Descriptive data for a physical location. May be used as an actual physical address (place to which one could go), or as a container of "address parts" which should be handled as a unit (such as a city-state-ZIP combination within the US).Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included.Name of city, town, etc.Identifying abbreviation for US state, Canada province, etc. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.Identification of a region (usually small) for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico.The two-letter code used to identify a country.Indicates whether this address residential (as opposed to commercial).This enumeration represents a kind of "legacy" account number from a FedEx operating entity.Identifies the valid set of building part types when requesting a package pickup.The descriptive data returned to a client in response to a cancel dispatch request.Identifies the highest severity encountered when executing the request; in order from high to low: FAILURE, ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, SUCCESS.The descriptive data detailing the status of a sumbitted transaction.Descriptive data that governs data payload language/translations. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).Human readable message from dispatch system.The descriptive data to cancel a shipment pickup request.Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).The descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.The descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).Identifies the FedEx operating company (transportation) that was sent the pickup that is being canceled.Identifies the pickup confirmation number that is being canceled. The pickup confirmation number was returned to the client when the pickup was requested.30Identifies the scheduled date for the pickup that is being canceled. The scheduled date was provided by the client when the pickup was requested.Identifies the FedEx location identifier responsible for processing the package pickup that is being canceled. The FedEx location identifier was returned to the client when the pickup was requested. Required for Express service type.5Identifies comments the customer wants to convey to the FedEx courier regarding the package pickup.60The reason for canceling the pickup request.Identifies the name of the person that requested pickup cancellation.Identifies the phone number of the person that requested pickup cancellation.Identifies the phone extension of the person that requested pickup cancellation.Identification of a FedEx operating company (transportation).Descriptive data for the client submitting a transaction.The FedEx account number associated with this transaction.This number is assigned by FedEx and identifies the unique device from which the request is originatingOnly used in transactions which require identification of the Fed Ex Office integrator.Indicates the region from which the transaction is submitted.The language to be used for human-readable Notification.localizedMessages in responses to the request containing this ClientDetail object. Different requests from the same client may contain different Localization data. (Contrast with TransactionDetail.localization, which governs data payload language/translation.)Identifies the type of funds FedEx should collect upon shipment delivery.Descriptive data required for a FedEx COD (Collect-On-Delivery) shipment.Specifies the details of the charges are to be added to the COD collect amount.Identifies the type of funds FedEx should collect upon package deliveryFor Express this is the descriptive data that is used for the recipient of the FedEx Letter containing the COD payment. For Ground this is the descriptive data for the party to receive the payment that prints the COD receipt.Indicates which type of reference information to include on the COD return shipping label.Indicates which type of reference information to include on the COD return shipping label.Data resulting from the processing of an LTL Freight pickup request.Describes the origin service center handling the pickup.Describes the results for each line item in the original request.Total number of pieces from all line items from request.Total weight from all line items from request.Total handling units from all line items from request.Resulting status of pickup.Data resulting from the processing of an individual line item in a LTL Freight pickup request.Identifies the line item, to match reply line with request line.Describes the destination service center handling the delivery of this line item.Total travel time for this line item.Identifies estimated delivery date and time for each line item.The descriptive data for a point-of-contact person.Client provided identifier corresponding to this contact information.Identifies the contact person's name.Identifies the contact person's title.Identifies the company this contact is associated with.Identifies the phone number associated with this contact.Identifies the phone extension associated with this contact.Identifies the pager number associated with this contact.Identifies the fax number associated with this contact.Identifies the email address associated with this contact.The descriptive data for a person or company entitiy doing business with FedEx.Descriptive data identifying the point-of-contact person.The descriptive data for a physical location.Describes relationship between origin and destination countries.The descriptive data returned to a client in response to a shipment pickup request.Identifies the highest severity encountered when executing the request; in order from high to low: FAILURE, ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, SUCCESS.The descriptive data detailing the status of a sumbitted transaction.Descriptive data that governs data payload language/translations. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).Identifies the confirmation number assigned by FedEx for the request.30Identifies the FedEx Location identifier responsible for processing the pickup of the package.5Coded value supplied by dispatch system.Message supplied by dispatch system.Package Return Program control numberUsed with "stay late" requests; postal-code specific.Data resulting from the processing of an LTL Freight pickup request.The descriptive data to schedule a FedEx package pickup request.Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).The descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.The descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).Descriptive data about the origin of the shipment being picked up by FedEx.Descriptive data for a freight shipment being picked up by FedEx. This is element is only required when requesting a freight service pickup and should not be used for other types of pickups including express freight pickups.Descriptive data for an express freight shipment being picked up by FedEx. This is element is only required when requesting a express freight service pickup and should not be used for other types of pickups.Identifies the number of packages that are being tendered to FedEx for this pickup request.Identifies the total weight of the package or packages being tendered to FedEx for this pickup request.Identifies the FedEx operating company (transportation) that is being sent the package pickup request.Identifies the number of oversize packages that are being tendered to FedEx for this pickup request. Please refer to the FedEx Service Guide for package size limits to determine if a package is oversized for the service being shipped.Identifies any remarks or comments to be passed to the FedEx courier picking up the shipment.60Identifies the type of commodity being shipped. This element is required for an international shipment.20Describes the country relationship (domestic and/or international) among the shipments being picked up.Must be in one of the following formats: YYMM, YYYYMM, or YYYYMMDD.This class represents data tied to the use of a credit card in a specific transaction.This class is a rename of the previous VerifyCreditFraudDetail; the name change reflects the fact that it is no longer tied to a "verify" usage.Indicates the type of custom delivery being requested.Time by which delivery is requested.Range of dates for custom delivery request; only used if type is BETWEEN.Date for custom delivery request; only used for types of ON, BETWEEN, or AFTER.The beginning date in a date range.The end date in a date range.Specifications for pup/set or vehicle delayed for loading or unloading.Amount of time involved in the detention.Descriptive data detailing the length, width, and height of a package.Identifies the length of the package.Identifies the width of the package.Identifies the height of the package.Identifies the unit of measure associated with a dimensional values. See LinearUnits for valid values.Driving or other transportation distances, distinct from dimension measurements.Identifies the distance quantity.Identifies the unit of measure for the distance value.Identifies the unit of measure for the distance value.Describes specific information about the email label shipment.Notification email will be sent to this email addressMessage to be sent in the notification emailInformation describing email notifications that will be sent in relation to events that occur during package movementSpecifies whether/how email notifications are grouped.A message that will be included in the email notificationsInformation describing the destination of the email, format of the email and events to be notified onThe format of the emailThe descriptive data for a FedEx email notification recipient.Identifies the relationship this email recipient has to the shipment.The email address to send the notification toThe types of email notifications being requested for this recipient.The format of the email notification.The language/locale to be used in this email notification.Identifies the set of valid email notification recipient types. For SHIPPER, RECIPIENT and BROKER the email address asssociated with their definitions will be used, any email address sent with the email notification for these three email notification recipient types will be ignored.Specifies whether to confirm documents prior to processing a shipment with the ELECTRONIC_TRADE_DOCUMENTS special service.Electronic Trade document references used with the ETD special service.Specifies client's intent for whether all documents must be confirmed before shipment processing.Indicates the types of shipping documents produced for the shipper by FedEx (see ShippingDocumentSpecification) which should be copied back to the shipper in the shipment result data.Descriptive data regarding an express freight service pickup request.Identifies the collection of available FedEx transportation service options. Must be a valid FedEx freight service identifier.Identifies the FedEx freight booking number. This element should contain numeric values only.8Descriptive data detailing the length, width, and height of the freight package or shipment being picked up by FedEx.Identifies the type of truck that is needed for FedEx to pick up the freight shipment. See TruckType for valid values.Identifies the tailer size needed for FedEx to pick up a freight shipment. See TrailerSizeType for valid values.Indicates a FedEx Express operating region.Specification for labor time spent handling shipment.Total labor time.Identifies a kind of FedEx facility.Specifies the optional features/characteristics requested for a Freight shipment utilizing a flatbed trailer.Specifies the optional features/characteristics requested for a Freight shipment utilizing a flatbed trailer.Optional features/characteristics requested for a Freight shipment utilizing a flatbed trailer.Identifies the type of payment to be tendered for the pickup.Descriptive data regarding a FedEx freight service pickup request.Description of GuaranteeDate for all Freight guarantee types.Identifies the type of Delivery Guarantee made.Descriptive data regarding a FedEx freight service pickup request.Contact Information of origin service center representative that authorized the pickupIdentifies the type of payment to be tendered for the pickup.Indicates the role of the party submitting the transaction.Contact Information of the person submitting the pickup.Identifies the details about the contents of the shipments to be picked up.Identifies details about the contents of the shipment to be picked up.Identifies the line item, to match reply line with request line.Identifies the destination of the shipment.Identifies the physical packaging of the shipment.Identifies number of items contained in the packaging.Identifies the total weight of the item being tendered to FedEx for this pickup request.Identifies number of items to be moved.These special services are available at the shipment level for some or all service types. If the shipper is requesting a special service which requires additional data (such as the COD amount), the shipment special service type must be present in the specialServiceTypes collection, and the supporting detail must be provided in the appropriate sub-object below. Identifies the delivery guarantee information.Describes the contents of the package.This class describes the relationship between a customer-specified address and the FedEx Freight / FedEx National Freight Service Center that supports that address.Freight Industry standard non-FedEx carrier identificationThe name of the Interline carrier.Additional time it might take at the origin or destination to pickup or deliver the freight. This is usually due to the remoteness of the location. This time is included in the total transit time.Service branding which may be used for local pickup or delivery, distinct from service used for line-haul of customer's shipment.Distance between customer address (pickup or delivery) and the supporting Freight / National Freight service center.Time to travel between customer address (pickup or delivery) and the supporting Freight / National Freight service center.Specifies when/how the customer can arrange for pickup or delivery.Specifies days of operation if localServiceScheduling is LIMITED.Freight service center that is a gateway on the border of Canada or Mexico.Alphabetical code identifying a Freight Service CenterFreight service center Contact and AddressSpecifies the type of service scheduling offered from a Freight or National Freight Service Center to a customer-supplied address.Indicates the role of the party submitting the transaction.Descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment that is to be held at the destination FedEx location for pickup by the recipient.Contact phone number for recipient of shipment.Contact and address of FedEx facility at which shipment is to be held.Type of facility at which package/shipment is to be held.Location identification (for facilities identified by an alphanumeric location code).Location identification (for facilities identified by an numeric location code).The descriptive data required by FedEx for home delivery services.The type of Home Delivery Premium service being requested.Required for Date Certain Home Delivery.Required for Date Certain and Appointment Home Delivery.15The type of Home Delivery Premium service being requested.Identifies the collection of linear units of measure for a package dimension.Identifies the representation of human-readable text.Two-letter code for language (e.g. EN, FR, etc.)Two-letter code for the region (e.g. us, ca, etc..).Specification for marking or tagging of pieces in shipment.Number of pieces to be marked or tagged by FedEx.The descriptive data for the medium of exchange for FedEx services.Identifies the currency of the monetary amount.3Identifies the monetary amount.Specification for services performed during non-business hours and/or days.Total number of person days for full non-business days.Total number of person hours (whole or partial hours) for non-business hours.The descriptive data regarding the result of the submitted transaction.The severity of this notification. This can indicate success or failure or some other information about the request. The values that can be returned are SUCCESS - Your transaction succeeded with no other applicable information. NOTE - Additional information that may be of interest to you about your transaction. WARNING - Additional information that you need to know about your transaction that you may need to take action on. ERROR - Information about an error that occurred while processing your transaction. FAILURE - FedEx was unable to process your transaction at this time due to a system failure. Please try again laterIndicates the source of this notification. Combined with the Code it uniquely identifies this notificationA code that represents this notification. Combined with the Source it uniquely identifies this notification.Human-readable text that explains this notification.The translated message. The language and locale specified in the ClientDetail. Localization are used to determine the representation. Currently only supported in a TrackReply.A collection of name/value pairs that provide specific data to help the client determine the nature of an error (or warning, etc.) witout having to parse the message string.Identifies the type of data contained in Value (e.g. SERVICE_TYPE, PACKAGE_SEQUENCE, etc..).The value of the parameter (e.g. PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT, 2, etc..).Identifies the set of severity values for a Notification.Specifications for pallets to be shrinkwrapped as part of a Freight shipment.Number of pallets to be shrinkwrapped.Specifications for pallets to be provided on Freight shipment.Number of pallets to be provided.This type contains equivalent data to Contact, but uses a form of person name with separate first and last names.The name of the person.The title of the person.The name of the company, this person is working for.Phone number of the person.Pager number of the person.Fax number of the person.Email address information.This type contains equivalent data to ContactAndAddress, but uses a form of person name with separate first, middle and last names.Middle name added to support credit card fraud detection.The First name of the person.The middle name of the person.The last name of the person.The descriptive data for a person or company entitiy doing business with FedEx.Identifies the FedEx account number assigned to the customer.12Descriptive data identifying the point-of-contact person.The descriptive data for a physical location.The descriptive data for the monetary compensation given to FedEx for services rendered to the customer.Identifies the method of payment for a service. See PaymentType for list of valid enumerated values.Descriptive data identifying the party responsible for payment for a service.Descriptive data for the payor's cash payment.Identifies the method of payment for a service.The descriptive data identifying the party responsible for payment for a service.Identifies the FedEx account number assigned to the payor.12Identifies the country of the payor.2
` This information describes the kind of pending shipment being requested.Identifies the type of FedEx pending shipmentDate after which the pending shipment will no longer be available for completion.Only used with type of EMAIL.Identifies the type of service for a pending shipment.This enumeration rationalizes the former FedEx Express international "admissibility package" types (based on ANSI X.12) and the FedEx Freight packaging types. The values represented are those common to both carriers.The descriptive data returned to a client in response to a cancel dispatch request.Identifies the highest severity encountered when executing the request; in order from high to low: FAILURE, ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, SUCCESS.The descriptive data detailing the status of a sumbitted transaction.Descriptive data that governs data payload language/translations. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).the point in time when the request was processedIdentifies the options for picking up the shipment.Identifies whether the close time is specified by the customer or is the default time.Close time corresponding to the above specified typeLocal time of the service center that will service the pickupThe descriptive data to request availability of pickup.Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).The descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.The descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).Identifies the account number for Freight Pickup AvailabilityDescriptive data providing information about address to pickup from.An array of PickupRequestType. If SAME_DAY is included, Options with ScheduleDay of SAME_DAY will be included in the reply.
If FUTURE_DAY is included, Options with ScheduleDay of FUTURE_DAY will be included in the reply.The dispatch date (in the local time zone) for the pickup whose availability is being requested.Number of business days to consider when checking availability.The time when the package will be ready to be picked up. The time is local to the pickup postal code, in 24-hour form (e.g. 13:00:00). It should not contain a TZD. If a TZD is included, it will be ignoredThe lastest time at which the courier will be able to gain access to pick up the package(s). The time is local to the pickup postal code, in 24-hour form (e.g. 17:00:00). It should not contain a TZD. If a TZD is included, it will be ignoredThe FedEx carrier(s) for which availability is requested.Descriptive information about the shipment.Identifies the valid set of valid building locations for package pickup.Status of the pickupDescriptive data about the origin of the shipment being picked up by FedEx.Flag identifies if customer wants to use Account address or send and alternate address for pickup.FedEx USE ONLY (with IVR client)Descriptive data about the physical location of the package being picked up by FedEx.Identifies the physical location where the courier should pick up the shipment. See CourierDispatchBuildingLocationType for valid values.Identifies additional descriptive information associated with the BuildingPartCode to assist the FedEx courier in finding the pickup location.Identifies the date and time the package will be ready for pickup by FedEx. Both the date and time portions of the string are expected to be used. The date should not be a past date or a date more than 10 days in the future. The time is the local time of the pickup based on the shipper's time zone. The date component must be in the format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2006-06-26). The time component must be in the format: HH:MM:SS in 24-hour form. The date and time parts are separated by the letter T (e.g. 2006-06-26T17:00:00). Because this is a local time, no TZD should be included. If a TZD is included, it will be ignored, and the time treated as local to the pickup postal code.Identifies the close time of the company requesting the pickup. The time is the local time of the pickup based on the shipper's time zone. The time component must be in the format: HH:MM:SS in 24-hour form (e.g. 17:00:00). Because this is a local time, no TZD should be included. If a TZD is included, it will be ignored, and the time treated as local to the pickup postal code.FedEx IVR Only. Customer is willing to stay late for pickup.FedEx USE ONLY (with IVR client)FedEx IVR OnlyAlternate postal code tied to pickup location (European pickups)FedEx USE ONLYFedEx USE ONLY (with IVR client)Applies only to EuropeDescribes the relationship between the date on which a dispatch occurs and the date on which it is created (scheduled)
by means of a CourierDispatchRequest. FUTURE_DAY means that the dispatch date is later than the date on which it is created.
SAME_DAY means that the dispatch is to occur on the date on which it is created.
The constraints on the scheduling of a dispatch, where that dispatch would be made by the Carrier, occur on the PickupDate,
and would be scheduled (created by means of a CourierDispatchRequest) on a date related to the PickupDate as described
by the "ScheduleDay" (SAME_DAY meaning that the creation would occur on the PickupDate, and FUTURE_DAY meaning that the creation
would occur on a date prior to the PickupDate).the carrier to which this PickupScheduleOption appliesDescriptive information about the shipment.Tells whether this option describes a dispatch created on the dispatch date (SAME_DAY), or on a prior date (FUTURE_DAY)True if this pickup option is available.Identifies the date (in the postal code's time zone) to which this PickupScheduleOption refers.Identifies the latest allowed ready time (in the postal code's time zone) for a postal code. As a local time, it will not include a Time Zone DesignatorIdentifies the minimum required length of the window of time between the ReadyTime and the CustomerCloseTime.Indicates whether residential pickup is available for the requested postal code.Describes the country relationship (domestic and/or international) among the shipments being picked up.Descriptive information about the shipment.Descriptive information about the dimensions of the package.Descriptive information about the weight of the package.Select the type of rate from which the element is to be selected.These values are used to control the availability of certain special services at the time when a customer uses the e-mail label link to create a return shipment.Return Email DetailsPhone number of the merchantIdentifies the allowed (merchant-authorized) special services which may be selected when the subsequent shipment is created. Only services represented in EMailLabelAllowedSpecialServiceType will be controlled by this list.Information relating to a return shipment.The type of return shipment that is being requested.Return Merchant AuthorizationDescribes specific information about the email label shipment.The type of return shipment that is being requested.Return Merchant AuthorizationThe RMA number.20The reason for the return.60Identifies the collection of available FedEx transportation service options.Specification for assembly performed on shipment.Number of pieces or packages to be assembledTotal weight of pieces or packages to be assembledShipment-level totals of dry ice data across all packages.Total number of packages in the shipment that contain dry ice.Total shipment dry ice weight for all packages.Identifies the collection of special service offered by FedEx. BROKER_SELECT_OPTION should be used for Express shipments only.These special services are available at the shipment level for some or all service types. If the shipper is requesting a special service which requires additional data (such as the COD amount), the shipment special service type must be present in the specialServiceTypes collection, and the supporting detail must be provided in the appropriate sub-object below.The types of all special services requested for the enclosing shipment (or other shipment-level transaction).Descriptive data required for a FedEx COD (Collect-On-Delivery) shipment. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.COD is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.Descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment that is to be held at the destination FedEx location for pickup by the recipient. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.HOLD_AT_LOCATION is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.Descriptive data required for FedEx to provide email notification to the customer regarding the shipment. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.The descriptive data required for FedEx Printed Return Label. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.PRINTED_RETURN_LABEL is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collectionThis field should be populated for pending shipments (e.g. e-mail label) It is required by a PENDING_SHIPMENT special service type.Number of packages in this shipment which contain dry ice and the total weight of the dry ice for this shipment.The descriptive data required for FedEx Home Delivery options. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.HOME_DELIVERY_PREMIUM is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collectionIdentifies the delivery guarantee information.Identifies the delivery guarantee information.Electronic Trade document references.Specification for labor to be performed with the shipment.Specifications for pallets to be shrinkwrapped as part of a Freight shipment.Specifications for pallets to be provided on Freight shipment.Specifications for pup/set or vehicle delayed for loading or unloading.Specification for marking or tagging of pieces in shipment.Specification for services performed during non-business hours and/or days.Specification for assembly performed on shipment.Specification for sorting and/or segregating performed on shipment.Specification for special equipment used in loading/unloading shipment.Specification for storage provided for shipment.Specification for weighing services provided for shipment.Specification for date or range of dates on which delivery is to be attempted.Specification for sorting and/or segregating performed on shipment.Number of pieces or packages to be sorted/segregatedTotal weight of pieces or packages to be sorted/segregatedSpecification for special equipment used in loading/unloading shipment.Contains an entry for each type of special equipment used with shipmentSpecifies the usage of a single type of special equipment while loading/unloading a shipmentType of equipment usedTotal amount of time the equipment was usedIdentifies types of special equipment used in loading/unloading Freight shipmentsSpecification for storage provided for shipment.Total time shipment is held by carrier.The descriptive data for taxpayer identification information.Identifies the category of the taxpayer identification number. See TinType for the list of values.Identifies the taxpayer identification number.15Identifies the usage of Tax Identification Number in Shipment processingIdentifies the category of the taxpayer identification number.Identifies the valid set of tractor tailer sizes supported by FedEx. This type is appropriate only for freight pickup requests.The descriptive data that governs data payload language/translations.Free form text to be echoed back in the reply. Used to match requests and replies.Governs data payload language/translations (contrasted with ClientDetail.localization, which governs Notification.localizedMessage language selection).Identifies the valid set of truck types supported by FedEx. This type is appropriate only for freight pickup requests.Specifies a single type of weighing performed on a shipmentType of scale usedIdentifies types of scales used in weighing Freight shipmentsThe descriptive data for the heaviness of an object.Identifies the unit of measure associated with a weight value.Identifies the weight value of a package/shipment.Identifies the collection of units of measure that can be associated with a weight value.Used in authentication of the sender's identity.Credential used to authenticate a specific software application. This value is provided by FedEx after registration.Two part authentication string used for the sender's identityIdentifying part of authentication credential. This value is provided by FedEx after registrationSecret part of authentication key. This value is provided by FedEx after registration.Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).Identifies a system or sub-system which performs an operation.Identifies the service business level.Identifies the service interface level.Identifies the service code level.