module Byebug module VarFunctions def var_list(ary, b = get_binding) ary.sort! for v in ary begin s = debug_eval(v.to_s, b).inspect rescue begin s = debug_eval(v.to_s, b).to_s rescue s = "*Error in evaluation*" end end pad_with_dots(s) print "#{v} = #{s}\n" end end def var_class_self obj = debug_eval('self') var_list(obj.class.class_variables, get_binding) end def var_global var_list(global_variables.reject { |v| [:$=, :$KCODE, :$-K].include?(v) }) end end # Implements byebug's 'var class' command class VarClassVarCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+cl(?:ass)?/ end def execute unless @state.context errmsg "can't get class variables here.\n" return end var_class_self end class << self def names %w(var) end def description %{v[ar] cl[ass] \t\t\tshow class variables of self} end end end class VarConstantCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+co(?:nst(?:ant)?)?\s+/ end def execute obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match) if obj.kind_of? Module constants = debug_eval("#{@match.post_match}.constants") constants.sort! for c in constants next if c =~ /SCRIPT/ value = obj.const_get(c) rescue "ERROR: #{$!}" print " %s => %p\n", c, value end else print "Should be Class/Module: #{@match.post_match}\n" end end class << self def names %w(var) end def description %{v[ar] co[nst] \t\tshow constants of object} end end end class VarGlobalCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+g(?:lobal)?\s*$/ end def execute var_global end class << self def names %w(var) end def description %{v[ar] g[lobal]\t\t\tshow global variables} end end end class VarInstanceCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+ins(?:tance)?\s*/ end def execute obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match.empty? ? 'self' : @match.post_match) var_list(obj.instance_variables, obj.instance_eval{binding()}) end class << self def names %w(var) end def description %{v[ar] i[nstance] \tshow instance variables of object} end end end # Implements byebug's 'var local' command class VarLocalCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+l(?:ocal)?\s*$/ end def execute _self = @state.context.frame_self(@state.frame_pos) locals = @state.context.frame_locals locals.keys.sort.each do |name| print " %s => %p\n", name, locals[name] end end class << self def names %w(var) end def description %{v[ar] l[ocal]\t\t\tshow local variables} end end end begin require 'classtree' have_classtree = true rescue LoadError have_classtree = false end # Implements byebug's 'var inherit' command class VarInheritCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+ct\s*/ end def execute unless @state.context errmsg "can't get object inheritance.\n" return end puts @match.post_match obj = debug_eval("#{@match.post_match}.classtree") if obj print obj else errmsg "Trouble getting object #{@match.post_match}\n" end end class << self def names %w(var) end def description %{v[ar] ct\t\t\tshow class heirarchy of object} end end end if have_classtree end