#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'json' require 'optparse' require 'push_package' # $> push_package --website-json=./website.json --iconset=~/project/iconset --certificate=./Certificate.p12 --output-dir=./ options = {} options_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: push_package [options]' opts.on('-w', '--website-json required', 'The path to the file containing the website.json') do |opt| options[:website_json_path] = opt end opts.on('-i', '--iconset-path required', 'The path to the directory containing the iconset') do |opt| options[:iconset_path] = opt end opts.on('-c', '--certificate required', 'The path to the p12 file that will be used to sign the manifest.json') do |opt| options[:certificate_path] = opt end opts.on('-o', '--output-dir optional', 'The desired output path for the pushPackage.zip file') do |opt| options[:output_directory] = opt end end options_parser.parse! # check the required options [:website_json_path, :certificate_path].each do |opt| unless File.file?(options[opt].to_s) puts options_parser.help exit 1 end end unless File.directory?(options[:iconset_path].to_s) puts options_parser.help exit 1 end options[:output_directory] = `pwd`.strip unless options[:output_directory] website_params = JSON.load(File.open(options[:website_json_path], 'r')) packager = PushPackage.new(website_params, options[:iconset_path], options[:certificate_path]) packager.save(options[:output_directory] + '/pushPackage.zip')