# encoding: utf-8 require_relative "../tag_helpers" module Rango module Helpers module Form module Builder class Base include Rango::Helpers::Tag include Rango::Templates::TemplateHelpers def initialize(obj, name, origin) @obj, @origin = obj, origin @name = name || @obj.class.name.snake_case.split("/").last end def form(attrs = {}, &block) captured = @origin.capture(&block) fake_method_tag = process_form_attrs(attrs) tag(:form, fake_method_tag + captured, attrs) end def fieldset(attrs, &block) legend = (l_attr = attrs.delete(:legend)) ? tag(:legend, l_attr) : "" tag(:fieldset, legend + @origin.capture(&block), attrs) # @origin.concat(contents, block.binding) end %w(text password hidden file).each do |kind| self.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def bound_#{kind}_field(method, attrs = {}) name = control_name(method) update_bound_controls(method, attrs, "#{kind}") unbound_#{kind}_field({ :name => name, :value => control_value(method) }.merge(attrs)) end def unbound_#{kind}_field(attrs) update_unbound_controls(attrs, "#{kind}") self_closing_tag(:input, {:type => "#{kind}"}.merge(attrs)) end RUBY end def bound_check_box(method, attrs = {}) name = control_name(method) update_bound_controls(method, attrs, "checkbox") unbound_check_box({:name => name}.merge(attrs)) end def unbound_check_box(attrs) update_unbound_controls(attrs, "checkbox") if attrs.delete(:boolean) on, off = attrs.delete(:on), attrs.delete(:off) unbound_hidden_field(:name => attrs[:name], :value => off) << self_closing_tag(:input, {:type => "checkbox", :value => on}.merge(attrs)) else self_closing_tag(:input, {:type => "checkbox"}.merge(attrs)) end end def bound_radio_button(method, attrs = {}) name = control_name(method) update_bound_controls(method, attrs, "radio") unbound_radio_button({:name => name, :value => control_value(method)}.merge(attrs)) end def unbound_radio_button(attrs) update_unbound_controls(attrs, "radio") self_closing_tag(:input, {:type => "radio"}.merge(attrs)) end def bound_radio_group(method, arr) val = control_value(method) arr.map do |attrs| attrs = {:value => attrs} unless attrs.is_a?(Hash) attrs[:checked] = true if (val == attrs[:value]) radio_group_item(method, attrs) end.join end def unbound_radio_group(arr, attrs = {}) arr.map do |ind_attrs| ind_attrs = {:value => ind_attrs} unless ind_attrs.is_a?(Hash) joined = attrs.merge(ind_attrs) joined.merge!(:label => joined[:label] || joined[:value]) unbound_radio_button(joined) end.join end def bound_select(method, attrs = {}) name = control_name(method) update_bound_controls(method, attrs, "select") unbound_select({:name => name}.merge(attrs)) end def unbound_select(attrs = {}) update_unbound_controls(attrs, "select") attrs[:name] << "[]" if attrs[:multiple] && !(attrs[:name] =~ /\[\]$/) tag(:select, options_for(attrs), attrs) end def bound_text_area(method, attrs = {}) name = "#{@name}[#{method}]" update_bound_controls(method, attrs, "text_area") unbound_text_area(control_value(method), {:name => name}.merge(attrs)) end def unbound_text_area(contents, attrs) update_unbound_controls(attrs, "text_area") tag(:textarea, contents, attrs) end def button(contents, attrs) update_unbound_controls(attrs, "button") tag(:button, contents, attrs) end def submit(value, attrs) attrs[:type] ||= "submit" attrs[:value] ||= value update_unbound_controls(attrs, "submit") self_closing_tag(:input, attrs) end private def process_form_attrs(attrs) method = attrs[:method] # Unless the method is :get, fake out the method using :post attrs[:method] = :post unless attrs[:method] == :get # Use a fake PUT if the object is not new, otherwise use the method # passed in. Defaults to :post if no method is set. method ||= (@obj.respond_to?(:new_record?) && !@obj.new_record?) || (@obj.respond_to?(:new?) && !@obj.new?) ? :put : :post attrs[:enctype] = "multipart/form-data" if attrs.delete(:multipart) || @multipart method == :post || method == :get ? "" : fake_out_method(attrs, method) end # This can be overridden to use another method to fake out methods def fake_out_method(attrs, method) self_closing_tag(:input, :type => "hidden", :name => "_method", :value => method) end def update_bound_controls(method, attrs, type) case type when "checkbox" update_bound_check_box(method, attrs) when "select" update_bound_select(method, attrs) end end def update_bound_check_box(method, attrs) raise ArgumentError, ":value can't be used with a bound_check_box" if attrs.has_key?(:value) attrs[:boolean] = attrs.fetch(:boolean, true) val = control_value(method) attrs[:checked] = attrs.key?(:on) ? val == attrs[:on] : considered_true?(val) end def update_bound_select(method, attrs) attrs[:value_method] ||= method attrs[:text_method] ||= attrs[:value_method] || :to_s attrs[:selected] ||= control_value(attrs[:value_method]) end def update_unbound_controls(attrs, type) case type when "checkbox" update_unbound_check_box(attrs) when "radio" update_unbound_radio_button(attrs) when "file" @multipart = true end attrs[:disabled] ? attrs[:disabled] = "disabled" : attrs.delete(:disabled) end def update_unbound_check_box(attrs) boolean = attrs[:boolean] || (attrs[:on] && attrs[:off]) ? true : false case when attrs.key?(:on) ^ attrs.key?(:off) raise ArgumentError, ":on and :off must be specified together" when (attrs[:boolean] == false) && (attrs.key?(:on)) raise ArgumentError, ":boolean => false cannot be used with :on and :off" when boolean && attrs.key?(:value) raise ArgumentError, ":value can't be used with a boolean checkbox" end if attrs[:boolean] = boolean attrs[:on] ||= "1"; attrs[:off] ||= "0" end attrs[:checked] = "checked" if attrs.delete(:checked) end def update_unbound_radio_button(attrs) attrs[:checked] = "checked" if attrs.delete(:checked) end # Accepts a collection (hash, array, enumerable, your type) and returns a string of option tags. # Given a collection where the elements respond to first and last (such as a two-element array), # the "lasts" serve as option values and the "firsts" as option text. Hashes are turned into # this form automatically, so the keys become "firsts" and values become lasts. If selected is # specified, the matching "last" or element will get the selected option-tag. Selected may also # be an array of values to be selected when using a multiple select. # # ==== Parameters # attrs:: HTML attributes and options # # ==== Options # +selected+:: The value of a selected object, which may be either a string or an array. # +prompt+:: Adds an addtional option tag with the provided string with no value. # +include_blank+:: Adds an additional blank option tag with no value. # # ==== Returns # String:: HTML # # ==== Examples # <%= options_for [["apple", "Apple Pie"], ["orange", "Orange Juice"]], :selected => "orange" # => # # <%= options_for [["apple", "Apple Pie"], ["orange", "Orange Juice"]], :selected => ["orange", "apple"], :prompt => "Select One" # => def options_for(attrs) blank, prompt = attrs.delete(:include_blank), attrs.delete(:prompt) b = blank || prompt ? tag(:option, prompt || "", :value => "") : "" # yank out the options attrs collection, selected, text_method, value_method = attrs.extract!(:collection, :selected, :text_method, :value_method) # if the collection is a Hash, optgroups are a-coming if collection.is_a?(Hash) ([b] + collection.map do |g,col| tag(:optgroup, options(col, text_method, value_method, selected), :label => g) end).join else options(collection || [], text_method, value_method, selected, b) end end def options(col, text_meth, value_meth, sel, b = nil) ([b] + col.map do |item| text_meth = text_meth && item.respond_to?(text_meth) ? text_meth : :last value_meth = value_meth && item.respond_to?(value_meth) ? value_meth : :first text = item.is_a?(String) ? item : item.send(text_meth) value = item.is_a?(String) ? item : item.send(value_meth) # unless Rango.disabled?(:merb_helper_escaping) # text = Rango::Parse.escape_xml(text) # value = Rango::Parse.escape_xml(value) # end option_attrs = {:value => value} if sel.is_a?(Array) option_attrs.merge!(:selected => "selected") if value.in? sel else option_attrs.merge!(:selected => "selected") if value == sel end tag(:option, text, option_attrs) end).join end def radio_group_item(method, attrs) attrs.merge!(:checked => "checked") if attrs[:checked] bound_radio_button(method, attrs) end def considered_true?(value) value && value != "false" && value != "0" && value != 0 end def control_name(method) @obj ? "#{@name}[#{method}]" : method end def control_value(method) value = @obj ? @obj.send(method) : @origin.params[method] # if Rango.disabled?(:merb_helper_escaping) value.to_s # else # Rango::Parse.escape_xml(value.to_s) # end end def add_css_class(attrs, new_class) attrs[:class] = attrs[:class] ? "#{attrs[:class]} #{new_class}" : new_class end end class Form < Base def label(contents, attrs = {}) if contents if contents.is_a?(Hash) label_attrs = contents contents = label_attrs.delete(:title) else label_attrs = attrs end tag(:label, contents, label_attrs) else "" end end %w(text password file).each do |kind| self.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def unbound_#{kind}_field(attrs = {}) unbound_label(attrs) + super end RUBY end def unbound_label(attrs = {}) if attrs[:id] label_attrs = {:for => attrs[:id]} elsif attrs[:name] label_attrs = {:for => attrs[:name]} else label_attrs = {} end label_option = attrs.delete(:label) if label_option.is_a? Hash label(label_attrs.merge(label_option)) else label(label_option, label_attrs) end end def unbound_check_box(attrs = {}) label_text = unbound_label(attrs) super + label_text end def unbound_hidden_field(attrs = {}) attrs.delete(:label) super end def unbound_radio_button(attrs = {}) label_text = unbound_label(attrs) super + label_text end def unbound_select(attrs = {}) unbound_label(attrs) + super end def unbound_text_area(contents, attrs = {}) unbound_label(attrs) + super end def button(contents, attrs = {}) unbound_label(attrs) + super end def submit(value, attrs = {}) unbound_label(attrs) + super end private def update_bound_controls(method, attrs, type) attrs.merge!(:id => "#{@name}_#{method}") unless attrs[:id] super end def update_unbound_controls(attrs, type) attrs.merge!(:id => attrs[:name]) if attrs[:name] && !attrs[:id] case type when "text", "radio", "password", "hidden", "checkbox", "file" add_css_class(attrs, type) end super end def radio_group_item(method, attrs) unless attrs[:id] attrs.merge!(:id => "#{@name}_#{method}_#{attrs[:value]}") end attrs.merge!(:label => attrs[:label] || attrs[:value]) super end end module Errorifier def error_messages_for(obj, error_class, build_li, header, before) obj ||= @obj return "" unless obj.respond_to?(:errors) sequel = !obj.errors.respond_to?(:each) errors = sequel ? obj.errors.full_messages : obj.errors return "" if errors.empty? header_message = header % [errors.size, errors.size == 1 ? "" : "s"] markup = %Q{
} end private def update_bound_controls(method, attrs, type) if @obj && !@obj.errors.on(method.to_sym).blank? add_css_class(attrs, "error") end super end end class FormWithErrors < Form include Errorifier end module Resourceful private def process_form_attrs(attrs) attrs[:action] ||= @origin.url(@name, @obj) if @origin super end end class ResourcefulForm < Form include Resourceful end class ResourcefulFormWithErrors < FormWithErrors include Errorifier include Resourceful end end end end end