module Instagram class Client # Defines methods related to media items module Media # Returns extended information of a given media item # # @overload media_item(id) # @param user [Integer] An Instagram media item ID # @return [Hashie::Mash] The requested media item. # @example Return extended information for media item 1234 # Instagram.media_item(1324) # @format :json # @authenticated false unless requesting media from a protected user # # If getting this data of a protected user, you must authenticate (and be allowed to see that user). # @rate_limited true # @see def media_item(*args) id = args.first || "self" response = get("media/#{id}") response end # Returns extended information of a given media item # # @overload media_shortcode(shortcode) # @param shortcode [String] An Instagram media item shortcode # @return [Hashie::Mash] The requested media item. # @example Return extended information for media item with shortcode 'D' # Instagram.media_shortcode('D') # @format none # @authenticated false unless requesting media from a protected user # # If getting this data of a protected user, you must authenticate (and be allowed to see that user). # @rate_limited true # @see def media_shortcode(*args) shortcode = args.first response = get("media/shortcode/#{shortcode}", {}, false, false, true) response end # Returns a list of the overall most popular media # # @overload media_popular(options={}) # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @return [Hashie::Mash] # @example Returns a list of the overall most popular media # Instagram.media_popular # @see # @format :json # @authenticated false unless requesting it from a protected user # # If getting this data of a protected user, you must authenticate (and be allowed to see that user). # @rate_limited true def media_popular(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} id = args.first || "self" response = get("media/popular", options) response end # Returns media items within proximity of given lat,lng # # @param lat [String] A given latitude in decimal format # @param lng [String] A given longitude in decimal format # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :count The number of media items to retrieve. # @return [Hashie::Mash] A list of matching media # @example Return media around 37.7808851, -122.3948632 (164 S Park, SF, CA USA) # Instagram.media_search("37.7808851", "-122.3948632") # @see # @format :json # @authenticated false # @rate_limited true def media_search(lat, lng, options = {}) response = get("media/search", options.merge(lat: lat, lng: lng)) response end end end end