# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/filters/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "ipaddr" # needed for network range check require "ipaddress" # needed for validity check # The forwarded filter extracts the client ip from a list of ip adresses. The client ip might be at any position in the list, since not every x-forwarded-for header comes in the correct ordering. # It adds two new fields to the event: # - forwarded_client_ip : string # - forwarded_proxy_list : string[] class LogStash::Filters::Forwarded < LogStash::Filters::Base config_name "forwarded" # The field containing the x-forwarded-for string config :source, :validate => :string, :required => true # list of ip patterns that private ips start with. config :private_ipv4_prefixes, :validate => :array, :required => false, :default => ["", "" ,""] # Private IP Addresses have the following ranges: # - # - # - # The name of the new field containing client ip (optional) config :target_client_ip, :validate => :string, :required => false, :default => "forwarded_client_ip" # The name of the new field containing proxy list (optional) config :target_proxy_list, :validate => :string, :required => false, :default => "forwarded_proxy_list" public def register @private_ipv4_ranges = @private_ipv4_prefixes.collect do | adress | begin IPAddr.new(adress) rescue ArgumentError => e @logger.error("Register: invalid IP network, skipping", :adress => adress, :exception => e) raise e end end @private_ipv4_ranges.compact! end # def register public def filter(event) return unless filter?(event) begin forwarded = event.get(@source) return unless forwarded and !forwarded.empty? client_ip, proxies = analyse(forwarded) event.set(@target_client_ip, client_ip) if client_ip event.set(@target_proxy_list, proxies) if proxies filter_matched(event) rescue Exception => e @logger.debug("Unknown error while looking up GeoIP data", :exception => e, :field => @source, :event => event) # raise e end # begin end # def filter def analyse(ip) return nil, nil if ip.nil? # convert the x-forwarded-for string into an array of its comma separated value, if it isn't already. ip_list = ip.is_a?(Array) ? ip : ip.downcase.split(",") # remove some well-known invalid values ip_list = ip_list.map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| ["-", "unknown"].include? x} # the IpAddr library cannot handle ips with port numbers ip_list = ip_list.map { |x| remove_port_number(x) } # get the first public ip in the list client_ip = get_client_ip(ip_list) # remove the public / client ip from the list and use the remainder as the list of proxies involved. proxies = ip_list.nil? ? [] : ip_list - [client_ip] return client_ip, proxies end # def analyse def get_client_ip(ip_array) ip_array.each do | ip | begin next if !IPAddress.valid? ip ipo = IPAddr.new(ip) is_private = ipo.ipv6? ? is_private_ipv6(ip) : is_private_ipv4(ipo) return ip if !is_private rescue => e # not a valid ip, moving on. # @logger.debug("get_client_ip() failed", :exception => e, :field => @source, :ip_array => ip_array) next end end # each nil end # get_client_ip def remove_port_number(ip) tokens = ip.split(":") if tokens.size <=2 then tokens[0] else ip end end def is_private_ipv6(ip) ip.start_with?("fd") || ip.start_with?("fc") end # is_private_ipv6 def is_private_ipv4(ipo) begin @private_ipv4_ranges.each do | ip_range | return true if ip_range.include?(ipo) end # each false rescue => e @logger.debug("Couldn't check if ip is private.", :input_data => ip, :exception => e) end # begin end # is_private end # class LogStash::Filters::Forwarded