# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubygems' require 'socket' require 'securerandom' require 'digest/md5' require 'raven/error' require 'raven/linecache' module Raven class Event LOG_LEVELS = { "debug" => 10, "info" => 20, "warn" => 30, "warning" => 30, "error" => 40, "fatal" => 50, }.freeze BACKTRACE_RE = /^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.+?)')?$/ PLATFORM = "ruby".freeze attr_reader :id attr_accessor :project, :message, :timestamp, :time_spent, :level, :logger, :culprit, :server_name, :release, :modules, :extra, :tags, :context, :configuration, :checksum, :fingerprint def initialize(init = {}) @configuration = Raven.configuration @interfaces = {} @breadcrumbs = Raven.breadcrumbs @context = Raven.context @id = generate_event_id @project = nil @message = nil @timestamp = Time.now.utc @time_spent = nil @level = :error @logger = '' @culprit = nil @server_name = @configuration.server_name @release = @configuration.release @modules = list_gem_specs if @configuration.send_modules @user = {} @extra = {} @tags = {} @checksum = nil @fingerprint = nil yield self if block_given? if !self[:http] && @context.rack_env interface :http do |int| int.from_rack(@context.rack_env) end end init.each_pair { |key, val| instance_variable_set('@' + key.to_s, val) } @user = @context.user.merge(@user) @extra = @context.extra.merge(@extra) @tags = @configuration.tags.merge(@context.tags).merge(@tags) # Some type coercion @timestamp = @timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if @timestamp.is_a?(Time) @time_spent = (@time_spent*1000).to_i if @time_spent.is_a?(Float) @level = LOG_LEVELS[@level.to_s.downcase] if @level.is_a?(String) || @level.is_a?(Symbol) end class << self def from_exception(exc, options = {}, &block) exception_context = get_exception_context(exc) || {} options = Raven::Utils::DeepMergeHash.deep_merge(exception_context, options) configuration = options[:configuration] || Raven.configuration if exc.is_a?(Raven::Error) # Try to prevent error reporting loops Raven.logger.info "Refusing to capture Raven error: #{exc.inspect}" return nil end if configuration[:excluded_exceptions].any? { |x| (x === exc rescue false) || x == exc.class.name } Raven.logger.info "User excluded error: #{exc.inspect}" return nil end new(options) do |evt| evt.configuration = configuration evt.message = "#{exc.class}: #{exc.message}" evt.level = options[:level] || :error add_exception_interface(evt, exc) yield evt if block end end def from_message(message, options = {}) configuration = options[:configuration] || Raven.configuration new(options) do |evt| evt.configuration = configuration evt.message = message evt.level = options[:level] || :error evt.interface :message do |int| int.message = message end if options[:backtrace] evt.interface(:stacktrace) do |int| stacktrace_interface_from(int, evt, options[:backtrace]) end end end end private def get_exception_context(exc) if exc.instance_variable_defined?(:@__raven_context) exc.instance_variable_get(:@__raven_context) elsif exc.respond_to?(:raven_context) exc.raven_context end end def add_exception_interface(evt, exc) evt.interface(:exception) do |exc_int| exceptions = [exc] context = Set.new [exc.object_id] backtraces = Set.new while exc.respond_to?(:cause) && exc.cause exc = exc.cause if context.include?(exc.object_id) break end exceptions << exc context.add(exc.object_id) end exceptions.reverse! exc_int.values = exceptions.map do |e| SingleExceptionInterface.new do |int| int.type = e.class.to_s int.value = e.to_s int.module = e.class.to_s.split('::')[0...-1].join('::') int.stacktrace = if e.backtrace && !backtraces.include?(e.backtrace.object_id) backtraces << e.backtrace.object_id StacktraceInterface.new do |stacktrace| stacktrace_interface_from(stacktrace, evt, e.backtrace) end end end end end end def stacktrace_interface_from(int, evt, backtrace) backtrace = Backtrace.parse(backtrace) int.frames = [] backtrace.lines.reverse_each do |line| frame = StacktraceInterface::Frame.new frame.abs_path = line.file if line.file frame.function = line.method if line.method frame.lineno = line.number frame.in_app = line.in_app frame.module = line.module_name if line.module_name if evt.configuration[:context_lines] && frame.abs_path frame.pre_context, frame.context_line, frame.post_context = \ evt.get_file_context(frame.abs_path, frame.lineno, evt.configuration[:context_lines]) end int.frames << frame if frame.filename end evt.culprit = evt.get_culprit(int.frames) end # Because linecache can go to hell def _source_lines(_path, _from, _to) end end def list_gem_specs # Older versions of Rubygems don't support iterating over all specs Hash[Gem::Specification.map { |spec| [spec.name, spec.version.to_s] }] if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:map) end def interface(name, value = nil, &block) int = Raven.find_interface(name) raise Error.new("Unknown interface: #{name}") unless int @interfaces[int.name] = int.new(value, &block) if value || block @interfaces[int.name] end def [](key) interface(key) end def []=(key, value) interface(key, value) end def to_hash data = { :event_id => @id, :message => @message, :timestamp => @timestamp, :time_spent => @time_spent, :level => @level, :project => @project, :platform => PLATFORM, } data[:logger] = @logger if @logger data[:culprit] = @culprit if @culprit data[:server_name] = @server_name if @server_name data[:release] = @release if @release data[:fingerprint] = @fingerprint if @fingerprint data[:modules] = @modules if @modules data[:extra] = @extra if @extra data[:tags] = @tags if @tags data[:user] = @user if @user data[:breadcrumbs] = @breadcrumbs.to_hash unless @breadcrumbs.empty? data[:checksum] = @checksum if @checksum @interfaces.each_pair do |name, int_data| data[name.to_sym] = int_data.to_hash end data end def get_file_context(filename, lineno, context) return nil, nil, nil unless Raven::LineCache.is_valid_file(filename) lines = Array.new(2 * context + 1) do |i| Raven::LineCache.getline(filename, lineno - context + i) end [lines[0..(context - 1)], lines[context], lines[(context + 1)..-1]] end def get_culprit(frames) lastframe = frames.reverse.find(&:in_app) || frames.last "#{lastframe.filename} in #{lastframe.function} at line #{lastframe.lineno}" if lastframe end # For cross-language compat class << self alias :captureException :from_exception alias :captureMessage :from_message alias :capture_exception :from_exception alias :capture_message :from_message end private def generate_event_id # generate a uuid. copy-pasted from SecureRandom, this method is not # available in <1.9. ary = SecureRandom.random_bytes(16).unpack("NnnnnN") ary[2] = (ary[2] & 0x0fff) | 0x4000 ary[3] = (ary[3] & 0x3fff) | 0x8000 uuid = "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%08x" % ary ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(uuid) end end end