module Samuel class Request attr_accessor :response def initialize(http, request, proc) @http, @request, @proc = http, request, proc end def perform_and_log! # If an exception is raised in the Benchmark block, it'll interrupt the # benchmark. Instead, use an inner block to record it as the "response" # for raising after the benchmark (and logging) is done. @seconds = Benchmark.realtime do begin; @response =; rescue Exception => @response; end end Samuel.logger.add(log_level, log_message) raise @response if @response.is_a?(Exception) end private def log_message bold = "\e[1m" blue = "\e[34m" underline = "\e[4m" reset = "\e[0m" " #{bold}#{blue}#{underline}#{label} request (#{milliseconds}ms) " + "#{response_summary}#{reset} #{method} #{uri}" end def milliseconds (@seconds * 1000).round end def uri "#{scheme}://#{@http.address}#{port_if_not_default}#{filtered_path}" end def filtered_path path_without_query, query = @request.path.split("?") if query patterns = [Samuel.config[:filtered_params]].flatten { |pattern| pattern_for_regex = Regexp.escape(pattern.to_s) [/([^&]*#{pattern_for_regex}[^&=]*)=(?:[^&]+)/, '\1=[FILTERED]'] }.each { |filter| query.gsub!(*filter) } "#{path_without_query}?#{query}" else @request.path end end def scheme @http.use_ssl? ? "https" : "http" end def port_if_not_default ssl, port = @http.use_ssl?, @http.port if (!ssl && port == 80) || (ssl && port == 443) "" else ":#{port}" end end def method @request.method.to_s.upcase end def label return Samuel.config[:label] if Samuel.config[:label] pair = Samuel.config[:labels].detect { |domain, label| @http.address.include?(domain) } pair[1] if pair end def response_summary if response.is_a?(Exception) response.class else "[#{response.code} #{response.message}]" end end def log_level error_classes = [Exception, Net::HTTPClientError, Net::HTTPServerError] if error_classes.any? { |klass| response.is_a?(klass) } level = Logger::WARN else level = Logger::INFO end end end end