(() => { function connect() { const eventSource = new EventSource('/hot-reload'); eventSource.onmessage = handleUpdate; eventSource.onopen = () => console.log('[HotReload] SSE connected.'); eventSource.onclose = () => { console.log('[HotReload] SSE closed. Attempting to reconnect...'); setTimeout(connect, 5000); } eventSource.onerror = () => eventSource.close(); } connect(); function isRefreshRequired(files) { return files.some((file) => !isCssFile(file) && !isSectionFile(file)); } function refreshFile(file) { if (isCssFile(file)) { reloadCssFile(file); return; } if (isSectionFile(file)) { reloadSection(file); return; } } function setHotReloadCookie(files) { var date = new Date(); // Hot reload cookie expires in 3 seconds date.setSeconds(date.getSeconds() + 3); var sections = files.join(','); var expires = date.toUTCString(); document.cookie = `hot_reload_sections=${sections}; expires=${expires}; path=/`; } function refreshPage(files) { setHotReloadCookie(files); console.log('[HotReload] Refreshing entire page'); window.location.reload(); } function handleUpdate(message) { var data = JSON.parse(message.data); var modifiedFiles = data.modified; if (isRefreshRequired(modifiedFiles)) { refreshPage(modifiedFiles); } else { modifiedFiles.forEach(refreshFile); } } function isCssFile(filename) { return filename.endsWith('.css'); } function reloadCssFile(filename) { // Find a stylesheet link starting with /assets (locally-served only) containing the filename let link = document.querySelector(`link[href^="/assets"][href*="${filename}"][rel="stylesheet"]`); if (!link) { console.log(`[HotReload] Could not find link for stylesheet ${filename}`); } else { link.href = new URL(link.href).pathname + `?v=${Date.now()}`; console.log(`[HotReload] Reloaded stylesheet ${filename}`); } } function isSectionFile(filename) { return new Section(filename).valid(); } function reloadSection(filename) { new Section(filename).refresh(); } class Section { constructor(filename) { this.filename = filename; this.name = filename.split('/').pop().replace('.liquid', ''); this.element = document.querySelector(`[id^='shopify-section'][id$='${this.name}']`); } valid() { return this.filename.startsWith('sections/') && this.element; } async refresh() { var url = new URL(window.location.href); url.searchParams.append('section_id', this.name); try { const response = await fetch(url); if (response.headers.get('x-templates-from-params') == '1') { const html = await response.text(); this.element.outerHTML = html; console.log(`[HotReload] Reloaded ${this.name} section`); } else { window.location.reload() console.log(`[HotReload] Hot-reloading not supported, fully reloading ${this.name} section`); } } catch (e) { console.log(`[HotReload] Failed to reload ${this.name} section: ${e.message}`); } } } })();