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# Active Delivery
Active Delivery is a framework providing an entry point (single _interface_ or _abstraction_) for all types of notifications: mailers, push notifications, whatever you want.
Since v1.0, Active Delivery is bundled with [Abstract Notifier](https://github.com/palkan/abstract_notifier). See the docs on how to create custom notifiers [below](#abstract-notifier).
📖 Read the introduction post: ["Crafting user notifications in Rails with Active Delivery"](https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/crafting-user-notifications-in-rails-with-active-delivery)
- Ruby ~> 2.7
- Rails 6+ (optional).
**NOTE**: although most of the examples in this readme are Rails-specific, this gem could be used without Rails/ActiveSupport.
## The problem
We need a way to handle different notifications _channel_ (mail, push) in one place.
From the business-logic point of view, we want to _notify_ a user, hence we need a _separate abstraction layer_ as an entry point to different types of notifications.
## The solution
Here comes _Active Delivery_.
In the simplest case when we have only mailers Active Delivery is just a wrapper for Mailer with (possibly) some additional logic provided (e.g., preventing emails to unsubscribed users).
Motivations behind Active Delivery:
- Organize notifications-related logic:
# Before
def after_some_action
MyMailer.with(user: user).some_action(resource).deliver_later if user.receive_emails?
NotifyService.send_notification(user, "action") if whatever_else?
# After
def after_some_action
MyDelivery.with(user: user).some_action(resource).deliver_later
- Better testability (see [Testing](#testing)).
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "active_delivery", "1.0.0.rc2"
And then execute:
bundle install
## Usage
The _Delivery_ class is used to trigger notifications. It describes how to notify a user (e.g., via email or push notification or both).
First, it's recommended to create a base class for all deliveries with the configuration of the lines:
# In the base class, you configure delivery lines
class ApplicationDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
self.abstract_class = true
# Mailers are enabled by default, everything else must be declared explicitly
# For example, you can use a notifier line (see below) with a custom resolver
# (the argument is the delivery class)
register_line :sms, ActiveDelivery::Lines::Notifier,
resolver: -> { _1.name.gsub(/Delivery$/, "SMSNotifier").safe_constantize } #=> PostDelivery -> PostSMSNotifier
# Or you can use a name pattern to resolve notifier classes for delivery classes
# Available placeholders are:
# - delivery_class — full delivery class name
# - delivery_name — full delivery class name without the "Delivery" suffix
register_line :webhook, ActiveDelivery::Lines::Notifier,
resolver_pattern: "%{delivery_name}WebhookNotifier" #=> PostDelivery -> PostWebhookNotifier
register_line :cable, ActionCableDeliveryLine
# and more
Then, you can create a delivery class for a specific notification type. We follow Action Mailer conventions, and create a delivery class per resource:
class PostsDelivery < ApplicationDelivery
In most cases, you just leave this class blank. The corresponding mailers, notifiers, etc., will be inferred automatically using the naming convention.
You don't need to define notification methods explicitly. Whenever you invoke a method on a delivery class, it will be proxied to the underlying _line handlers_ (mailers, notifiers, etc.):
PostsDelivery.published(user, post).deliver_later
# Under the hood it calls
PostsMailer.published(user, post).deliver_later
PostsSMSNotifier.published(user, post).notify_later
# and whaterver your ActionCableDeliveryLine does
# under the hood.
Alternatively, you call the `#notify` method with the notification name and the arguments:
PostsDelivery.notify(:published, user, post)
# Under the hood it calls
PostsMailer.published(user, post).deliver_later
PostsSMSNotifier.published(user, post).notify_later
# ...
You can also define a notification method explicitly if you want to add some logic:
class PostsDelivery < ApplicationDelivery
def published(user, post)
# do something
# return a delivery object (to chain #deliver_later, etc.)
notification: :published,
params: [user, post],
# For kwargs, you options
options: {},
# Metadata that can be used by line handlers
metadata: {}
Finally, you can disable the default automatic proxying behaviour via the `ActiveDelivery.deliver_actions_required = true` configuration option. Then, in each delivery class, you can specify the available actions via the `.delivers` method:
class PostDelivery < ApplicationDelivery
delivers :published
ActiveDelivery.deliver_actions_required = true
PostDelivery.published(post) #=> ok
PostDelivery.whatever(post) #=> raises NoMethodError
### Organizing delivery and notifier classes
There are two common ways to organize delivery and notifier classes in your codebase:
deliveries/ deliveries/
application_delivery.rb application_delivery.rb
post_delivery.rb post_delivery/
user_delivery.rb post_mailer.rb
mailers/ post_sms_notifier.rb
application_mailer.rb post_webhook_notifier.rb
post_mailer.rb post_delivery.rb
user_mailer.rb user_delivery/
notifiers/ user_mailer.rb
application_notifier.rb user_sms_notifier.rb
post_sms_notifier.rb user_webhook_notifier.rb
post_webhook_notifier.rb user_delivery.rb
The left side is a _flat_ structure, more typical for classic Rails applications. The right side follows the _sidecar pattern_ and aims to localize all the code related to a specific delivery class in a single directory. To use the sidecar version, you need to configure your delivery lines as follows:
class ApplicationDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
self.abstract_class = true
register_line :mailer, ActiveDelivery::Lines::Mailer,
resolver_pattern: "%{delivery_class}::%{delivery_name}_mailer"
register_line :sms,
notifier: true,
resolver_pattern: "%{delivery_class}::%{delivery_name}_sms_notifier"
register_line :webhook,
notifier: true,
resolver_pattern: "%{delivery_class}::%{delivery_name}_webhook_notifier"
### Customizing delivery handlers
You can specify a mailer class explicitly:
class PostsDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
# You can pass a class name or a class itself
mailer "CustomPostsMailer"
# For other lines, you the line name as well
# sms "MyPostsSMSNotifier"
Or you can provide a custom resolver by re-registering the line:
class PostsDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
register_line :mailer, ActiveDelivery::Lines::Mailer, resolver: ->(_delivery_class) { CustomMailer }
### Parameterized deliveries
Delivery also supports _parameterized_ calling:
PostsDelivery.with(user: user).notify(:published, post)
The parameters could be accessed through the `params` instance method (e.g., to implement guard-like logic).
**NOTE**: When params are present, the parameterized mailer is used, i.e.:
PostsMailer.with(user: user).published(post)
Other line implementations **MUST** also have the `#with` method in their public interface.
See [Rails docs](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Parameterized.html) for more information on parameterized mailers.
### Callbacks support
**NOTE:** callbacks are only available if ActiveSupport is present in the application's runtime.
# Run method before delivering notification
# NOTE: when `false` is returned the execution is halted
before_notify :do_something
# You can specify a notification line (to run callback only for that line)
before_notify :do_mail_something, on: :mailer
# You can specify a notification name (to run callback only for specific notification)
after_notify :mark_user_as_notified, only: %i[user_reminder]
# if and unless options are also at your disposal
after_notify :mark_user_as_notified, if: -> { params[:user].present? }
# after_ and around_ callbacks are also supported
after_notify :cleanup
around_notify :set_context
# You can also skip callbacks in sub-classes
skip_before_notify :do_something, only: %i[some_reminder]
# NOTE: Specify `on` option for line-specific callbacks is required to skip them
skip_after_notify :do_mail_something, on: :mailer
# Let's log notifications
class MyDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
after_notify do
# You can access the notification name within the instance
MyLogger.info "Delivery triggered: #{notification_name}"
#=> Delivery triggered: something_wicked_this_way_comes
## Testing
**NOTE:** Currently, only RSpec matchers are provided.
### Deliveries
Active Delivery provides an elegant way to test deliveries in your code (i.e., when you want to check whether a notification has been sent) through a `have_delivered_to` matcher:
it "delivers notification" do
expect { subject }.to have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery, :modified, event)
.with(profile: profile)
You can also use such RSpec features as compound expectations and composed matchers:
it "delivers to RSVPed members via .notify" do
expect { subject }
.to have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery, :canceled, an_instance_of(event)).with(
a_hash_including(profile: another_profile)
).and have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery, :canceled, event).with(
profile: profile
If you want to test that no notification is delivered you can use negation
specify "when event is not found" do
expect do
described_class.perform_now(profile.id, "123", "one_hour_before")
end.not_to have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery)
or use the `#have_not_delivered_to` matcher:
specify "when event is not found" do
expect do
described_class.perform_now(profile.id, "123", "one_hour_before")
end.to have_not_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery)
### Delivery classes
You can test Delivery classes as regular Ruby classes:
describe PostsDelivery do
let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) }
let(:post) { build_stubbed(:post) }
describe "#published" do
it "sends a mail" do
expect {
described_class.published(user, post).deliver_now
}.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1)
mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
expect(mail.to).to eq([user.email])
expect(mail.subject).to eq("New post published")
You can also use the `#deliver_via` matchers as follows:
describe PostsDelivery, type: :delivery do
let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) }
let(:post) { build_stubbed(:post) }
describe "#published" do
it "delivers to mailer and sms" do
expect {
described_class.published(user, post).deliver_later
}.to deliver_via(:mailer, :sms)
context "when user is not subscribed to SMS notifications" do
let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user, sms_notifications: false) }
it "delivers to mailer only" do
expect {
described_class.published(user, post).deliver_now
}.to deliver_via(:mailer)
**NOTE:** test mode activated automatically if `RAILS_ENV` or `RACK_ENV` env variable is equal to "test". Otherwise, add `require "active_delivery/testing/rspec"` to your `spec_helper.rb` / `rails_helper.rb` manually. This is also required if you're using Spring in the test environment (e.g. with help of [spring-commands-rspec](https://github.com/jonleighton/spring-commands-rspec)).
## Custom "lines"
The _Line_ class describes the way you want to _transfer_ your deliveries.
We only provide only Action Mailer _line_ out-of-the-box.
A line connects _delivery_ to the _sender_ class responsible for sending notifications.
If you want to use parameterized deliveries, your _sender_ class must respond to `.with(params)` method.
### A full-featured line example: pigeons 🐦
Assume that we want to send messages via _pigeons_ and we have the following sender class:
class EventPigeon
class << self
# Add `.with` method as an alias
alias_method :with, :new
# delegate delivery action to the instance
def message_arrived(*args)
def initialize(params = {})
# do smth with params
def message_arrived(msg)
# send a pigeon with the message
Now we want to add a _pigeon_ line to our `EventDelivery,` that is we want to send pigeons when
we call `EventDelivery.notify(:message_arrived, "ping-pong!")`.
Line class has the following API:
class PigeonLine < ActiveDelivery::Lines::Base
# This method is used to infer sender class
# `name` is the name of the delivery class
def resolve_class(name)
name.gsub(/Delivery$/, "Pigeon").safe_constantize
# This method should return true if the sender recognizes the delivery action
def notify?(delivery_action)
# `handler_class` is available within the line instance
# Called when we want to send message synchronously
# `sender` here either `sender_class` or `sender_class.with(params)`
# if params passed.
def notify_now(sender, delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
# For example, our EventPigeon class returns some `Pigeon` object
pigeon = sender.public_send(delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
# PigeonLaunchService do all the sending job
PigeonService.launch pigeon
# Called when we want to send a message asynchronously.
# For example, you can use a background job here.
def notify_later(sender, delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
pigeon = sender.public_send(delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
# PigeonLaunchService do all the sending job
PigeonLaunchJob.perform_later pigeon
In the case of parameterized calling, some update needs to be done on the new Line. Here is an example:
class EventPigeon
attr_reader :params
class << self
# Add `.with` method as an alias
alias_method :with, :new
# delegate delivery action to the instance
def message_arrived(*args)
def initialize(params = {})
@params = params
# do smth with params
def message_arrived(msg)
# send a pigeon with the message
class PigeonLine < ActiveDelivery::Lines::Base
def notify_later(sender, delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
# `to_s` is important for serialization. Unless you might have error
PigeonLaunchJob.perform_later sender.class.to_s, delivery_action, *args, **kwargs.merge(params: line.params)
class PigeonLaunchJob < ActiveJob::Base
def perform(sender, delivery_action, *args, params: nil, **kwargs)
klass = sender.safe_constantize
handler = params ? klass.with(**params) : klass.new
handler.public_send(delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
**NOTE**: we fall back to the superclass's sender class if `resolve_class` returns nil.
You can disable automatic inference of sender classes by marking delivery as _abstract_:
# we don't want to use ApplicationMailer by default, don't we?
class ApplicationDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
self.abstract_class = true
The final step is to register the line within your delivery class:
class EventDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
# under the hood a new instance of PigeonLine is created
# and used to send pigeons!
register_line :pigeon, PigeonLine
# you can pass additional options to customize your line
# (and use multiple pigeons lines with different configuration)
# register_line :pigeon, PigeonLine, namespace: "AngryPigeons"
# now you can explicitly specify pigeon class
# pigeon "MyCustomPigeon"
# or define pigeon specific callbacks
# before_notify :ensure_pigeon_is_not_dead, on: :pigeon
You can also _unregister_ a line:
class NonMailerDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
# Use unregister_line to remove any default or inherited lines
unregister_line :mailer
### An example of a universal sender: Action Cable
Although Active Delivery is designed to work with Action Mailer-like abstraction, it's flexible enough to support other use cases.
For example, for some notification channels, we don't need to create a separate class for each resource or context; we can send the payload right to the communication channel. Let's consider an Action Cable line as an example.
For every delivery, we want to broadcast a message via Action Cable to the stream corresponding to the delivery class name. For example:
# Our PostsDelivery example from the beginning
PostsDelivery.with(user:).notify(:published, post)
# Will results in the following Action Cable broadcast:
DeliveryChannel.broadcast_to user, {event: "posts.published", post_id: post.id}
The `ActionCableDeliveryLine` class can be implemented as follows:
class ActionCableDeliveryLine < ActiveDelivery::Line::Base
# Context is our universal sender.
class Context
attr_reader :user
def initialize(scope)
@scope = scope
# User is required for this line
def with(user:, **)
@user = user
# The result of this callback is passed further to the `notify_now` method
def resolve_class(name)
Context.new(name.sub(/Delivery$/, "").underscore)
# We want to broadcast all notifications
def notify?(...) = true
def notify_now(context, delivery_action, *args, **kwargs)
# Skip if no user provided
return unless context.user
payload = {event: [context.scope, delivery_action].join(".")}
payload.merge!(serialized_args(*args, **kwargs))
DeliveryChannel.broadcast_to context.user, payload
# Broadcasts are asynchronous by nature, so we can just use `notify_now`
alias_method :notify_later, :notify_now
def serialized_args(*args, **kwargs)
# Code that convers AR objects into IDs, etc.
## Abstract Notifier
Abstract Notifier is a tool that allows you to describe/model any text-based notifications (such as Push Notifications) the same way Action Mailer does for email notifications.
Abstract Notifier (as the name states) doesn't provide any specific implementation for sending notifications. Instead, it offers tools to organize your notification-specific code and make it easily testable.
### Notifier classes
A **notifier object** is very similar to an Action Mailer's mailer with the `#notification` method used instead of the `#mail` method:
class EventsNotifier < ApplicationNotifier
def canceled(profile, event)
# the only required option is `body`
body: "Event #{event.title} has been canceled",
# all other options are passed to delivery driver
identity: profile.notification_service_id
# send notification later
EventsNotifier.canceled(profile, event).notify_later
# or immediately
EventsNotifier.canceled(profile, event).notify_now
### Delivery drivers
To perform actual deliveries you **must** configure a _delivery driver_:
class ApplicationNotifier < AbstractNotifier::Base
self.driver = MyFancySender.new
A driver could be any callable Ruby object (i.e., anything that responds to `#call`).
That's the developer's responsibility to implement the driver (we do not provide any drivers out-of-the-box; at least yet).
You can set different drivers for different notifiers.
### Parameterized notifiers
Abstract Notifier supports parameterization the same way as [Action Mailer](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Parameterized.html):
class EventsNotifier < ApplicationNotifier
def canceled(event)
body: "Event #{event.title} has been canceled",
identity: params[:profile].notification_service_id
EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_later
### Defaults
You can specify default notification fields at a class level:
class EventsNotifier < ApplicationNotifier
# `category` field will be added to the notification
# if missing
default category: "EVENTS"
# ...
**NOTE**: when subclassing notifiers, default parameters are merged.
You can also specify a block or a method name as the default params _generator_.
This could be useful in combination with the `#notification_name` method to generate dynamic payloads:
class ApplicationNotifier < AbstractNotifier::Base
default :build_defaults_from_locale
def build_defaults_from_locale
subject: I18n.t(notification_name, scope: [:notifiers, self.class.name.underscore])
### Background jobs / async notifications
To use `#notify_later` you **must** configure an async adapter for Abstract Notifier.
We provide an Active Job adapter out of the box and enable it if Active Job is found.
A custom async adapter must implement the `#enqueue` method:
class MyAsyncAdapter
# adapters may accept options
def initialize(options = {})
# `enqueue` method accepts notifier class, action name and notification parameters
def enqueue(notifier_class, action_name, params:, args:, kwargs:)
# To trigger the notification delivery, you can use the following snippet:
# AbstractNotifier::NotificationDelivery.new(
# notifier_class.constantize, action_name, params:, args:, kwargs:
# ).notify_now
# Configure globally
AbstractNotifier.async_adapter = MyAsyncAdapter.new
# or per-notifier
class EventsNotifier < AbstractNotifier::Base
self.async_adapter = MyAsyncAdapter.new
### Action and Delivery Callbacks
**NOTE:** callbacks are only available if ActiveSupport is present in the application's runtime.
# Run method before building a notification payload
# NOTE: when `false` is returned the execution is halted
before_action :do_something
# Run method before delivering notification
# NOTE: when `false` is returned the execution is halted
before_deliver :do_something
# Run method after the notification payload was build but before delivering
after_action :verify_notification_payload
# Run method after the actual delivery was performed
after_deliver :mark_user_as_notified, if: -> { params[:user].present? }
# after_ and around_ callbacks are also supported
after_action_ :cleanup
around_deliver :set_context
# You can also skip callbacks in sub-classes
skip_before_action :do_something, only: %i[some_reminder]
class MyNotifier < AbstractNotifier::Base
# Log sent notifications
after_deliver do
# You can access the notification name within the instance or
MyLogger.info "Notification sent: #{notification_name}"
def some_event(body)
#=> Notification sent: some_event
### Delivery modes
For test/development purposes there are two special _global_ delivery modes:
# Track all sent notifications without peforming real actions.
# Required for using RSpec matchers.
# config/environments/test.rb
AbstractNotifier.delivery_mode = :test
# If you don't want to trigger notifications in development,
# you can make Abstract Notifier no-op.
# config/environments/development.rb
AbstractNotifier.delivery_mode = :noop
# Default delivery mode is "normal"
AbstractNotifier.delivery_mode = :normal
**NOTE:** we set `delivery_mode = :test` if `RAILS_ENV` or `RACK_ENV` env variable is equal to "test".
Otherwise add `require "abstract_notifier/testing"` to your `spec_helper.rb` / `rails_helper.rb` manually.
**NOTE:** delivery mode affects all drivers.
### Testing notifier deliveries
Abstract Notifier provides two convenient RSpec matchers:
# for testing sync notifications (sent with `notify_now`)
expect { EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_now }
.to have_sent_notification(identify: "123", body: "Alarma!")
# for testing async notifications (sent with `notify_later`)
expect { EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_later }
.to have_enqueued_notification(via: EventNotifier, identify: "123", body: "Alarma!")
# you can also specify the expected notifier class (useful when ypu have multiple notifier lines)
expect { EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_now }
.to have_sent_notification(via: EventsNotifier, identify: "123", body: "Alarma!")
Abstract Notifier also provides Minitest assertions:
require "abstract_notifier/testing/minitest"
class EventsNotifierTestCase < Minitest::Test
include AbstractNotifier::TestHelper
test "canceled" do
assert_notifications_sent 1, identify: "321", body: "Alarma!" do
EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_now
assert_notifications_sent 1, via: EventNofitier, identify: "123", body: "Alarma!" do
EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_now
assert_notifications_enqueued 1, via: EventNofitier, identify: "123", body: "Alarma!" do
EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_later
**NOTE:** test mode activated automatically if `RAILS_ENV` or `RACK_ENV` env variable is equal to "test". Otherwise, add `require "abstract_notifier/testing/rspec"` to your `spec_helper.rb` / `rails_helper.rb` manually. This is also required if you're using Spring in a test environment (e.g. with help of [spring-commands-rspec](https://github.com/jonleighton/spring-commands-rspec)).
### Notifier lines for Active Delivery
Abstract Notifier provides a _notifier_ line for Active Delivery:
class ApplicationDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
# Add notifier line to you delivery
# By default, we use `*Delivery` -> `*Notifier` resolution mechanism
register_line :notifier, notifier: true
# You can define a custom suffix to use for notifier classes:
# `*Delivery` -> `*CustomNotifier`
register_line :custom_notifier, notifier: true, suffix: "CustomNotifier"
# Or using a custom pattern
register_line :custom_notifier, notifier: true, resolver_pattern: "%{delivery_name}CustomNotifier"
# Or you can specify a Proc object to do custom resolution:
register_line :some_notifier, notifier: true,
resolver: ->(delivery_class) { resolve_somehow(delivery_class) }
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/palkan/active_delivery.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).