=== 0.4.1: * Fix processing of associations with class_name set to absolute module paths. * Adjust model loading process to include models in non-standard paths eagerly. === 0.4.0: * Support to optionally display single table inheritance relationships (inheritance=true). * Support to optionally display polymorphic associations (polymorphism=true). * Adjustments to 'advanced' style so that it matches original Bachman style, and therefore now called 'bachman'. * Ignore models without tables (reported by Mark Chapman). * Mutual indirect relationships are now combined. * Changed API for diagram generation. * Restructured classes and renamed several API properties and methods. * Added new edge type to describe single table inheritance and polymorphic associations: Specialization. * Added compatibility for Active Record 3.1 (beta), removed dependency on Arel. * Rubinius compatibility. === 0.3.0: * Added the ability to support multiple styles of cardinality notations. Currently supported types are 'simple' and 'advanced'. * Added option to exclude indirect relationships (indirect=false). * Added option to change or disable the diagram title (title='Custom title'). * Altered the type descriptions of attributes. * Renamed options for flexibility and clarity. * Improved internal logic to determine the cardinality of relationships. * More versatile API that allows you to inspect relationships and their cardinalities. * Changed line widths to 1.0 to avoid invisible node boundaries with older versions of Graphviz (reported by Mike McQuinn). * Bundled examples based on actual applications. === 0.2.0 * Added simple way to create your own type of diagrams with a tiny amount of code. * Improved internal API and documentation. * Subtle changes in diagram style. * Fixed error where non-mutual relationships might be inadvertently classified as indirect relationships. * Fixed error where diagrams with a vertical layout might fail to be generated. === 0.1.1 * Fixed small errors in Ruby 1.8.7. * Abort generation of diagrams when there are no models. === 0.1.0 * Released on September 20th, 2010. * First public release.