require "sprockets" require "sprockets-sass" require "middleman-sprockets/asset" require "middleman-sprockets/imported_asset" require "middleman-sprockets/config_only_environment" require "middleman-sprockets/environment" require "middleman-sprockets/asset_tag_helpers" class Sprockets::Sass::SassTemplate # Get the default, global Sass options. Start with Compass's # options, if it's available. def default_sass_options if defined?(Compass) && defined?(Compass.configuration) merge_sass_options Compass.configuration.to_sass_engine_options.dup, Sprockets::Sass.options else Sprockets::Sass.options.dup end end end # Sprockets extension module Middleman class SprocketsExtension < Extension option :debug_assets, false, 'Split up each required asset into its own script/style tag instead of combining them (development only)' attr_reader :environment # This module gets mixed into both the Middleman instance and the Middleman class, # so that it's available in config.rb module SprocketsAccessor # The sprockets environment # @return [Middleman::MiddlemanSprocketsEnvironment] def sprockets extensions[:sprockets].environment end end def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) require "middleman-sprockets/sass_function_hack" require "middleman-sprockets/sass_utils" super # Start out with a stub environment that can only be configured (paths and such) @environment = # v4 if app.respond_to? :add_to_config_context app.add_to_config_context :sprockets, &method(:environment) else app.send :include, SprocketsAccessor end end helpers do include SprocketsAccessor include ::Middleman::Sprockets::AssetTagHelpers end def after_configuration ::Tilt.register ::Sprockets::EjsTemplate, 'ejs' ::Tilt.register ::Sprockets::EcoTemplate, 'eco' ::Tilt.register ::Sprockets::JstProcessor, 'jst' if app.respond_to?(:template_extensions) app.template_extensions :jst => :js, :eco => :js, :ejs => :js end if app.config.defines_setting?(:debug_assets) && !options.setting(:debug_assets).value_set? options[:debug_assets] = app.config[:debug_assets] end config_environment = @environment debug_assets = ! && options[:debug_assets] @environment =, :debug_assets => debug_assets) config_environment.apply_to_environment(@environment) @config_environment = config_environment append_paths_from_gems import_images_and_fonts_from_gems # Setup Sprockets Sass options if app.config.defines_setting?(:sass) app.config[:sass].each { |k, v| ::Sprockets::Sass.options[k] = v } end # Intercept requests to /javascripts and /stylesheets and pass to sprockets our_sprockets = self.environment [app.config[:js_dir], app.config[:css_dir], app.config[:images_dir], app.config[:fonts_dir]].each do |dir|"/#{dir}") { run our_sprockets } end end # Add sitemap resource for every image in the sprockets load path def manipulate_resource_list(resources) resources_list = [] environment.prune_imported_assets! environment.imported_assets.each do |imported_asset| asset = @app, imported_asset.logical_path, environment if imported_asset.output_path destination = imported_asset.output_path else destination = @app.sitemap.extensionless_path( asset.destination_path.to_s ) end next if @app.sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path destination.to_s resource = @app.sitemap, destination.to_s, asset.source_path.to_s ) resource.add_metadata options: { sprockets: { logical_path: imported_asset.logical_path }} resources_list << resource end resources + resources_list end private # Add any directories from gems with Rails-like paths to sprockets load path def append_paths_from_gems root_paths = << app.root base_paths = %w[assets app app/assets vendor vendor/assets lib lib/assets] asset_dirs = %w[javascripts js stylesheets css images img fonts] root_paths.product(base_paths.product(asset_dirs)).each do |root, (base, asset)| path = File.join(root, base, asset) environment.append_path(path) if end end # Backwards compatible means of finding all the latest gemspecs # available on the system # # @private # @return [Array] Array of latest Gem::Specification def rubygems_latest_specs # If newer Rubygems if ::Gem::Specification.respond_to? :latest_specs ::Gem::Specification.latest_specs(true) else ::Gem.source_index.latest_specs end end def import_images_and_fonts_from_gems environment.paths .reject { |p| p.start_with?(app.source_dir) } .reject { |p| @config_environment.ignored_paths.any?{|r| r.match(p)}} .select { |p| p.end_with?('images') || p.end_with?('fonts') } .each do |load_path| environment.each_entry(load_path) do |path| if path.file? && !path.basename.to_s.start_with?('_') logical_path = path.sub /^#{load_path}/, '' environment.imported_assets << end end end end end end