# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: spree: my_auctions: My Auctions auction: Auction bid_confirmation_message: Are you sure you want to bid this amount? auction_settings: Auction Settings current_auctions: Current Auctions winning?: Winning? watching: watching starts_in: Starts in starting_soon: Starting Soon starting_soon_hours: Starting Soon Hours ending_soon: Ending Soon ending_soon_hours: Ending Soon Hours recently_completed: Recently Completed recently_completed_hours: Recently Completed Hours number_of_bids_to_show: Number of bids to show winning_bid: Winning Bid you_have_not_participated_in_an_auction_yet: You have not bid on any auctions yet. you_have_not_watched_any_auctions_yet: You have not watched any auctions yet. check_some_out_here: Check some out here view_order_or_checkout: View Order or Checkout Here you_have_won_this_auction: You have won this auction! na: N/A you_successfully_bid: You successfully bid notice_messages: auction_cloned: Auction cloned successfully auction_not_cloned: Auction not cloned successfully product_placeholder: Choose a product auction_successfully_created: Auction created successfully new_auction: New Auction auction_link: Auction Page Link associated_order: Associated Order waiting_to_start: Waiting to Start reserve_met: Reserve met reserve_not_met: Reserve not met auction_is_complete: Auction is complete. must_be_signed_in_to_bid: You must be signed in to bid. bid_not_high_enough: Your bid must exceed the current price plus the bid increment. autobid_up_to: Auto-bid up to met_reserve_price: Met reserve price less_than_original_autobid: Less than original auto-bid, ignoring. you_were_outbid: You were outbid. there_was_a_tie_autobid_wins: There was a tie. Their auto-bid wins. title: Title reserve_price: Reserve Price current_price: Current Price starting_price: Starting Price complete: Complete auctions: Auctions ends_in: Ends in ends_at: Ends at starting_datetime: Start current_end_datetime: End planned_end_datetime: Planned End countdown_seconds: Countdown Seconds highest_bidder: Highest Bidder bid: Bid bids: Bids min_bid: Minimum Bid admin: tab: auctions: Auctions hints: spree/auction: title: Many of the fields will be disabled after the auction starts, so be sure to choose wisely! reserve_price: The minimum price for someone to win the auction. Not setting a reserve price may, counterintuitively, make bidding more competitive. start: Please make sure to set your time zone in your user profile, so this updates correctly. planned_end_datetime: After the auction has started, you cannot change this field. countdown: This many seconds before the current end datetime, any new, high bids will increase the length of the auction by "time increment" amount of seconds. For example, with countdown as 300 (5 minutes) and time increment as 60 (1 minute), if the current price is $20.00 and somebody bids $30.00 with 3 minutes left, the end of the auction will be 1 minute more into the future, leaving 4 minutes left. It is okay for the time increment to be longer than the countdown. bid_increment: When a bidder bids, they have to bid the current price + this amount in order to succesfully bid. For example, if the current price is $25.00 and bid increment is $2.50, the next successful bidder must bid $27.50 or more. time_increment: Number of seconds to increase the end of the auction when within countdown. end: This is different from "Planned End" because the "countdown" and "time increment" can change the originally chosen date and time.