require 'helper' describe "Pry::DefaultCommands::Context" do describe "exit-all" do it 'should break out of the repl loop of Pry instance and return nil' do redirect_pry_io("exit-all")) do == nil end end it 'should break out of the repl loop of Pry instance wth a user specified value' do redirect_pry_io("exit-all 'message'")) do == 'message' end end it 'should break of the repl loop even if multiple bindings still on stack' do ins = nil redirect_pry_io("cd 1", "cd 2", "exit-all 'message'")) do ins = { |v| v.repl(0).should == 'message' } end end it 'binding_stack should be empty after breaking out of the repl loop' do ins = nil redirect_pry_io("cd 1", "cd 2", "exit-all")) do ins = { |v| v.repl(0) } end ins.binding_stack.empty?.should == true end end describe "whereami" do it 'should work with methods that have been undefined' do class Cor def blimey! Cor.send :undef_method, :blimey! # using [.] so the regex doesn't match itself mock_pry(binding, 'whereami').should =~ /self[.]blimey!/ end end! Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should work in objects with no method methods' do class Cor def blimey! mock_pry(binding, 'whereami').should =~ /Cor[#]blimey!/ end def method; "moo"; end end! Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should properly set _file_, _line_ and _dir_' do class Cor def blimey! mock_pry(binding, 'whereami', '_file_') \ .should =~ /#{File.expand_path(__FILE__)}/ end end! Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should show description and correct code when __LINE__ and __FILE__ are outside @method.source_location' do class Cor def blimey! eval <<-END, binding, "test/test_default_commands/example.erb", 1 mock_pry(binding, 'whereami') END end end Cor.instance_method(:blimey!).source.should =~ /mock_pry/!.should =~ /Cor#blimey!.*Look at me/m Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should show description and correct code when @method.source_location would raise an error' do class Cor eval <<-END, binding, "test/test_default_commands/example.erb", 1 def blimey! mock_pry(binding, 'whereami') end END end lambda{ Cor.instance_method(:blimey!).source }.should.raise(MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError)!.should =~ /Cor#blimey!.*Look at me/m Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should display a description and and error if reading the file goes wrong' do class Cor def blimey! eval <<-END, binding, "not.found.file.erb", 7 mock_pry(binding, 'whereami') END end end!.should =~ /From: not.found.file.erb @ line 7 Cor#blimey!:\n\nError: Cannot open "not.found.file.erb" for reading./m Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should show code window (not just method source) if parameter passed to whereami' do class Cor def blimey! mock_pry(binding, 'whereami 3').should =~ /class Cor/ end end! Object.remove_const(:Cor) end it 'should use Pry.config.default_window_size for window size when outside a method context' do old_size, Pry.config.default_window_size = Pry.config.default_window_size, 1 :litella :pig out = mock_pry(binding, 'whereami') :punk :sanders out.should.not =~ /:litella/ out.should =~ /:pig/ out.should =~ /:punk/ out.should.not =~ /:sanders/ Pry.config.default_window_size = old_size end it "should work at the top level" do mock_pry(Pry.toplevel_binding, 'whereami').should =~ /At the top level/ end it "should work inside a class" do mock_pry(Pry.binding_for(Pry), 'whereami').should =~ /Inside Pry/ end it "should work inside an object" do mock_pry(Pry.binding_for(, 'whereami').should =~ /Inside #"exit")).should == nil end it 'should break out of the repl loop of Pry instance when binding_stack has only one binding with exit, and return user-given value' do Pry.start(0, :input =>"exit :john")).should == :john end it 'should break out the repl loop of Pry instance even after an exception in user-given value' do redirect_pry_io("exit = 42", "exit")) do ins = { |v| v.repl(0).should == nil } end end end describe "jump-to" do before do @str_output = end it 'should jump to the proper binding index in the stack' do redirect_pry_io("cd 1", "cd 2", "jump-to 1", "$blah = self", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(0) end $blah.should == 1 end it 'should print error when trying to jump to a non-existent binding index' do redirect_pry_io("cd 1", "cd 2", "jump-to 100", "exit-all"), @str_output) do Pry.start(0) end @str_output.string.should =~ /Invalid nest level/ end it 'should print error when trying to jump to the same binding index' do redirect_pry_io("cd 1", "cd 2", "jump-to 2", "exit-all"), @str_output) do end @str_output.string.should =~ /Already/ end end describe "exit-program" do it 'should raise SystemExit' do redirect_pry_io("exit-program")) do lambda { == 0 }.should.raise SystemExit end end it 'should exit the program with the provided value' do redirect_pry_io("exit-program 66")) do begin rescue SystemExit => e e.status.should == 66 end end end end describe "raise-up" do it "should raise the exception with raise-up" do redirect_pry_io("raise NoMethodError", "raise-up NoMethodError")) do lambda { }.should.raise NoMethodError end end it "should raise an unamed exception with raise-up" do redirect_pry_io("raise 'stop'","raise-up 'noreally'")) do lambda { }.should.raise RuntimeError, "noreally" end end it "should eat the exception at the last new pry instance on raise-up" do b = Pry.binding_for(:outer) b.eval("x = :inner") redirect_pry_io("x.pry", "raise NoMethodError", "$inner = self", "raise-up NoMethodError", "$outer = self", "exit-all")) do b.pry end $inner.should == :inner $outer.should == :outer end it "should raise the most recently raised exception" do lambda { mock_pry("raise NameError, 'homographery'","raise-up") }.should.raise NameError, 'homographery' end it "should allow you to cd up and (eventually) out" do $deep = $inner = $outer = nil b = Pry.binding_for(:outer) b.eval("x = :inner") redirect_pry_io("cd x", "raise NoMethodError","$inner = self", "deep = :deep", "cd deep","$deep = self","raise-up NoMethodError", "raise-up", "$outer = self", "raise-up", "exit-all")) do lambda { b.pry }.should.raise NoMethodError end $deep.should == :deep $inner.should == :inner $outer.should == :outer end end describe "raise-up!" do it "should jump immediately out of nested context's" do lambda { mock_pry("cd 1", "cd 2", "cd 3", "raise-up! 'fancy that...'") }.should.raise RuntimeError, 'fancy that...' end end end