module Hydra::Collections::SelectsCollections extend ActiveSupport::Concern def access_levels { read: [:read, :edit], edit: [:edit] } end # add one of the following methods as a before filter on any page that shows the form_for_select_collection def find_collections_with_read_access find_collections(:read) end def find_collections_with_edit_access find_collections(:edit) end # def find_collections (access_level='') # need to know the user if there is an access level applied otherwise we are just doing public collections authenticate_user! unless access_level.blank? # update the permission filters for the query of need be original_permissions = discovery_permissions self.class.send(:define_method, "discovery_permissions") { access_levels[access_level] } unless access_level.blank? # Blacklight doesn't let you explicitly pass your own solr_search_params_logic when running searches -- # You have to set the controller's solr_search_params_logic class attribute. So this method temporarily sets solr_search_params_logic to collection_search_params_logic then switches it back. # temporarily set solr_search_params_logic to collection_search_params_logic orig_solr_search_params_logic = self.class.solr_search_params_logic self.class.solr_search_params_logic = collection_search_params_logic logger.debug "Collection Search logic: "+ self.class.solr_search_params_logic.inspect # run the solr query to find the collections (resp, doc_list) = get_search_results({q: ''}, {rows: 100}) #reset to original solr logic self.class.send(:define_method, "discovery_permissions") { original_permissions } unless access_level.blank? self.class.solr_search_params_logic = orig_solr_search_params_logic # return the user's collections (or public collections if no access_level is applied) @user_collections = doc_list end def add_collection_filter(solr_parameters, user_parameters) solr_parameters[:fq] ||= [] solr_parameters[:fq] << "#{Solrizer.solr_name("has_model", :symbol)}:Collection" end # Defines which solr_search_params_logic should be used when searching for Collections def collection_search_params_logic base_logic = [:default_solr_parameters, :add_query_to_solr, :add_access_controls_to_solr_params] base_logic += [:add_collection_filter] base_logic end end