module Appium module Thor module Docs def space amount ' ' * amount end def last_sha `git rev-parse --verify HEAD`.strip end def mobj_to_md obj out = '' # skip objects without method signatures sig = obj.signature return out unless sig # skip class vars if sig.start_with?('@@') || # skip methods marked private obj.tag('private') || # skip date and version from version.rb|VERSION/) return out end method_path = obj.file.split('/lib/').last os = method_path.downcase.match /ios|android/ out += "##### [#{}]({github_name}/blob/#{last_sha}/lib/#{method_path}#L#{obj.line}) #{os}\n\n" out += "> #{obj.signature}\n\n" out += "#{obj.docstring}\n\n" indent = space 5 params = { |tag| tag.tag_name == 'param' } if !params.empty? out += "__Parameters:__\n\n" params.each do |param| out += indent + "[#{param.types.join ', '}] " out += "#{} - #{param.text}\n\n" end end ret = obj.tag 'return' if ret out += "__Returns:__\n\n" out += indent + "[#{ret.types.join ', '}] #{ret.text}\n\n" end out += "--\n\n" out end def run out_file, globs YARD::Registry.clear puts "Globbing: #{globs}" puts "Writing: #{out_file}" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname out_file YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse globs, 'w') do |file| entries = YARD::Registry.entries entries_length = entries.length puts "Processing: #{entries_length} entries" raise 'No entries to process' if entries_length <= 0 YARD::Registry.entries.each do |entry| file.write mobj_to_md entry end end raise 'Empty file generated' if File.size(out_file) <= 0 end def globs paths # Convert single string to array for map paths = [paths] unless paths.kind_of? Array # Adjust path based on system! { |path| "#{Dir.pwd}#{path}" } end =begin common_globs = '/lib/appium_lib/*.rb', '/lib/appium_lib/device/*.rb', '/lib/appium_lib/common/**/*.rb' android_globs = common_globs + ['/lib/appium_lib/android/**/*.rb'] ios_globs = common_globs + ['/lib/appium_lib/ios/**/*.rb'] run 'docs/', globs(android_globs) run 'docs/', globs(ios_globs) =end end end end