# HyperAdmin
HyperAdmin is an admin interface solution for Ruby on Rails. It works pretty
much as a mountable engine, except it always mounts under _/admin_. This is
currently not configurable.
## Installation
Simply put the gem in your Rails application's Gemfile:
gem 'hyper_admin'
Then, install the bundle as usual:
$ bundle install
Finally, mount HyperAdmin into your application. Put this in your
_config/routes.rb_ file:
HyperAdmin.routes self
mount HyperAdmin::Engine, at: '/admin'
As mentioned above, you must mount it under _/admin_ for the time being. In a
later version, this will be configurable.
## Usage
To register models that should be accessible through the admin, all you need to
do is register them with a single line of code. Do this in any Ruby file(s) you
want under _app/admin/_, such as _app/admin/article.rb_ or
_app/admin/person.rb_. When the application boots, HyperAdmin will check each
file under the _app/admin/_. To register a resource:
HyperAdmin.register NameOfYourResource
For instance:
HyperAdmin.register Article
With this in place, you can now visit _/admin/articles_ in your application and
start managing your articles.
### Configuring views
When registering resources, it is also possible to customize what fields should
show up where and (to some degree) how they should be displayed. For instance,
we might want to only show the ID, title and publication date of an article in
the index view. For that, we would pass in a block to `register` and specify
which columns to display on the index view, like this:
HyperAdmin.register Article do
index do
column :id
column :title
column :published_at
Note that the order matters here, so this could also be used to force an order
of attributes to be displayed. In the example above, HyperAdmin would know the
types of the attributes because of how it is registered in the database.
However, some types cannot be determined from the database alone. URL fields and
e-mail fields, for instance, are stored as text, so they will be treated as text
by default. It is possible to tell HyperAdmin what type of field you're
specifying by using the `type` keyword:
HyperAdmin.register Article do
index do
column :id
column :title
column :published_at
column :author_email, type: :email
The **email** type will create a “mailto”-style link in the index and show
views, and an `` in the form. Likewise, the “url” type will
create a regular link in index/show and an `` in forms.
Lastly, it is also possible to customize the labeling of the attributes in each
view using the `human` keyword:
HyperAdmin.register Article do
index do
column :id
column :title
column :published_at, human: "Publication date"
column :author_email, type: :email
Note that if `human` is not specified, HyperAdmin will fetch the attribute name
from the currently active locale, which is recommended most of the time. `human`
is available for special cases where you want a label other than the localized
name of the attribute.
Customizing the show and form pages work the same way as the index pages, but
using the `row` and `field` methods instead, respectively. A fully customized
resource registration might look something like this:
HyperAdmin.register Article do
index do
column :id
column :title
column :published_at, human: "Publication date"
show do
row :id, human: "Article ID"
row :title
row :body
row :published_at, human: "Publication date"
column :author_email, type: :email
form do
field :title
field :body
field :published_at
field :author_email, type: :email
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Check out the develop branch (`git checkout develop`)
3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature`)
4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add my new feature'`)
5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
6. Create a new Pull Request
## Credits
Hyper made this. We're a digital communications agency with a passion for good
code, and if you're using HyperAdmin we probably want to hire you.
## License
HyperAdmin is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more details.