#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any # kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software # code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that # you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software # code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against the author # with respect to your use of this software code. # (c) 2007 s3sync.net # module S3sync $S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE = (ENV["S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE"] or '/etc/mime.types') $S3SYNC_VERSION = '1.3.1' # always look "here" for include files (thanks aktxyz) $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "../lib/") require 'getoptlong' # require 'generator' # http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/generator/rdoc/classes/Generator.html unless defined?(Enumerator) require "enumerator" Enumerator = Enumerable::Enumerator end # require 's3sync/thread_generator' # memory doesn't leak with this one, at least nothing near as bad require 'digest/md5' require 'tempfile' require 's3sync' $S3syncDirString = '{E40327BF-517A-46e8-A6C3-AF51BC263F59}' $S3syncDirTag = 'd66759af42f282e1ba19144df2d405d0' $S3syncDirFile = Tempfile.new("s3sync") $S3syncDirFile.puts $S3syncDirString $S3syncDirFile.close # not final; we need this file again to 'put' directory nodes if $S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE and FileTest.exist?($S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE) File.open($S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE, 'r') do |f| $mimeTypes = {} f.each_line do |l| if l =~ /^(\w\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/ type = $1 exts = $2.split exts.each do |e| $mimeTypes[e.to_s] = type.to_s end end end end end def S3sync.main # ---------- OPTIONS PROCESSING ---------- # $S3syncOptions = Hash.new optionsParser = GetoptLong.new( [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--ssl', '-s', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--recursive','-r', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--public-read','-p', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--delete', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--dryrun', '-n', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--debug', '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--memory', '-m', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--progress', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--expires', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--cache-control', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--exclude', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--gzip', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--key', '-k', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--secret', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--make-dirs', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--no-md5', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ] ) def S3sync.usage(message = nil) $stderr.puts message if message name = $0.split('/').last $stderr.puts <<-ENDUSAGE #{name} [options] <source> <destination>\t\tversion #{$S3SYNC_VERSION} --help -h --verbose -v --dryrun -n --ssl -s --recursive -r --delete --public-read -p --expires="<exp>" --cache-control="<cc>" --exclude="<regexp>" --progress --debug -d --key -k --secret -s --make-dirs --no-md5 --gzip One of <source> or <destination> must be of S3 format, the other a local path. Reminders: * An S3 formatted item with bucket 'mybucket' and prefix 'mypre' looks like: mybucket:mypre/some/key/name * Local paths should always use forward slashes '/' even on Windows * Whether you use a trailing slash on the source path makes a difference. * For examples see README. ENDUSAGE exit end #usage begin optionsParser.each {|opt, arg| $S3syncOptions[opt] = (arg || true)} rescue StandardError usage # the parser already printed an error message end usage if $S3syncOptions['--help'] $S3syncOptions['--verbose'] = true if $S3syncOptions['--dryrun'] or $S3syncOptions['--debug'] or $S3syncOptions['--progress'] $S3syncOptions['--ssl'] = true if $S3syncOptions['--ssl'] # change from "" to true to appease s3 port chooser if $S3syncOptions['--key'] $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = $S3syncOptions['--key'] end if $S3syncOptions['--secret'] $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = $S3syncOptions['--secret'] end # ---------- CONNECT ---------- # S3sync::s3trySetup # ---------- PREFIX PROCESSING ---------- # def S3sync.s3Prefix?(pre) # allow for dos-like things e.g. C:\ to be treated as local even with colon pre.include?(':') and not pre.match('^[A-Za-z]:[\\\\/]') end sourcePrefix, destinationPrefix = ARGV usage("You didn't set up your environment variables; see README.txt") if not($AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) usage('Need a source and a destination') if sourcePrefix == nil or destinationPrefix == nil usage('Both arguments can\'t be on S3') if s3Prefix?(sourcePrefix) and s3Prefix?(destinationPrefix) usage('One argument must be on S3') if !s3Prefix?(sourcePrefix) and !s3Prefix?(destinationPrefix) # so we can modify them sourcePrefix, destinationPrefix = sourcePrefix.dup, destinationPrefix.dup # handle trailing slash for source properly if(sourcePrefix !~ %r{/$}) # no slash on end of source means we need to append the last src dir to dst prefix # testing for empty isn't good enough here.. needs to be "empty apart from potentially having 'bucket:'" slash = (destinationPrefix.empty? or destinationPrefix.match(%r{:$}))? "" : "/" # not good enough.. sometimes this coughs up the bucket as a prefix destinationPrefix.replace(destinationPrefix + slash + sourcePrefix.split(/(?:\/|:)/).last) # take everything at the end after a slash or colon destinationPrefix.replace(destinationPrefix + slash + %r{([^/:]*)$}.match(sourcePrefix)[1]) end # no trailing slash on dest, ever. destinationPrefix.sub!(%r{/$}, "") # don't repeat slashes sourcePrefix.squeeze!('/') destinationPrefix.squeeze!('/') # here's where we find out what direction we're going sourceIsS3 = s3Prefix?(sourcePrefix) # alias these variables to the other strings (in ruby = does not make copies of strings) s3Prefix = sourceIsS3 ? sourcePrefix : destinationPrefix localPrefix = sourceIsS3 ? destinationPrefix : sourcePrefix # canonicalize the S3 stuff s3Bucket = (/^(.*?):/.match(s3Prefix))[1] s3Prefix.replace((/:(.*)$/.match(s3Prefix))[1]) debug("s3Prefix #{s3Prefix}") $S3SyncOriginalS3Prefix = s3Prefix.dup # canonicalize the local stuff # but that can kill a trailing slash, which we need to preserve long enough to know whether we mean "the dir" or "its contents" # it will get re-stripped by the local generator after expressing this knowledge localTrailingSlash = localPrefix.match(%r{/$}) localPrefix.replace(File.expand_path(localPrefix)) localPrefix += '/' if localTrailingSlash debug("localPrefix #{localPrefix}") # used for exclusion parsing $S3SyncOriginalLocalPrefix = localPrefix.dup # exclude preparation # we don't want to build then throw away this regexp for each node in the universe; do it once globally $S3SyncExclude = Regexp.new($S3syncOptions['--exclude']) if $S3syncOptions['--exclude'] # ---------- GENERATORS ---------- # # a generator that will return the files/dirs of the local tree one by one # sorted and decorated for easy comparison with the S3 tree localTree = Enumerator.new do |g| def S3sync.localTreeRecurse(g, prefix, path) debug("localTreeRecurse #{prefix} #{path}") #if $S3syncOptions['--memory'] # $stderr.puts "Starting local recurse" # stats = ostats stats #end d = nil begin slash = prefix.empty? ? "" : "/" d = Dir.new(prefix + slash + path) rescue Errno::ENOENT # ok the dir doesn't exist at all (this only really occurs for the root i.e. first dir) return nil rescue Errno::EACCES # vista won't even let us touch some stuff in our own profile return nil end # do some pre-processing # the following sleight of hand is to make the recursion match the way s3 sorts # take for example the directory 'foo' and the file 'foo.bar' # when we encounter the dir we would want to recurse into it # but S3 would just say 'period < slash' and sort 'foo.bar' between the dir node # and the contents in that 'dir' # # so the solution is to not recurse into the directory until the point where # it would come up "next" in the S3 list # We have to do these hoops on the local side, because we have very little control # over how S3 will return its results toAdd = Array.new d.each do |name| slash = path.empty? ? "" : "/" partialPath = path + slash + name slash = prefix.empty? ? "" : "/" fullPath = prefix + slash + partialPath if name == "." or name == ".." # skip else # add a dir node if appropriate debug("Test #{fullPath}") if ((not FileTest.symlink?(fullPath)) and FileTest.directory?(fullPath)) and $S3syncOptions['--recursive'] debug("Adding it as a dir node") toAdd.push(name + '/') # always trail slash here for sorting purposes (removed below with rindex test) end end end dItems = d.collect.to_a + toAdd d.close d = toAdd = nil dItems.sort! #aws says we will get alpha sorted results but ruby doesn't dItems.each do |name| isDirNode = false if name.rindex('/') == name.length-1 name = name.slice(0...name.length-1) isDirNode = true debug("#{name} is a dir node") end slash = path.empty? ? "" : "/" partialPath = path + slash + name slash = prefix.empty? ? "" : "/" fullPath = prefix + slash + partialPath excludePath = fullPath.slice($S3SyncOriginalLocalPrefix.length...fullPath.length) if name == "." or name == ".." # skip elsif $S3SyncExclude and $S3SyncExclude.match(excludePath) debug("skipping local item #{excludePath} because of --exclude") elsif isDirNode localTreeRecurse(g, prefix, partialPath) else # a normal looking node we should try to process debug("local item #{fullPath}") g.yield(LocalNode.new(prefix, partialPath)) end end #if $S3syncOptions['--memory'] # $stderr.puts "Ending local recurse" # stats = ostats stats #end end # a bit of a special case for local, since "foo/" and "foo" are essentially treated the same by file systems # so we need to think harder about what the user really meant in the command line. localPrefixTrim = localPrefix if localPrefix !~ %r{/$} # no trailing slash, so yield the root itself first, then recurse if appropriate # gork this is still not quite good enough.. if local is the dest then we don't know whether s3 will have a root dir node yielded a priori, so we can't know whether to do this. only matters for --erase though g.yield(LocalNode.new(localPrefixTrim, "")) # technically we should check this for exclusion, but excluding the root node is kind of senseless.. and that would be a pain to set up here localTreeRecurse(g, localPrefixTrim, "") if $S3syncOptions['--recursive'] else # trailing slash, so ignore the root itself, and just go into the first level localPrefixTrim.sub!(%r{/$}, "") # strip the slash because of how we do local node slash accounting in the recurse above localTreeRecurse(g, localPrefixTrim, "") end end # a generator that will return the nodes in the S3 tree one by one # sorted and decorated for easy comparison with the local tree s3Tree = Enumerator.new do |g| def S3sync.s3TreeRecurse(g, bucket, prefix, path) if $S3syncOptions['--memory'] $stderr.puts "Starting S3 recurse" GC.start stats = ostats stats end $stderr.puts "s3TreeRecurse #{bucket} #{prefix} #{path}" if $S3syncOptions['--debug'] nextPage = true marker = '' while nextPage do fullPrefix = prefix + path debug("nextPage: #{marker}") if marker != '' options = {} options['prefix'] = fullPrefix # start at the right depth options['delimiter'] = '/' # only one dir at a time please options['max-keys'] = '200' # use manageable chunks options['marker'] = marker unless marker == '' d = S3sync.S3try(:list_bucket, bucket, options) $stderr.puts "S3 ERROR: #{d.http_response}" unless d.http_response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess # the 'directories' and leaf nodes are in two separate collections # because a dir will never have the same name as a node, we can just shove them together and sort # it's important to evaluate them alphabetically for efficient comparison to the local tree tItems = d.entries + d.common_prefix_entries tItems.sort! do |a,b| aName = a.respond_to?('key') ? a.key : a.prefix bName = b.respond_to?('key') ? b.key : b.prefix # the full path will be returned, efficient to ignore the part we know will be in common aName.slice(fullPrefix.length..aName.length) <=> bName.slice(fullPrefix.length..bName.length) end # get rid of the big s3 objects asap, just save light-weight nodes and strings items = tItems.collect do |item| if item.respond_to?('key') key = item.key.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") Node.new(key, item.size, item.etag, item.last_modified) else item.prefix.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") end end nextPage = d.properties.is_truncated marker = (d.properties.next_marker)? d.properties.next_marker : ((d.entries.length > 0)? d.entries.last.key : '') # get this into native char set (because when we feed it back to s3 that's what it will expect) marker = marker.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") tItems = nil d = nil # get rid of this before recursing; it's big item = nil GC.start # not sure but I think yielding before doing this is causing evil closure bloat items.each do |item| if not (item.kind_of? String) # this is an item excludePath = item.name.slice($S3SyncOriginalS3Prefix.length...item.name.length) if $S3SyncExclude and $S3SyncExclude.match(excludePath) debug("skipping S3 item #{excludePath} due to --exclude") else debug("S3 item #{item.name}") g.yield(S3Node.new(bucket, prefix, item)) end else # it's a prefix (i.e. there are sub keys) partialPath = item.slice(prefix.length..item.length) # will have trailing slash excludePath = item.slice($S3SyncOriginalS3Prefix.length...item.length) # recurse if $S3SyncExclude and $S3SyncExclude.match(excludePath) debug("skipping prefix #{excludePath} due to --exclude") else debug("prefix found: #{partialPath}") s3TreeRecurse(g, bucket, prefix, partialPath) if $S3syncOptions['--recursive'] end end end items = nil end # of while nextPage if $S3syncOptions['--memory'] $stderr.puts "Ending S3 recurse" GC.start stats = ostats stats end end # this will yield the root node first and then recurse s3TreeRecurse(g, s3Bucket, s3Prefix, "") end # alias the tree objects so we don't care below which direction the transfer is going if sourceIsS3 sourceTree, destinationTree = s3Tree, localTree else sourceTree, destinationTree = localTree, s3Tree end # ---------- COMPARATOR ---------- # # run the comparison engine and act according to what we find for each check nodesToDelete = Array.new # a stack. have to delete in reverse order of normal create/update processing sourceNode = sourceTree.next rescue nil destinationNode = destinationTree.next rescue nil while sourceNode or destinationNode do debug("source: #{sourceNode.name}") if sourceNode debug("dest: #{destinationNode.name}") if destinationNode if (!destinationNode) or (sourceNode and (sourceNode.name < destinationNode.name)) dNode = if sourceNode.kind_of? LocalNode S3Node.new(s3Bucket, s3Prefix, sourceNode.name) else LocalNode.new(localPrefix, sourceNode.name) end puts "Create node #{sourceNode.name}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose'] dNode.updateFrom(sourceNode) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun'] sourceNode = sourceNode.nil? ? nil : sourceTree.next rescue nil elsif (!sourceNode) or (destinationNode and (sourceNode.name > destinationNode.name)) $stderr.puts "Source does not have #{destinationNode.name}" if $S3syncOptions['--debug'] if $S3syncOptions['--delete'] if destinationNode.directory? # have to wait nodesToDelete.push(destinationNode) else puts "Remove node #{destinationNode.name}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose'] destinationNode.delete unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun'] end end destinationNode = destinationNode.nil? ? nil : destinationTree.next rescue nil elsif sourceNode.name == destinationNode.name if (sourceNode.size != destinationNode.size) or (($S3syncOptions['--no-md5'])? (sourceNode.date > destinationNode.date) : (sourceNode.tag != destinationNode.tag)) puts "Update node #{sourceNode.name}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose'] destinationNode.updateFrom(sourceNode) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun'] elsif $S3syncOptions['--debug'] $stderr.puts "Node #{sourceNode.name} unchanged" end sourceNode = sourceNode.nil? ? nil : sourceTree.next rescue nil destinationNode = destinationNode.nil? ? nil : destinationTree.next rescue nil end end # get rid of the (now empty, except for other directories) directories nodesToDelete.reverse_each do |node| puts "Remove node #{node.name}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose'] node.delete unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun'] end end #main # ---------- NODE ---------- # class Node attr_reader :name attr_reader :size attr_reader :tag attr_reader :date def initialize(name='', size = 0, tag = '', date = Time.now.utc) @name = name @size = size @tag = tag @date = date end def directory?() @tag == $S3syncDirTag and @size == $S3syncDirString.length end end # ---------- S3Node ---------- # class S3Node < Node @path = nil @bucket = nil @result = nil def initialize(bucket, prefix, itemOrName) @bucket = bucket if itemOrName.kind_of? String @name = itemOrName @name.sub!(%r{/$}, "") # don't create directories with a slash on the end #6/2007. the prefix can be filled but the name empty, in the case of s3sync -r somedir somebucket: if (not prefix.empty? and @name.empty?) @name = prefix itemOrName = prefix prefix = "" end slash = prefix.empty? ? "" : "/" @path = prefix + slash + itemOrName else @name = (itemOrName.name.slice((prefix.length)..itemOrName.name.length) or '') # depending whether the prefix is / tailed, the name might need trimming @name.sub!(%r{^/},"") # get rid of leading slash in name if there (from above simplistic split) @name.sub!(%r{/$}, "") # don't create directories with a slash on the end @path = itemOrName.name @path.sub!(%r{/$}, "") # don't create directories with a slash on the end @size = itemOrName.size @tag = itemOrName.tag.gsub(/"/,'') @date = Time.xmlschema(itemOrName.date) end debug("s3 node object init. Name:#{@name} Path:#{@path} Size:#{@size} Tag:#{@tag} Date:#{@date}") end # get this item from s3 into the provided stream # S3 pushes to the local item, due to how http streaming is implemented def to_stream(s) @result = S3sync.S3try(:get_stream, @bucket, @path, {}, s) end def symlink?() unless @result @result = S3sync.S3try(:head, @bucket, @path) end debug("symlink value is: #{@result.object.metadata['symlink']}") @result.object.metadata['symlink'] == 'true' end def owner unless @result @result = S3sync.S3try(:head, @bucket, @path) end debug("Owner of this s3 node is #{@result.object.metadata['owner']}") @result.object.metadata['owner'].to_i # if not there, will be nil => 0 which == root so good default end def group unless @result @result = S3sync.S3try(:head, @bucket, @path) end @result.object.metadata['group'].to_i # 0 default ok end def permissions g = @result.object.metadata['permissions'] g ? g.to_i : 600 # default to owner only end def updateFrom(fromNode) if fromNode.respond_to?(:stream) meta = Hash.new meta['owner'] = fromNode.owner.to_s meta['group'] = fromNode.group.to_s meta['permissions'] = fromNode.permissions.to_s meta['symlink'] = 'true' if fromNode.symlink? begin theStream = fromNode.stream theStream = ProgressStream.new(theStream, fromNode.size) if $S3syncOptions['--progress'] s3o = S3::S3Object.new(theStream, meta) debug(@path) headers = {'Content-Length' => (fromNode.size.respond_to?(:nonzero?) ? fromNode.size.to_s : '0')} headers['x-amz-acl'] = 'public-read' if $S3syncOptions['--public-read'] headers['Expires'] = $S3syncOptions['--expires'] if $S3syncOptions['--expires'] headers['Cache-Control'] = $S3syncOptions['--cache-control'] if $S3syncOptions['--cache-control'] fType = @path.split('.').last if ($S3syncOptions['--gzip'] || "gz").split(",").include? fType headers['Content-Encoding'] = "gzip" fType = @path.split('.')[-2] end debug("File extension: #{fType}") if defined?($mimeTypes) and fType != '' and (mType = $mimeTypes[fType]) and mType != '' debug("Mime type: #{mType}") headers['Content-Type'] = mType end @result = S3sync.S3try(:put, @bucket, @path, s3o, headers) theStream.close if (theStream and not theStream.closed?) rescue NoMethodError # when --progress is used and we can't get the stream object, it doesn't report as null # so the above .closed? test will break $stderr.puts "Skipping #{@path}: " + $! rescue SystemCallError theStream.close if (theStream and not theStream.closed?) $stderr.puts "Skipping #{@path}: " + $! end else raise "Node provided as update source doesn't support :stream" end end def delete @result = S3sync.S3try(:delete, @bucket, @path) end end # ---------- LocalNode ---------- # class LocalNode < Node @path = nil def initialize(prefix, partialPath) slash = prefix.empty? ? "" : "/" @path = prefix + slash + partialPath # slash isn't at the front of this any more @name = (partialPath.slice(1..partialPath.length) or '') @name = partialPath or '' if FileTest.symlink?(@path) # this could use the 'file' case below, but why create an extra temp file linkData = File.readlink(@path) $stderr.puts "link to: #{linkData}" if $S3syncOptions['--debug'] @size = linkData.length unless $S3syncOptions['--no-md5'] md5 = Digest::MD5.new() md5 << linkData @tag = md5.hexdigest end @date = File.lstat(@path).mtime.utc elsif FileTest.file?(@path) @size = FileTest.size(@path) data = nil begin unless $S3syncOptions['--no-md5'] data = self.stream md5 = Digest::MD5.new() while !data.eof? md5 << data.read(2048) # stream so it's not taking all memory end data.close @tag = md5.hexdigest end @date = File.stat(@path).mtime.utc rescue SystemCallError # well we're not going to have an md5 that's for sure @tag = nil end elsif FileTest.directory?(@path) # all s3 directories are dummy nodes contain the same directory string # so for easy comparison, set our size and tag thusly @size = $S3syncDirString.length @tag = $S3syncDirTag @date = File.stat(@path).mtime.utc end debug("local node object init. Name:#{@name} Path:#{@path} Size:#{@size} Tag:#{@tag} Date:#{@date}") end # return a stream that will read the contents of the local item # local gets pulled by the S3Node update fn, due to how http streaming is implemented def stream begin # 1.0.8 switch order of these tests because a symlinked file will say yes to 'file?' if FileTest.symlink?(@path) or FileTest.directory?(@path) tf = Tempfile.new('s3sync') if FileTest.symlink?(@path) tf.printf('%s', File.readlink(@path)) elsif FileTest.directory?(@path) tf.printf('%s', $S3syncDirString) end tf.close tf.open tf elsif FileTest.file?(@path) File.open(@path, 'rb') end rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not read #{@path}: #{$!}" raise end end def stat FileTest.symlink?(@path) ? File.lstat(@path) : File.stat(@path) end def exist? FileTest.exist?(@path) or FileTest.symlink?(@path) end def owner self.exist? ? self.stat().uid : 0 end def group self.exist? ? self.stat().gid : 0 end def permissions self.exist? ? self.stat().mode : 600 end def updateFrom(fromNode) if fromNode.respond_to?(:to_stream) fName = @path + '.s3syncTemp' # handle the case where the user wants us to create dirs that don't exist in S3 if $S3syncOptions['--make-dirs'] # ensure target's path exists dirs = @path.split('/') # but the last one is a file name dirs.pop() current = '' dirs.each do |dir| current << dir << '/' begin Dir.mkdir(current) unless FileTest.exist?(current) rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not mkdir #{current}: #{$!}" end end end unless fromNode.directory? f = File.open(fName, 'wb') f = ProgressStream.new(f, fromNode.size) if $S3syncOptions['--progress'] fromNode.to_stream(f) f.close end # get original item out of the way File.unlink(@path) if File.exist?(@path) if fromNode.symlink? linkTo = '' File.open(fName, 'rb'){|f| linkTo = f.read} debug("#{@path} will be a symlink to #{linkTo}") begin File.symlink(linkTo, @path) rescue NotImplementedError # windows doesn't do symlinks, for example # just bail File.unlink(fName) if File.exist?(fName) return rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not write symlink #{@path}: #{$!}" end elsif fromNode.directory? # only get here when the dir doesn't exist. else they'd compare == debug(@path) begin Dir.mkdir(@path) unless FileTest.exist?(@path) rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not mkdir #{@path}: #{$!}" end else begin File.rename(fName, @path) rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not write (rename) #{@path}: #{$!}" end end # clean up if the temp file is still there (as for links) File.unlink(fName) if File.exist?(fName) # update permissions linkCommand = fromNode.symlink? ? 'l' : '' begin File.send(linkCommand + 'chown', fromNode.owner, fromNode.group, @path) File.send(linkCommand + 'chmod', fromNode.permissions, @path) rescue NotImplementedError # no one has lchmod, but who really cares rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not change owner/permissions on #{@path}: #{$!}" end else raise "Node provided as update source doesn't support :to_stream" end end def symlink?() FileTest.symlink?(@path) end def delete # don't try to delete the restore root dir # this is a quick fix to deal with the fact that the tree recurse has to visit the root node return unless @name != '' return unless FileTest.exist?(@path) begin if FileTest.directory?(@path) Dir.rmdir(@path) else File.unlink(@path) end rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "Could not delete #{@path}: #{$!}" end end end end #module def debug(str) $stderr.puts str if $S3syncOptions['--debug'] end def ostats(last_stat = nil) stats = Hash.new(0) ObjectSpace.each_object {|o| stats[o.class] += 1} stats.sort {|(k1,v1),(k2,v2)| v2 <=> v1}.each do |k,v| $stderr.printf "%-30s %10d", k, v $stderr.printf " delta %10d", (v - last_stat[k]) if last_stat $stderr.puts end stats end # go! S3sync::main