CommonMethods = { findIndexWhere: (attrs)-> found = -1 for index, model of @models found = parseInt(index) for key, value of attrs if model.get(key) != value found = -1 break break if found != -1 found destroyAll: (options={})-> success = options.success _.extend( options, { data: (model)-> { id: } ) success: => for model in @models model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options) success.apply(@,arguments) if success }) Lanes.Models.Sync.perform('delete', this, options) } class ModelsCollection constructor: -> @_isLoaded=false @errors=[] Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.Collection.apply(this, arguments) @fetch: (options)-> collection = new this collection.fetch(options) collection fetch: (options={})-> @_isLoaded = true Lanes.Models.Sync.wrapRequest(this,options) return this.sync('read', this, options) # Sets the attribute data from a server respose setFromServer: (data, options)-> method = if options.reset then 'reset' else 'set' this[method](data, options) this.trigger('sync', this, data, options) isLoaded:-> @_isLoaded ensureLoaded: ( callback )-> if ! @_isLoaded && ! this.length this.fetch({ success: callback }) else if callback callback() isDirty: -> for model in @models return true if model.isDirty() false parse:(resp)-> resp['data'] viewJSON: (options)-> (model) -> model.viewJSON(options) ) url: -> @model::urlRoot() sync: Lanes.Models.Sync.perform save: (options)-> Lanes.Models.Sync.perform('update', this, options) dataForSave: (options)-> unsaved = [] for model in @models unsaved.push( model.unsavedModels() ) if model.isDirty() unsaved _prepareModel: (attrs, options={})-> options.collection = this; if this.isModel(attrs) attrs else this.model.findOrCreate(attrs, options) mixins:[ CommonMethods ] class BasicCollection constructor: -> super isLoaded: -> true mixins:[ CommonMethods ] class SubCollection constructor: -> super isLoaded: -> true mixins:[ CommonMethods ] url: -> this.collection.url() filter: -> this._runFilters() Lanes.Models.SubCollection = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.SubCollection, SubCollection ) Lanes.Models.BasicCollection = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.Collection.extend(Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.USCollection), BasicCollection ) Lanes.Models.Collection = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.RestCollection, ModelsCollection )