#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $:.unshift File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'installer', 'utils')) require 'rubygems' require 'stringio' require 'fog' require 'net/http' require 'constants' include Constants BUCKET = 'rhoconnect' def run_on_server(server, cmds) result = server.ssh(cmds) result.each do |r| raise "Command #{r.command} failed.\nStdout: #{r.stdout}\nStderr: #{r.stderr}" if r.status != 0 puts "$ #{r.command}" puts r.stdout end end def build_type case ARGV[0] when 'test' 'test-packages' when 'beta' 'beta-packages' when 'release' 'packages' else 'packages' end end # Fills in all necessary information which is stack specific def compile_stack_info(stack) # User is stack specific but not to # be included in the fog creation hash user = stack[:user] local_file = "#{Dir.pwd}/pkg/" # Determine what channel to pull the packages from channel = build_type # Append the rest of the file name according to distribution if user == 'ubuntu' dist = { :flavor => "ubuntu", :package => "rhoconnect_#{Constants::RC_VERSION}_all.deb", :local_file => "#{local_file}rhoconnect_#{Constants::RC_VERSION}_all.deb", :pkg_mgr => 'dpkg', :pkg_type => 'DEB', :pkg_cmd => 'apt-get --force-yes -y', :deps => Constants::DEB_DEPS, :repo_src_file => '/etc/apt/sources.list', :repo_str => '\n' + '# This is the repository for rhoconnect packages\n' + "deb http://#{BUCKET}.s3.amazonaws.com/#{channel}/deb rhoconnect main" } elsif user == 'root' dist = { :flavor => "centos", :package => "rhoconnect-#{Constants::RC_VERSION}.noarch.rpm", :local_file => "#{local_file}rhoconnect-#{Constants::RC_VERSION}.noarch.rpm", :pkg_mgr => 'rpm', :pkg_type => 'RPM', :pkg_cmd => 'yum -y', :deps => Constants::RPM_DEPS, :repo_src_file => '/etc/yum.repos.d/rhoconnect.repo', :repo_str => '[rhoconnect]\n' + 'name=Rhoconnect\n' + "baseurl=http://#{BUCKET}.s3.amazonaws.com/#{channel}/rpm" + '\nenabled=1\n' + 'gpgcheck=0\n' } # else # raise "Incorrect user name" end [user, dist] end def connect_to_amazon lines = IO.readlines Constants::ACCESS_KEY_FILE access_key = lines.first.strip.split("=")[1] secret_access_key = lines.last.strip.split("=")[1] Fog::Compute.new(:provider => 'AWS', :region => Constants::REGION, :aws_access_key_id => access_key, :aws_secret_access_key => secret_access_key) end # Creates a new ec2 instance as per the given stack. def start_new_instance(connection, params) puts "Creating new instance..." server = connection.servers.create(params) # Wait for machine to be booted server.wait_for { ready? } # Wait for machine to get an ip-address server.wait_for { !public_ip_address.nil? } if server.ready? # wait for all services to start on remote VM puts "Waiting #{Constants::SLEEP} seconds for services to start on remote VM..." Constants::SLEEP.times do sleep 1 print "." STDOUT.flush end puts else raise "Server timed out." end server end def install_package(server, distro_params) puts "Preparing sources..." run_on_server(server, "sudo touch #{distro_params[:repo_src_file]}") if distro_params[:flavor] == 'centos' filename = distro_params[:repo_src_file] src_str = distro_params[:repo_str] # Create file for yum rhoconnect sources # Get current permissions of file perms = server.ssh("stat --format=%a #{filename}")[0].stdout.strip # Change permissions so that it can be edited by "others" cmds = ["sudo chmod 0666 #{filename}", "echo -e \"#{src_str}\" >> #{filename}", "sudo chmod 0#{perms} #{filename}"] cmds << "sudo #{distro_params[:pkg_cmd]} update" unless distro_params[:flavor] == "centos" run_on_server(server, cmds) puts "Installing rhoconnect package.\nThis may take a while...\n\n" run_on_server(server, "sudo #{distro_params[:pkg_cmd]} install rhoconnect") end def start_services(server) puts ['redis', 'thin', 'nginx'].each do |program| status = -1 3.times do res = server.ssh("sudo /etc/init.d/#{program} start") puts "$ #{res[0].command}" puts res[0].stdout status = server.ssh("pgrep -f #{program}")[0].status break status == 0 sleep 3 end raise "Service #{program} failed to start." if status != 0 sleep 10 if program == 'thin' end puts end # Makes an HTTP request to check that the rhoconnect service is working def check_rhoconnect_status(server) host = server.dns_name puts "Testing rhoconnect server on host #{host}" uri = URI("http://#{host}/console/") resp_code = 200 3.times do |i| response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) resp_code = response.code.to_i puts "#{i}: #{response.code} #{response.message}" break if resp_code < 400 sleep 10 end if resp_code < 400 puts "Rhoconnect server up and running!"; puts else puts "Nginx error log:" puts server.ssh('cat /opt/nginx/logs/error.log')[0].stdout puts "Thin server logs:" puts server.ssh('cat /var/log/thin/thin.0.log')[0].stdout puts server.ssh('cat /var/log/thin/thin.1.log')[0].stdout raise "Failed to connect to rhoconnect service on #{host}" end end def ping_remote_host(server) status = -1 10.times do begin res = server.ssh(['uptime']) status = res[0].status break if status == 0 rescue Exception => e sleep 6 end end status end def test_package(connection, stack) start_time = Time.now user, distro_params = compile_stack_info(stack) server = start_new_instance(connection, stack) host = server.dns_name puts "Remote host #{host} is up and running ..." server.username = user server.private_key_path = Constants::SSH_KEY puts "Establish ssh connection for \"#{user}@#{host}\" ..." # For a minute trying to reach remote host raise "Cannot establish ssh connection with #{stack[:tags]['Name']} instance." if ping_remote_host(server) != 0 puts "SSH connection establised!" install_package(server, distro_params) # Start the redis and nginx servers on the remote machine start_services(server) # Check the status of the rhoconnect service check_rhoconnect_status(server) elapsed_time = (Time.now - start_time).to_i puts "Test for #{stack[:tags]['Name']} completed in #{elapsed_time/60} min. #{elapsed_time - ((elapsed_time/60)*60)} sec." 0 rescue => e puts e.inspect puts e.backtrace -1 ensure if server puts "Terminating #{stack[:tags]['Name']} instance ..." server.destroy end end module ThreadOut # Writes to Thread.current[:stdout] instead of STDOUT if the thread local is set. def self.write(stuff) if Thread.current[:stdout] then Thread.current[:stdout].write stuff else STDOUT.write stuff end end end # Connect to Amamzon EC2 cloud start_at = Time.now connection = connect_to_amazon # Redirect stdout $stdout = ThreadOut # Create logs and threads logs = [] threads = [] STACK_SIZE.times do |i| logs << StringIO.new threads << Thread.new(i) do |idx| puts "Starting test for #{STACKS[idx][:tags]['Name']} ... " Thread.current[:stdout] = logs[idx] test_package(connection, STACKS[idx]) end end # Wait till threads re finished threads.each { |thread| thread.join } # Output logs and check resluts threads.each_with_index do |thread, i| puts "\n#{STACKS[i][:tags]['Name']} installation log:" puts logs[i].string end exit_code = 0 threads.each_with_index do |thread, i| if thread.value != 0 puts "Package for #{STACKS[i][:tags]['Name']} failed to pass test!" exit_code = -1 end end elapsed_time = (Time.now - start_at).to_i puts "Elapsed time: #{elapsed_time/60} min. #{elapsed_time - ((elapsed_time/60)*60)} sec." exit exit_code