# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rack/oauth2' module Osso class Oauth < Sinatra::Base include AppConfig register Sinatra::Namespace namespace '/oauth' do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength # Send your users here in order to being an authentication # flow. This flow follows the authorization grant oauth # spec with one exception - you must also pass the domain # of the user who wants to sign in. If the sign in request # is valid, the user is redirected to their Identity Provider. # Once they complete IdP login, they will be returned to the # redirect_uri with an authorization code parameter. get '/authorize' do validate_oauth_request(env) return erb :hosted_login if render_hosted_login? @providers = find_providers return erb :saml_login_form if @providers.one? return erb :multiple_providers if @providers.count > 1 raise Osso::Error::MissingConfiguredIdentityProvider.new(domain: params[:domain]) rescue Osso::Error::Base => e @error = e erb :error end # Exchange an authorization code for an access token. # In addition to the authorization code, you must include all # paramaters required by OAuth spec: redirect_uri, client ID, # and client secret post '/token' do Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token.new do |req, res| client = Models::OauthClient.find_by!(identifier: req.client_id) req.invalid_client! if client.secret != req.client_secret code = Models::AuthorizationCode.find_by_token!(params[:code]) req.invalid_grant! if code.redirect_uri != req.redirect_uri res.access_token = code.access_token.to_bearer_token end.call(env) end # Use the access token to request a profile for the user who # just logged in. Access tokens are short-lived. get '/me' do token = Models::AccessToken. includes(:user). valid. find_by_token!(access_token) json token.user.as_json.merge(requested: token.requested) end end private def render_hosted_login? [params[:email], params[:domain]].all?(&:nil?) end def find_providers if params[:email] user = Osso::Models::User. includes(:identity_provider). find_by(email: params[:email]) return [user.identity_provider] if user end Osso::Models::IdentityProvider. joins(:oauth_client). not_pending. where( domain: domain_from_params, oauth_clients: { identifier: params[:client_id] }, ) end def domain_from_params params[:domain] || params[:email].split('@')[1] end def find_client(identifier) @client ||= Models::OauthClient.find_by!(identifier: identifier) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound raise Osso::Error::InvalidOAuthClientIdentifier end def validate_oauth_request(env) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize Rack::OAuth2::Server::Authorize.new do |req, _res| client = find_client(req[:client_id]) session[:osso_oauth_redirect_uri] = req.verify_redirect_uri!(client.redirect_uri_values) session[:osso_oauth_state] = params[:state] session[:osso_oauth_requested] = { domain: req[:domain], email: req[:email] } end.call(env) rescue Rack::OAuth2::Server::Authorize::BadRequest raise Osso::Error::InvalidRedirectUri.new(redirect_uri: params[:redirect_uri]) end def access_token params[:access_token] || env.fetch('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', '').slice(-64..-1) end end end