require 'spec_helper' describe Ratis::Request do context 'configured correctly' do around(:each) do |example| rollback_ratis_config(&example) end it 'delegates to Savon client' do Ratis.configure do |config| config.appid = 'myappid' config.endpoint = 'myendpoint' config.namespace = 'mynamespace' config.timeout = 666 end Ratis::Request.client.should_receive(:request) do |action, options| options[:soap_action].should eq("mynamespace#SomeAction") Ratis::Request.client.http.read_timeout.should eql 666 end.once Ratis::Request.get 'SomeAction' # change the configuration Ratis.configure do |config| config.appid = 'anotherappid' config.endpoint = 'anotherendpoint' config.namespace = 'anothernamespace' config.timeout = 321 end Ratis::Request.client.should_receive(:request) do |action, options| options[:soap_action].should eq("anothernamespace#SomeAction") Ratis::Request.client.http.read_timeout.should eql 321 end.once Ratis::Request.get 'SomeAction' end end context 'configured incorrectly' do context 'without Ratis.configure being called' do it 'raises an exception when initialized before configuring' do expect(Ratis.config).to receive(:valid?).at_least(:once) { false } expect do Ratis::Request.get 'SomeAction' raise_error Ratis::Errors::ConfigError, 'It appears that Ratis.configure has not been called or properly setup' end end end end describe Ratis::Request do describe '#get' do describe 'with no parameters' do it 'only makes one request with the correct SOAP action' do Ratis::Request.client.should_receive(:request) do |action, options| action.should eq('Mymethod') options[:soap_action].should eq("PX_WEB#Mymethod") options[:xmlns].should eq("PX_WEB") end.once Ratis::Request.get 'Mymethod' end it 'returns the response' do response = Ratis::Request.get 'Getcategories' response.should be_a(Savon::SOAP::Response) response.should be_success end end describe 'with parameters' do it 'passes the parameters' do response = Ratis::Request.get 'Point2point', {"Routesonly" => true, "Originlat" => 33.446931, "Originlong" => -112.097903, "Destinationlat" => 33.447098, "Destinationlong" => -112.077213, "Date" =>"%m/%d/%Y"), "Starttime" => '1700', "Endtime" => '1800'} response.should be_a(Savon::SOAP::Response) response.should be_success end end describe 'unsuccessful requests' do describe 'connection refused' do it 'wraps the underlying error in a NetworkError ' do Ratis::Request.client.should_receive(:request){ raise(Errno::ECONNREFUSED ) } expect do Ratis::Request.get 'Mymethod' raise_error do |error| error.should be_a(Ratis::Errors::NetworkError) error.nested.should be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) error.message.should eql('Refused request to ATIS SOAP server') end end end describe 'with errorneous parameters' do it 'parses out fault code and strings' do expect do Ratis::Request.get 'Closeststop', {'Locationlat' => '1', 'Locationlong' => '1'} raise_error do |error| error.should be_a(Ratis::Errors::SoapError) error.fault_code.should eql 15016 error.fault_string.should eql 'SOAP - invalid Locationtext' error.verbose_fault_string.should eql 'Either the origin or destination could not be recognized by the server' end end it 'raises an SoapError' do expect do Ratis::Request.get 'Mymethod' raise_error(Ratis::Errors::SoapError) end end describe 'a timeout occurs' do it 'wraps the underlying error in a NetworkError ' do Ratis::Request.client.should_receive(:request){ raise(Timeout::Error) } expect do Ratis::Request.get 'Mymethod' raise_error do |error| error.should be_a(Ratis::Errors::NetworkError) error.nested.should be_a(Timeout::Error) error.message.should eql("Request to ATIS SOAP server timed out after #{ Ratis.config.timeout }s") end end end end end end describe Ratis::Request do describe '#all_conditions_used?' do it 'raises an exception if there are members in the hash' do expect do Ratis.all_conditions_used? :a => 1 raise_error ArgumentError, 'Conditions not used by this class: [:a]' end it 'does not raise an exception for an empty hash' do expect do Ratis.all_conditions_used? end.not_to raise_error end end end