# vi:syntax=cmake # # © 2017 Konstantin Gredeskoul # Distributed under MIT license. # # NOTE: This file has been auto-generated by the Arli library manager # which integrates with another project `arduino-cmake`. If you are # curious as to how you can build complex Arduino Projects using Arli, # we suggest that you run the following commands to explore Arli: # # arli generate MyTestProject --workspace ~/workspace # cd ~/workspace/MyTestProject # mkdir build; cd build # cmake .. # make <— builds your firmware # make upload <— uploads your firmware to the device # make MyTestProject-serial <— starts a screen session with serial connection # # And you should see a binary image built for the default board, or the # board you specified in the Arlifile. # # For more info: # See https://github.com/kigster/arli # See https://github.com/kigster/arli-cmake # See https://github.com/kigster/arduino-cmake set(ARLI_CUSTOM_LIBS_PATH "<%= arli_library_path %>") set(ARLI_CUSTOM_LIBS <% libraries.each do |library| %> <%= library.canonical_dir %><% end %>) set(ARLI_ARDUINO_HARDWARE_LIBS <% hardware_libraries.each do |library| %> <%= library.name %><% end %>) set(ARLI_ARDUINO_LIBS <% arduino_libraries.each do |library| %> <%= library.name %><% end %>) <% libraries.each do |library| %><% if library.depends %><%= cmake_dependencies(library) %><% end %><% end %> <% device_libraries_headers_only.each do |library| %>set(<%= library.name %>_ONLY_HEADER yes)<% end %> <% custom_libraries_headers_only.each do |library| %>set(<%= library.canonical_dir %>_ONLY_HEADER yes)<% end %> include(Arli) arli_detect_serial_device("/dev/null") <% if board && cpu %>arli_detect_board("<%= board %>" "<%= cpu %>")<% end %> message(STATUS "HARDWARE:\n • BOARD_DEVICE=[${BOARD_DEVICE}]\n • BOARD_NAME=[${BOARD_NAME}]\n • BOARD_CPU=[${BOARD_CPU}]") arli_build_all_libraries()