title: The image_tag
blurb: Find out how to use the enhanced image_tag
helper so that
it can be even more helpful.
layout: template-logo-medium
order: 40
navigate: false
<%= md_links %>
<% content_for :seeAlso do %>
<% end %>
# <%= current_page.data.title %>
<%= current_page.data.blurb %>
The `image_tag` helper (which also handles Markdown links) has been given some
new capabilities aimed towards making you more productive.
## Automatic image extensions
When enabled this new feature allows you to omit the image extension when
specifying an image.
~~~ erb
<%%= image_tag 'middlemac-extras-small' %>
~~~ markdown
<%= image_tag 'middlemac-extras-small' %>
When enabled, the helper will look for images in your project that have an
extension specified by `img_auto_extensions_order` in your
[`config.rb`][config_rb] file.
### Enable this behavior
You can enable or disable this behavior globally in [`config.rb`][config_rb]
file, within the `activate :MiddlemacExtras` activation block by setting the
value of `img_auto_extensions` to `true` or `false`.
You can always enable or disable this behavior selectively by passing this
same key with a `true` or `false` value in the helper’s parameters hash, too.
## Automatic `srcset` for @2x images
When enabled, the helper will look for @2x versions of your images within your
project and add a a `srcset` attribute to the image tag automatically. If you
specify your own `srcset` attribute, then this automatic behavior will never
~~~ html
### Enable this behavior
You can enable or disable this behavior globally in [`config.rb`][config_rb]
file, within the `activate :MiddlemacExtras` activation block by setting the
value of `retina_srcset` to `true` or `false`.
You can always enable or disable this behavior selectively by passing this
same key with a `true` or `false` value in the helper’s parameters hash, too.
## Enables automatic_alt_tags support for absolute paths
Middleman has an extension called `automatic_alt_tags` that specifies an
automatic value for an image’s `alt` attribute if you fail to provide one.
Unfortunately this does not work if you specify an absolute path to an image.
If your project activates `automatic_alt_tags`, then `middlemac-extras` will
apply an automatic `alt` attribute in these cases.