Pull requests into cqm-models require the following. Submitter and reviewer should :white_check_mark: when done. For items that are not-applicable, note it's not-applicable ("N/A") and :white_check_mark:. **Submitter:** - [ ] This pull request describes why these changes were made. - [ ] Internal ticket for this PR: - [ ] Internal ticket links to this PR - [ ] Code diff has been done and been reviewed - [ ] Tests are included and test edge cases - [ ] Tests have been run locally and pass - [ ] If there were any JavaScript changes, this PR has updated the `dist` directory using `npm run dist` - [ ] If applicable, the library version number in `package.json` and `cqm-models.gemspec` has been updated **Bonnie Reviewer:** Name: - [ ] Code is maintainable and reusable, reuses existing code and infrastructure where appropriate, and accomplishes the task’s purpose - [ ] The tests appropriately test the new code, including edge cases - [ ] You have tried to break the code **Cypress Reviewer:** Name: - [ ] Code is maintainable and reusable, reuses existing code and infrastructure where appropriate, and accomplishes the task’s purpose - [ ] The tests appropriately test the new code, including edge cases - [ ] You have tried to break the code