# IFM Map for "Curses" by Graham Nelson # This file written by Dave Chapeskie # # $Id: curses.ifm,v 1.4 2003/01/11 21:29:21 dchapes Exp $ # # Note: not finished or updated to use IFM 2.0 features title "Curses"; # Starting items item "torch" tag torch keep; # XXX these items are really picked up somewhere item "medicine bottle" tag medicine; ######################################################################## map "House/Attic Area"; room "Attic" tag Attic start; item "teachest"; item "History of the Meldrews" tag history_book hidden keep need sack; room "Servants Room" tag ServantsRoom dir e join Premonition; item "bed"; item "dictionary"; item "scarf" tag scarf; task "lie on bed and sleep" tag ServantsSleep goto Premonition; room "Old Furniture" dir s from Attic; item "cupboard"; item "gift wrapped parcel" tag parcel hidden lost need sack; task "open parcel" tag O_parcel need parcel give chocolates postcard note "reveals box of chocolates and a postcard"; item "box of chocolates" tag chocolates hidden lost; item "postcard" tag postcard hidden; room "Over East Wing" tag OverEastWing dir se; room "East Annex" tag EastAnnex dir e; item "insulation rolls"; task "search rolls" tag XX_rolls after Wear_gloves; item "new battery" tag new_battery after XX_rolls keep; task "put new battery in torch" tag Fix_torch need new_battery torch in any; room "Inside Cupboard" dir n after Fix_torch style special puzzle join Cupboard; room "Dead End" tag DeadEnd dir s from EastAnnex; item "rucksack" tag sack keep; task "push south wall" tag Push_s_wall after X_cross; room "Alison's Room" dir s style special after Push_s_wall; task "put flag on bed" tag Put_flag need flag; task "sleep" after Put_flag; room "Tiny Balcony" dir s; room "Dark Room" dir w from OverEastWing; item "flash"; item "photograph"; item "hanging cord"; task "pull cord" tag On_light need postcard; task "read postcard" tag R_postcard need postcard after On_light; room "Disused Observatory" tag Obs dir s from OverEastWing; item "glass ball"; task "clean glass ball" tag Clean_glassball after UL_hatch; #not really task "set off alarm" tag FireAlarm after Proj_fool; room "Library" dir w after Clean_glassball; #not really item "pipes"; item "romance novel" tag novel; item "poetry" tag poetry; task "fix pipes" need wrench get novel poetry; task "read poetry" need poetry goto UnrealCity;# in any; room "Souvenir Room" tag Projector dir s from Obs; item "slide projector"; task "turn on projector"; task "turn the dial"; task "put Ace of Cups in projector" need AceOfCups goto Cup1; task "put Fool in Projector" tag Proj_fool; room "" tag ThroughProjector dir s oneway style special puzzle; room "Old Winery" tag OldWinery dir n from Attic; item "demijohn"; item "tourist map" after O_demijohn; item "red battery" after O_demijohn; task "open demijogn" tag O_demijohn after Wear_gloves need sack; room "Jemima's Lair" tag JemimaLair dir w exit sw; item "calendar"; task "turn radio on" tag On_radio after Push_radio; task "examine calendar" tag X_calendar note "Merlyn's hat is YELLOW" need chocolates; #not really room "Airing Cupboard" dir s; item "sheets"; task "examine sheets" tag X_sheets note "reveals radio"; item "radio" tag radio hidden; task "push radio north" tag Push_radio after X_sheets; room "Potting Room" dir w from JemimaLair; item "Jemima"; item "gloves" tag gloves keep; task "wait for music" tag Z_music after On_radio note "Jemima needs to be distracted"; task "wear gloves" tag Wear_gloves need gloves in any after Z_music; task "give chocolates to Jemima" tag G_chocolates need chocolates after X_calendar; task "ask for yellow daisy chain" tag Ask_yellow after G_chocolates; item "yellow daisy chain" tag daisy after Ask_yellow; task "wear yellow daisy chain" tag W_daisy need daisy in any; room "Storage Room" dir e from OldWinery need sack; #not really item "wrench" tag wrench; room "Dumbwaiter" tag DumbTop dir e ne e go in; item "chicken bone" tag bone lost; room "Dumbwaiter" tag DumbBot dir s s style special oneway; room "Dumbwaiter" tag DumbMid dir ne style special oneway; link DumbMid to DumbTop style special oneway; # Basement Area room "Cellars" tag Cellars dir s from DumbBot go out; item "robot mouse" tag mouse; room "Cellar West" tag CellarWest dir w exit nw; item "iron door"; room "Hellish Place" dir s; item "demon"; room "Cellars South" dir s from Cellars; item "small hole"; task "command mouse to get key" need mouse get brass_key; item "brass key" tag brass_key hidden; room "Wine Cellars" tag WineCellar dir e from Cellars; room "Dark Shaft" dir n from DumbMid go out; task "wear gas mask" tag Wear_gasmask need gas_mask;# in any; room "Dark Passage" tag DarkPassage dir n; task "unlock door" tag UL_door need brass_key after Wear_gasmask; # Garden Area behind house room "Garden Stream" tag GardenStream dir n from DarkPassage style special after UL_door; task "remove gas mask" need gas_mask after UL_door;# in any; room "Beside the Wall" tag BesideWall dir e; link BesideWall to WineCellar dir s s s s oneway style special; room "Family Tree" tag FamilyTree dir nw from GardenStream; room "Up the Tree" dir nw go up; task "examine maze" tag X_maze note "empty space in se corner"; room "Clearing" tag Clearing dir w from FamilyTree; room "Garage" dir w; item "roller"; item "spade"; item "weed killer"; room "Vegtable Garden" dir s from Clearing; item "bean plant"; room "Lawn Ornaments" dir e from FamilyTree; room "Mosaic" tag Mosaic dir e; room "Maze" dir n n from FamilyTree style puzzle special after X_maze; room "View Point Lodge" dir w; item "miniature" tag miniature; # Area beside house room "Beside Drive" dir e e from DeadEnd go down style special after FireAlarm; room "Public Footpath" tag Footpath dir ne ne ne n n n ne; room "Hollow" tag Hollow dir w go down; link Hollow to Mosaic oneway; # dir nw; room "Stone Cross" dir n from Footpath exit n; task "examine cross" tag X_cross; room "Sandstone Passage" dir e e e from DarkPassage style special; room "The Octagon" dir e; room "White Hallway" tag WhiteHall dir se; room "Halfway up Stairs" dir n go up; room "Servants Room" dir n go up style puzzle join ServantsRoom; room "Bricked Path" dir ne from WhiteHall; room "Hedgery" tag Hedgery dir e; room "Croquet Lawn" dir e; room "Summer House" dir n from Hedgery; ######################################################################## map "Premonition"; room "Premonition" tag Premonition; room "Tent" dir e; room "Shrine" dir n; item "mascot" tag mascot; task "examine mascot" tag X_mascot need mascot note "just to hear a magic word"; room "Camp Fire" dir sw from Premonition; room "Near Dolmen" dir e; task "wake up" goto ServantsRoom after X_mascot; ######################################################################## map "Inside Cupboard"; room "Inside Cupboard" tag Cupboard; item "painting of Mad Isaac" tag painting; item "gas mask" tag gas_mask need sack; task "turn crank" tag O_roof after UL_door; #not really task "put brass key and torch in fireplace and drop all" tag Prep_Fireplace need brass_key torch after G_bone; room "Fireplace" dir e after Prep_Fireplace; room "Priest's Hole" dir s go down oneway style special; item "stick"; item "key" tag key hidden; task "Get all" tag Get_all give key; task "unlock hatch" tag UL_hatch need brass_key after Get_all; room "Cellar West" tag PseudoCellarWest dir e oneway after UL_hatch style special puzzle; join PseudoCellarWest to CellarWest oneway; task "go back to cupboard and get all" goto Cupboard; room "Roof" dir n from Cupboard exit s after O_roof; room "Battlements" dir nw; item "key"; task "Get key" tag G_key note "Joshua apears"; task "give chick bone to Joshua" tag G_bone need bone after G_key note "key falls down fireplace"; ######################################################################## map "Unreal City"; room "Unreal City" tag UnrealCity; room "Near Ring Road" dir e; room "Chatelet-les-Halles" dir s go down; item "Anton"; room "Shadowy Hallway" tag ShadowyHall dir n from UnrealCity; room "Bohemia" dir e; item "mural"; task "examine mural"; room "Consulting Room" dir n from ShadowyHall go up; item "push bell"; item "tarrot cards"; item "the Fool" tag fool hidden after Push_bell1; task "push bell" tag Push_bell1 goto UnrealCity; room "Down by the River" dir w from UnrealCity; item "silk handkerchief" tag hanky need fool; #not really task "wave hanky" tag Wave_hanky need hanky; room "Boat" dir w go in style special after Wave_hanky; item "Ace of Cups" tag AceOfCups hidden given; task "say time" goto GardenStream;# get AceOfCups; room "Garden Stream" dir n oneway join GardenStream style special puzzle; ######################################################################## map "Museum"; join ThroughProjector to MuseumFoyer oneway; room "Museum Foyer" tag MuseumFoyer exit s; room "Revolving Door (?)" tag RevDoor dir ne; link RevDoor to RevDoor dir n e s oneway; ######################################################################## map "Ace of Cups card"; join ThroughProjector to Cup1 oneway; room "store room" tag Cup1; item "crates"; item "mounted bottle" tag bottle; task "search crates" get ship; item "model ship" tag ship hidden; task "pull anchor and put ship in bottle" tag Ship_in_Bottle need bottle ship; task "examine ship" after Ship_in_Bottle goto Ship; map "On board the Ship"; join Cup1 to Ship oneway; room "ship" tag Ship; item "flag" tag flag hidden after Parachute lost; item "timber" tag timber hidden after Parachute lost; room "mast" dir nw go up; item "flag"; task "grab flag" tag G_flag; task "go port" tag Parachute after G_flag goto Ship; room "fore" dir n from Ship; item "green branch" tag branch; room "aft" dir s from Ship; item "wheel"; item "anchor"; task "turn wheel" tag Turn_wheel need flag timber branch; #not really task "go down anchor" after Turn_wheel goto Projector; # EOF