class Class # this will inject a code block to a target instance method # by default the before or after sym is not required # default => before # # Test.inject_singleton_method :hello do |*args| # puts "singleton extra, so #{args[0]}" # end # def inject_singleton_method(method,options=:before,&block) original_method= self.method(method).clone #Singleton.methods[self.object_id]= self.method(method) self.singleton_class.__send__ :undef_method, method self.class_eval do define_singleton_method method do |*arguments| if options == :before block.source.to_proc(self.binding?).call *arguments end *arguments if options == :after block.source.to_proc(self.binding?).call *arguments end end end end # this will inject a code block to a target singleton method # by default the before or after sym is not required # default => before # # Test.inject_instance_method :hello, :before do |*args| # puts "singleton on a instance method and "+args[0] # end # def inject_instance_method(method,options=:before,&block) self.class_eval do alias_method :"old_#{method.to_s}", method end extended_process = do |*args| if options == :before block.source.to_proc(self.binding?).call *args end self.__send__ :"old_#{method.to_s}", *args if options == :after block.source.to_proc(self.binding?).call *args end end self.class_eval do define_method method, extended_process#Proc call end end end