require 'spec_helper' require 'volt/models' class TestItem < Model end class Item < Model end describe Model do it "should allow _ methods to be used to store values without predefining them" do a = a._stash = 'yes' expect(a._stash).to eq('yes') end it "should update other values off the same model" do a = values = [] -> { values << a._name }.watch! expect(values).to eq([nil]) Computation.flush! a._name = 'Bob' Computation.flush! expect(values).to eq([nil, 'Bob']) end it "should say unregistered attributes are nil" do a = b = a._missing == nil expect(b).to eq(true) end it "should negate nil and false correctly" do a = expect((!a._missing)).to eq(true) a._mis1 = nil a._false1 = false expect(!a._mis1).to eq(true) expect(!a._false1).to eq(true) end it "should return a nil model for an underscore value that doesn't exist" do a = expect(a._something.attributes).to eq(nil) end it "should trigger changed once when a new value is assigned." do a = count = 0 -> { a._blue ; count += 1 }.watch! expect(count).to eq(1) a._blue = 'one' Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(2) a._blue = 'two' Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(3) end it "should not trigger changed on other attributes" do a = blue_count = 0 green_count = 0 -> { a._blue ; blue_count += 1 }.watch! -> { a._green ; green_count += 1 }.watch! expect(blue_count).to eq(1) expect(green_count).to eq(1) a._green = 'one' Computation.flush! expect(blue_count).to eq(1) expect(green_count).to eq(2) a._blue = 'two' Computation.flush! expect(blue_count).to eq(2) expect(green_count).to eq(2) end it "should call change through arguments" do a = a._one = 1 a._two = 2 a._three = 3 c = nil count = 0 -> { c = a._one + a._two ; count += 1 }.watch! expect(count).to eq(1) a._two = 5 Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(2) a._one = 6 Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(3) a._three = 7 Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(3) end it 'should update through a normal array' do model = array = [] array << model values = [] -> { values << array[0]._prop }.watch! expect(values).to eq([nil]) model._prop = 'one' Computation.flush! expect(values).to eq([nil, 'one']) end it "should trigger changed for any indicies after a deleted index" do model = model._items << {_name: 'One'} model._items << {_name: 'Two'} model._items << {_name: 'Three'} count = 0 -> { model._items[2] ; count += 1 }.watch! expect(count).to eq(1) model._items.delete_at(1) Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(2) end it "should change the size and length when an item gets added" do model = model._items << {_name: 'One'} size = model._items.size length = model._items.length count_size = 0 count_length = 0 -> { model._items.size ; count_size += 1 }.watch! -> { model._items.length ; count_length += 1 }.watch! expect(count_size).to eq(1) expect(count_length).to eq(1) model._items << {_name: 'Two'} Computation.flush! expect(count_size).to eq(2) expect(count_length).to eq(2) end it "should add doubly nested arrays" do model = model._items << {_name: 'Cool', _lists: []} model._items[0]._lists << {_name: 'worked'} expect(model._items[0]._lists[0]._name).to eq('worked') end it "should make pushed subarrays into ArrayModels" do model = model._items << {_name: 'Test', _lists: []} expect(model._items[0]._lists.class).to eq(ArrayModel) end it "should make assigned subarrays into ArrayModels" do model = model._item._name = 'Test' model._item._lists = [] expect(model._item._lists.class).to eq(ArrayModel) end it "should call changed when a the reference to a submodel is assigned to another value" do a = count = 0 -> { a._blue && a._blue.respond_to?(:_green) && a._blue._green ; count += 1 }.watch! expect(count).to eq(1) a._blue._green = 5 Computation.flush! # TODO: Should equal 2 expect(count).to eq(2) a._blue = 22 Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(3) a._blue = {_green: 50} expect(a._blue._green).to eq(50) Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(4) end it "should trigger changed when a value is deleted" do a = count = 0 -> { a._blue ; count += 1 }.watch! expect(count).to eq(1) a._blue = 1 Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(2) a.delete(:_blue) Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(3) end it "should let you append nested hashes" do a = a._items << {_name: {_text: 'Name'}} expect(a._items[0]._name._text).to eq('Name') end it "should not call added too many times" do a = a._list << 1 count = 0 a._list.on('added') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) a._list << 2 expect(count).to eq(1) end it "should propigate to different branches" do a = count = 0 -> do count += 1 a._new_item._name! expect(count).to eq(1) a._new_item._name = 'Testing' Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(2) end describe "paths" do it "should store the path" do a = expect(a._test.path).to eq([:_test]) a._test = {_name: 'Yes'} expect(a._test.path).to eq([:_test]) a._items << {_name: 'Yes'} expect(a._items.path).to eq([:_items]) expect(a._items[0].path).to eq([:_items, :[]]) end it "should store the paths when assigned" do a = a._items = [{_name: 'Cool'}] expect(a._items.path).to eq([:_items]) expect(a._items[0].path).to eq([:_items, :[]]) end it "should handle nested paths" do a = a._items << {_name: 'Cool', _lists: [{_name: 'One'}, {_name: 'Two'}]} expect(a._items[0]._lists.path).to eq([:_items, :[], :_lists]) expect(a._items[0]._lists[1].path).to eq([:_items, :[], :_lists, :[]]) end it "should trigger added when added" do a = count = 0 b = a._items b.on('added') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) b << {_name: 'one'} b << {_name: 'two'} expect(count).to eq(2) end end it "should trigger on false assign" do a = count = 0 -> { count += 1 ; a._complete }.watch! expect(count).to eq(1) a._complete = true Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(2) a._complete = false Computation.flush! expect(count).to eq(3) end it "should delete from an ArrayModel" do array =[]) array << {_name: 'One'} array << {_name: 'Two'} array << {_name: 'Three'} expect(array.size).to eq(3) expect(array.index(array[0])).to eq(0) array.delete(array[0]) expect(array.size).to eq(2) expect(array[0]._name).to eq('Two') end it "should compare true" do a ={_name: 'Cool'}) expect(a == a).to eq(true) end it "should do index" do a = [{name: 'One'}, {name: 'Two'}, {name: 'Three'}] expect(a.index(a[1])).to eq(1) end it "should convert to a hash, and unwrap all of the way down" do a = a._items << {_name: 'Test1', _other: {_time: 'Now'}} a._items << {_name: 'Test2', _other: {_time: 'Later'}} item1 = a._items[0].to_h expect(item1[:_name]).to eq('Test1') expect(item1[:_other][:_time]).to eq('Now') all_items = a._items.to_a a = [ {:_name => "Test1", :_other => {:_time => "Now"}}, {:_name => "Test2", :_other => {:_time => "Later"}} ] expect(all_items).to eq(a) end describe "model paths" do before do @model = end it "should set the model path" do @model._object._name = 'Test' expect(@model._object.path).to eq([:_object]) end it "should set the model path for a sub array" do @model._items << {_name: 'Bob'} expect(@model._items.path).to eq([:_items]) expect(@model._items[0].path).to eq([:_items, :[]]) end it "should set the model path for sub sub arrays" do @model._lists << {_name: 'List 1', _items: []} expect(@model._lists[0]._items.path).to eq([:_lists, :[], :_items]) end it "should update the path when added from a model instance to a collection" do test_item = @model._items << test_item expect(@model._items[0].path).to eq([:_items, :[]]) end end describe "persistors" do it "should setup a new instance of the persistor with self" do persistor = double('persistor') expect(persistor).to receive(:new) @model =, persistor: persistor) end end if RUBY_PLATFORM != 'opal' describe "class loading" do it 'should load classes for models' do $page = $page.add_model('Item') @model = # Should return a buffer of the right type expect(@model._items.buffer.class).to eq(Item) # Should insert as the right type @model._items << {_name: 'Item 1'} expect(@model._items[0].class).to eq(Item) end end end end