/*jsl:declare distil*/ /** A resource module defined in the module that provides the module. */ (function(distil, window, document){ var moduleIndex= {}; var fetched= {}; var root= document.documentElement; var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||root; var XHR= window.XMLHttpRequest || (function(){ var progIdCandidates= ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP']; var len= progIdCandidates.length; var progId; var xhr; function ConstructXhr() { return new window.ActiveXObject(ConstructXhr.progId); } while (len--) { try { progId= progIdCandidates[len]; xhr= new window.ActiveXObject(progId); // ActiveXObject constructor throws an exception // if the component isn't available. xhr= null; ConstructXhr.progId= progId; return ConstructXhr; } catch (e) { // Ignore the error } } throw new Error('No XMLHttpRequest implementation found'); })(); var noop= function(){}; var fetchAsset= function(url, callback, scope, userData) { if (url in fetched) { // The callback will ALWAYS be called after the calling program // finishes executing. window.setTimeout(function(){ callback.call(scope, userData); }, 0); return; } var xhr= new XHR(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange= function() { if (4!==xhr.readyState) return; fetched[url]= true; var status= xhr.status; var succeeded= 0==status || (status>=200 && status<300) || 304==status; if (!succeeded) throw new Error('Failed to load resource: status=' + status + ' url=' + url); callback.call(scope, userData); xhr.onreadystatechange= noop; xhr= null; } xhr.send(null); }; var SCRIPT_TYPE= 'js'; var JSNIB_TYPE= 'jsnib'; var CSS_TYPE= 'css'; var MODULE_TYPE= 'module'; var NO_MODULE_ERROR= 'No module with name: '; var injectScript= distil.injectScript= function(url, callback, scope, userData) { var tag= document.createElement('script'); var complete= function() { if (callback) callback.call(scope, userData); tag.onreadystatechage= noop; tag= null; }; window.__filename__= url; tag.onreadystatechange= function() { var readyState= tag && tag.readyState; if ('complete'===readyState || 'loaded'===readyState) complete(); } tag.onload= complete; tag.type= "text/javascript"; tag.src= url; root.insertBefore(tag, root.firstChild); }; var injectStylesheet= distil.injectStylesheet= function(url, callback, scope, userData) { var link= document.createElement('link'); link.type='text/css'; link.rel='stylesheet'; link.href='url'; head.appendChild(link); if (callback) callback.call(scope, url, userData); }; var getRunningScriptSource= function() { var scripts= document.getElementsByTagName("script"); if (!scripts || !scripts.length) throw new Error("Could not find script"); var l= scripts.length; var s, src, lastSlash; while (l--) { if ((src= scripts[l].src)) return src; } throw new Error("No script tags with src attribute."); }; var ResourceInfo= function(type, url, callback, scope, userData) { if (!type) { var lastDot= url.lastIndexOf('.'); type= (-1!==lastDot)?url.substring(lastDot+1):""; type= type.split('?')[0]; } var lastSlash= url.lastIndexOf('/'); if (-1===lastSlash) throw new Error("Couldn't determine path from script src: " + url); return { type: type, url: url, callback: callback, scope: scope, userData: userData, loadQueue: [], fetched: false, injected: false, callbacksExecuted: false, path: url.substring(0, lastSlash+1), parent: null }; }; var rootResource= ResourceInfo(SCRIPT_TYPE, getRunningScriptSource()); rootResource.fetched= true; rootResource.injected= true; /** currentResource is the resource that is currently executing. */ var currentResource= rootResource; var injectResource= function(resource) { resource.injected= true; switch (resource.type) { case SCRIPT_TYPE: case JSNIB_TYPE: injectScript(resource.url, injectionComplete, null, resource); break; case CSS_TYPE: injectStylesheet(resource.url, injectionComplete, null, resource); break; default: throw new Error('Unknown resource type: ' + resource.type); } }; /** The execution complete callback for the script. */ var injectionComplete= function(resource) { while (resource) { if (resource.loadQueue.length) { currentResource= resource= resource.loadQueue.shift(); resource.complete= true; if (!resource.fetched) return; if (MODULE_TYPE===resource.type) continue; injectResource(resource); return; } resource.callbacksExecuted= true; if (resource.callback) resource.callback.call(resource.scope, resource.userData); resource= resource.parent; } currentResource= resource ? resource : rootResource; }; var fetchComplete= function(resource) { resource.fetched= true; var parent= resource.parent; if (resource===currentResource) injectResource(resource); }; var loadResource= function(url, callback, scope, userData, parent) { if (distil.debug) url+= '?'+(new Date()).valueOf(); var resource= ResourceInfo(null, url, callback, scope, userData); parent= parent||currentResource; resource.parent= parent; parent.loadQueue.push(resource); fetchAsset(url, fetchComplete, null, resource); }; var loadFiles= function(module) { var files= (module.loadQueue||[]).concat(module.required); var resource= module.resource; var path= module.path; for (var i=0, len=files.length; i