--- MD: alpha2: MD alpha3: MDA continent: Europe country_code: '373' currency_code: MDL distance_unit: KM gec: MD geo: latitude: 47.411631 longitude: 28.369885 max_latitude: 48.492029 max_longitude: 30.1635898 min_latitude: 45.4674379 min_longitude: 26.6164248 bounds: northeast: lat: 48.492029 lng: 30.1635898 southwest: lat: 45.4674379 lng: 26.6164248 international_prefix: '00' ioc: MDA iso_long_name: The Republic of Moldova iso_short_name: Moldova (Republic of) languages_official: - ro languages_spoken: - ro national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' nationality: Moldovan number: '498' postal_code: true postal_code_format: "\\d{4}" region: Europe start_of_week: monday subregion: Eastern Europe un_locode: MD unofficial_names: - Moldova - Moldawien - Moldavie - Moldavia - the Republic of Moldova - モルドバ共和国 - Moldavië world_region: EMEA