gem: rack
cve: 2018-16470
url: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ruby-security-ann/Dz4sRl-ktKk
title: Possible DoS vulnerability in Rack
date: 2018-11-05

description: |
  There is a possible DoS vulnerability in the multipart parser in Rack. This
  vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2018-16470.

  Versions Affected:  2.0.4, 2.0.5
  Not affected:       <= 2.0.3
  Fixed Versions:     2.0.6

  There is a possible DoS vulnerability in the multipart parser in Rack.
  Carefully crafted requests can cause the multipart parser to enter a
  pathological state, causing the parser to use CPU resources disproportionate to
  the request size.

  Impacted code can look something like this:


  But any code that uses the multi-part parser may be vulnerable.

  Rack users that have manually adjusted the buffer size in the multipart parser
  may be vulnerable as well.

  All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one of the
  workarounds immediately.

  The 2.0.6 release is available at the normal locations.

  To work around this issue, the following code can be used:

  require "rack/multipart/parser"

  Rack::Multipart::Parser.send :remove_const, :BUFSIZE
  Rack::Multipart::Parser.const_set :BUFSIZE, 16384

  - "<= 2.0.3"

  - ">= 2.0.6"