module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class OracleEnhancedAdapter class DatabaseTasks delegate :connection, :establish_connection, :to => ActiveRecord::Base def initialize(config) @config = config end def create print "Please provide the SYSTEM password for your Oracle installation\n>" system_password = $stdin.gets.strip establish_connection(@config.merge('username' => 'SYSTEM', 'password' => system_password)) begin connection.execute "CREATE USER #{@config['username']} IDENTIFIED BY #{@config['password']}" rescue => e if e.message =~ /ORA-01920/ # user name conflicts with another user or role name connection.execute "ALTER USER #{@config['username']} IDENTIFIED BY #{@config['password']}" else raise e end end connection.execute "GRANT unlimited tablespace TO #{@config['username']}" connection.execute "GRANT create session TO #{@config['username']}" connection.execute "GRANT create table TO #{@config['username']}" connection.execute "GRANT create sequence TO #{@config['username']}" end def drop establish_connection(@config) connection.execute_structure_dump(connection.full_drop) end def purge drop connection.execute('PURGE RECYCLEBIN') rescue nil end def structure_dump(filename) establish_connection(@config), 'w:utf-8') { |f| f << connection.structure_dump } if connection.supports_migrations?, 'a') { |f| f << connection.dump_schema_information } end if @config['structure_dump'] == 'db_stored_code', 'a') { |f| f << connection.structure_dump_db_stored_code } end end def structure_load(filename) establish_connection(@config) connection.execute_structure_dump( end end end end end ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.register_task(/(oci|oracle)/, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter::DatabaseTasks)