require "watirspec_helper" describe "Image" do before :each do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("images.html")) end # Exists method describe "#exists?" do it "returns true when the image exists" do expect(browser.image(id: 'square')).to exist expect(browser.image(id: /square/)).to exist expect(browser.image(src: 'images/circle.png')).to exist expect(browser.image(src: /circle/)).to exist expect(browser.image(alt: 'circle')).to exist expect(browser.image(alt: /cir/)).to exist expect(browser.image(title: 'Circle')).to exist end it "returns the first image if given no args" do expect(browser.image).to exist end it "returns false when the image doesn't exist" do expect(browser.image(id: 'no_such_id')).to_not exist expect(browser.image(id: /no_such_id/)).to_not exist expect(browser.image(src: 'no_such_src')).to_not exist expect(browser.image(src: /no_such_src/)).to_not exist expect(browser.image(alt: 'no_such_alt')).to_not exist expect(browser.image(alt: /no_such_alt/)).to_not exist expect(browser.image(title: 'no_such_title')).to_not exist expect(browser.image(title: /no_such_title/)).to_not exist end it "raises TypeError when 'what' argument is invalid" do expect { browser.image(id: 3.14).exists? }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises MissingWayOfFindingObjectException when 'how' argument is invalid" do expect { browser.image(no_such_how: 'some_value').exists? }.to raise_error(Watir::Exception::MissingWayOfFindingObjectException) end end # Attribute methods describe "#alt" do it "returns the alt attribute of the image if the image exists" do expect(browser.image(id: 'square').alt).to eq "square" expect(browser.image(title: 'Circle').alt).to eq 'circle' end it "returns an empty string if the image exists and the attribute doesn't" do expect(browser.image(index: 0).alt).to eq "" end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(index: 1337).alt }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end describe "#id" do it "returns the id attribute of the image if the image exists" do expect(browser.image(title: 'Square').id).to eq 'square' end it "returns an empty string if the image exists and the attribute doesn't" do expect(browser.image(index: 0).id).to eq "" end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(index: 1337).id }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end describe "#src" do it "returns the src attribute of the image if the image exists" do expect(browser.image(id: 'square').src).to include("square.png") end it "returns an empty string if the image exists and the attribute doesn't" do expect(browser.image(index: 0).src).to eq "" end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(index: 1337).src }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end describe "#title" do it "returns the title attribute of the image if the image exists" do expect(browser.image(id: 'square').title).to eq 'Square' end it "returns an empty string if the image exists and the attribute doesn't" do expect(browser.image(index: 0).title).to eq "" end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(index: 1337).title }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end describe "#respond_to?" do it "returns true for all attribute methods" do expect(browser.image(index: 0)).to respond_to(:class_name) expect(browser.image(index: 0)).to respond_to(:id) expect(browser.image(index: 0)).to respond_to(:style) expect(browser.image(index: 0)).to respond_to(:text) end end # Manipulation methods describe "#click" do it "raises UnknownObjectException when the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(id: 'missing_attribute').click }.to raise_unknown_object_exception expect { browser.image(class: 'missing_attribute').click }.to raise_unknown_object_exception expect { browser.image(src: 'missing_attribute').click }.to raise_unknown_object_exception expect { browser.image(alt: 'missing_attribute').click }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end describe "#height" do it "returns the height of the image if the image exists" do expect(browser.image(id: 'square').height).to eq 88 end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(index: 1337).height }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end describe "#width" do it "returns the width of the image if the image exists" do expect(browser.image(id: 'square').width).to eq 88 end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(index: 1337).width }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end # Other describe "#loaded?" do it "returns true if the image has been loaded" do expect(browser.image(title: 'Circle')).to be_loaded expect(browser.image(alt: 'circle')).to be_loaded expect(browser.image(alt: /circle/)).to be_loaded end it "returns false if the image has not been loaded" do expect(browser.image(id: 'no_such_file')).to_not be_loaded end it "raises UnknownObjectException if the image doesn't exist" do expect { browser.image(id: 'no_such_image').loaded? }.to raise_unknown_object_exception expect { browser.image(src: 'no_such_image').loaded? }.to raise_unknown_object_exception expect { browser.image(alt: 'no_such_image').loaded? }.to raise_unknown_object_exception expect { browser.image(index: 1337).loaded? }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end end