module Saasable::Mongoid::SaasDocument @saas_document = nil def self.included klass if @saas_document and != raise Saasable::Errors::MultipleSaasDocuments, "you can only have one Saasable::SaasDocument" else @saas_document = klass end klass.extend ClassMethods klass.send(:include, InstanceMethods) klass.class_eval do # Fields field :hosts, :type => Array # Validations validates_uniqueness_of :hosts end end def self.saas_document @saas_document end module InstanceMethods def activate! Saasable::Mongoid::ScopedDocument.scoped_documents.each do |klass| # Create a default scope without messing with the ones already in place. klass.default_scoping ||= {} klass.default_scoping[:where] ||= {:saas_id => nil} klass.default_scoping[:where][:saas_id] = self._id klass.class_eval "field :saas_id, :type => BSON::ObjectId, :default => BSON::ObjectId(\"#{self._id}\")" end end end module ClassMethods def find_by_host! a_host if Saasable::Mongoid::SaasDocument.saas_document.nil? if Rails.env.production? raise Saasable::Errors::NoSaasDocuments, "you need to set one Saasable::SaasDocument" else return nil end end possible_saas = Saasable::Mongoid::SaasDocument.saas_document.where(:hosts => a_host) if possible_saas.empty? raise Saasable::Errors::SaasNotFound, "no #{} found for the host: \"#{a_host}\"" elsif possible_saas.count > 1 raise Saasable::Errors::MultipleSaasFound, "more then 1 #{} found for the host: \"#{a_host}\"" else return possible_saas.first end end end end