# require "hydra" # require "httparty" # require "mime/types" # will move to lib/hydra/model/generic_content_behavior in release 5.x module Hydra::GenericContent def self.included(klass) klass.send :include, Hydra::ModelMethods end # For each value in DEFAULT_CONTENT_DATASTREAMS, instances will have 3 corresponding methods for # * getting the datastream's content # * setting a new file as the datastream's content # * checking whether the current object has the datastream already # # Example: DEFAULT_CONTENT_DATASTREAMS = ['content','original'] # These methods will be available on the object: # # .has_original?, original, orginal=() # .has_content?, content, content=() # DEFAULT_CONTENT_DATASTREAMS = ['content','original'] DEFAULT_CONTENT_DATASTREAMS.each do |m| class_eval <<-EOM def has_#{m}? self.datastreams.keys.include? "#{m}" end def #{m} datastreams["#{m}"].content if has_#{m}? end def #{m}=(file) create_or_update_datastream( "#{m}", file ) end EOM end private def from_url url, ds_name puts "creating datastream object for: #{url}" ds = ActiveFedora::Datastream.new(:dsid=> ds_name, :label => ds_name, :controlGroup => "M", :dsLocation => url, :mimeType=>mime_type(url.split(/\//).last)) add_datastream(ds) save end def from_binary binary_info, ds_name file = binary_to_file(binary_info[:blob],ds_name,binary_info[:extension]) add_file_datastream(file,:dsid=>ds_name,:label=>ds_name) save end def binary_to_file blob, suffix, ext=nil file_name = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") f = File.new("#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{file_name}-#{suffix}.#{ext}","w") f.write blob f.close return f end def create_or_update_datastream ds_name, file case file when File logger.debug "adding #{ds_name} file datastream" add_file_datastream(file, :dsid => ds_name, :label => ds_name, :mimeType => mime_type(file.path)) when String from_url(file, ds_name) when Hash if file.has_key? :blob from_binary(file, ds_name) elsif file.has_key? :file add_file_datastream(file[:file], :dsid => ds_name, :label => ds_name, :mimeType => mime_type(file[:file_name])) end end end # Returns a human readable filesize appropriate for the given number of bytes (ie. automatically chooses 'bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB') # Based on a bit of python code posted here: http://blogmag.net/blog/read/38/Print_human_readable_file_size # @param [Numeric] num file size in bits def bits_to_human_readable(num) ['bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB'].each do |x| if num < 1024.0 return "#{num.to_i} #{x}" else num = num/1024.0 end end end # augments add_file_datastream to also put file size (in bytes/KB/MB/GB/TB) in mods:physicaldescription/mods:extent def add_file_datastream(file, opts={}) # label = opts.has_key?(:label) ? opts[:label] : "" # mimeType = opts.has_key?(:mimeType) ? opts[:mimeType] : "" # ds = ActiveFedora::Datastream.new(:dsLabel => label, :controlGroup => 'M', :blob => file, :mimeType => mimeType) # opts.has_key?(:dsid) ? ds.dsid=(opts[:dsid]) : nil # add_datastream(ds) super if file.respond_to?(:size) size = bits_to_human_readable(file.size) elsif file.kind_of?(File) size = bits_to_human_readable(File.size(file)) else size = "" end descMetadata.update_indexed_attributes( [:physical_description, :extent] => size ) end def mime_type file_name mime_types = MIME::Types.of(file_name) mime_type = mime_types.empty? ? "application/octet-stream" : mime_types.first.content_type end end