module Bhf module I18nTranslationFallbackHelper def self.included(base) base.module_eval do class << self def translate_with_fallback(text, options = {}) return translate_without_fallback(text, options) unless text.to_s.split('.')[0] == 'bhf' default = options.delete(:default) [locale, :en].each do |lookup_locale| translation_found, translation = attempt_translation(text, options.merge(locale: lookup_locale)) return translation if translation_found end # Ensure 'translation missing' return is exactly the default behaviour translate_without_fallback(text, options.merge(default: default)) end def attempt_translation(text, options = {}) puts "Attempting translation of '#{text}' with locale '#{options[:locale]}'." if options[:debug] translation = translate_without_fallback(text, options.merge(raise: true)) translation_found = options[:locale] rescue I18n::MissingTranslationData translation_found = nil translation = "translation missing: #{options[:locale]}, #{text}" ensure return translation_found, translation end alias_method_chain :translate, :fallback alias_method :t, :translate_with_fallback end end end end end