: "QuickLook" Re-Animator: "Domain Re-Animator Bot (http://domainreanimator.com)" Readability: "Readability" RebelMouse: "RebelMouse" redditbot: "Reddit Bot" RelateIQ: "RelateIQ" Riddler: "Riddler Bot" rogerbot: "SeoMoz spider" RSSMicro: "RSS/Atom Feed Robot (rssmicro.com)" Ruby: "Ruby" Scrapy: "Scrapy" Screaming Frog SEO Spider: Screaming Frog SEO Spider SearchmetricsBot: "SearchmetricsBot" SemrushBot: "SEO analysis bot" SEOkicks-Robot: "SEOKicks (seokicks.de/robot.html)" SeznamBot: "SeznamBot" ShopWiki: "ShopWiki" ShortLinkTranslate: "Link shortener" ShowyouBot: "Showyou iOS app spider" Siege: "Joe Dog Siege" SISTRIX: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SISTRIX Crawler; http://crawler.sistrix.net/)" SiteUptime: "Site monitoring services" Slack: "Slackbot-LinkExpanding" Slackbot: "api.slack.com/robots" Slurp: "Yahoo spider" SMTBot: "SimilarTech (http://www.similartech.com/smtbot)" Sogou: "Chinese search engine" spbot: "OpenLinkProfiler (http://openlinkprofiler.org/bot)" spider: "generic web spider" Spinn3r: "Spinn3r aggregator" SputnikBot: "SputnikBot (http://corp.sputnik.ru/webmaster)" StatusCake: "StatusCake" StructuredDataTestingTool: 'Google-StructuredDataTestingTool' Test Certificate Info: "C http library?" TinEye: "TinEye-bot/0.51 (see http://www.tineye.com/crawler.html)" trendictionbot: "trendiction search" TurnitinBot: "TurnitinBot" tweetedtimes: "The Tweeted Times" TweetmemeBot: "TweetMeMe Crawler" Twikle: "Social web search bot" TwitJobSearch: "TwitJobSearch" Twitmunin: "Twitmunin" Twitterbot: "Twitter URL expander" Twurly: "Twurly" Typhoeus: "Typhoeus" uMBot: "uberMetrics" UnwindFetch: "Gnip" UptimeRobot: "Uptime Robot" Vagabondo: "Vagabondo" VB Project: "Visual Basic" Vigil: "Vigil (vigil-app.com/bot.html)" vkShare: "VKontake Sharer" VoilaBot: "VoilaBot" VRCrawler: "ventureradar.com/crawler" WASALive-Bot: "blog.wasalive.com/wasalive-bots" WBSearchBot: "Ware Bay Best Buys (http://www.warebay.com/bot.html)" Webscout: "Webscout" WeSEE: "WeSEE (www.wesee.com/bot)" Wget: "wget unix CLI http client" wget: "wget unix CLI http client" WordPress: "WordPress spider" Wormly: "WormlyBot" Wotbox: "Wotbox (http://www.wotbox.com/bot)" Xenu Link Sleuth: "Xenu Link Sleuth" XoviBot: "XoviBot" yacybot: "YaCy (yacy.net)" Yandex: "Yandex, Yandex Direct, Yandex Metrika, Yandex News (yandex.com)" Yeti: "Naver Corp (help.naver.com/robots)" YOURLS: "YOURLS" zelist.ro: "feed parser" ZIBB: "ZIBB spider" zitebot: "Zite" ZyBorg: "Zyborg? Hmmm...."