h1. Tracking Plugins with Git Subtree We are now tracking all of the Hydra plugins in their own Git repositories. We are doing this with the git subtree tool. This allows each hydra head to have a full copy of each plugin in its working copy. When you want to commit plugin changes back to the shared plugin git repository, use the git subtree tool to "split" that plugin's code and commit log into its own branch, then merge your changes into the shared plugin repository. h2. Getting the git subtree tool You can checkout the git subtree tool from https://github.com/apenwarr/git-subtree The tool itself is just a single-file shell script that you need to install into where the rest of your git scripts are stored. See the "INSTALL instructions":https://github.com/apenwarr/git-subtree/blob/master/INSTALL Once you've got it installed, refer to "git-subtree.txt":https://github.com/apenwarr/git-subtree/blob/master/git-subtree.txt for details on how to use the script. For our purposes, you can mostly rely on the info below. h2. Using the git subtree tool Say I'm working on the HyHull project and I need to commit changes from my head back to the shared hydrangea_articles plugin First, add the hydrangea_articles git repository to your remote repositories
git remote add articles-repo git@github.com:projecthydra/hydrangea_articles.git
Then, use git subtree to split your copy of the plugin into a new branch in your local git repository. Include the name of your hydra head in the --annotate value. This will be appended to all of your commits.
git subtree split --prefix=vendor/plugins/hydrangea_articles --annotate="(HyHull) " -b articles
This will create a new branch called "articles" Now checkout your articles branch, rebase to the master branch of the shared plugin, and then push your changes to the shared plugin
git checkout articles
git rebase articles-repo/master
git push articles-repo articles:master
If you don't want to push your updates directly into the master branch of the shared plugin, push to a new remote branch with the name of the ticket you're working on and ask another committer to review your changes and/or apply them.
git push articles-repo articles:my-ticket-number
If you just want to share a replica of your copy of the plugin without rebasing, you can use git subtree push to post a copy of your work as a branch on the shared plugin's git repo: Ex: git subtree push --prefix=vendor/plugins/hydrangea_books --annotate="(HyHull) " -b HYHULL-219
Complete example with shell outputs:

In this example, I 

* split the plugin subtree into its own branch
* checkout the new plugin branch
* rebase the plugin branch against the plugin repository's master branch
* push my updates into the plugin repository's master branch

hydrangea matt$ git subtree split --prefix=vendor/plugins/hydrangea_datasets --annotate="(hydrangea)  " -b datasets
Created branch 'datasets'

hydrangea matt$ git checkout datasets
warning: unable to rmdir jetty: Directory not empty
Checking out files: 100% (4723/4723), done.
Switched to branch 'datasets'

hydrangea matt$ git fetch datasets-remote
From github.com:projecthydra/hydrangea_datasets
 * [new branch]      master     -> datasets-remote/master

hydrangea matt$ git rebase datasets-remote/master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: (hydrangea)  fixing licenses in plugins

hydrangea matt$ git push datasets datasets-remote:master
Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 708 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:projecthydra/hydrangea_datasets.git
   656bf34..20ba2ba  datasets -> master