def parse(s) end def element(name, attributes, children), attributes, children) end describe 'DMark::Parser#parser' do it 'parses' do expect(parse('')).to eq [] expect(parse('p.')).to eq [element('p', {}, [])] expect(parse('p. hi')).to eq [element('p', {}, ['hi'])] expect(parse('p. hi %%')).to eq [element('p', {}, ['hi ', '%'])] expect(parse('p. hi %}')).to eq [element('p', {}, ['hi ', '}'])] end it 'parses escaped % in block' do expect(parse('p. %%')).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['%']) ] end it 'parses escaped } in block' do expect(parse('p. %}')).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['}']) ] end it 'parses escaped % in inline block' do expect(parse('p. %foo{%%}')).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ element('foo', {}, ['%']) ] ) ] end it 'parses escaped } in inline block' do expect(parse('p. %foo{%}}')).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ element('foo', {}, ['}']) ]) ] end it 'parses block with text and element content' do expect(parse('p. hi %em{ho}')).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ 'hi ', element('em', {}, ['ho']) ] ) ] end it 'parses block with text and element content, followed by newline' do expect(parse("p. hi %em{ho}\n")).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ 'hi ', element('em', {}, ['ho']) ] ) ] end it 'parses children' do expect(parse("p. hi %em{ho}\n p. child p")).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ 'hi ', element('em', {}, ['ho']), element('p', {}, ['child p']) ] ) ] end it 'parses children multiple levels deep' do expect(parse("p. hi %em{ho}\n p. child p\n p. subchild p")).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ 'hi ', element('em', {}, ['ho']), element( 'p', {}, [ 'child p', element( 'p', {}, [ 'subchild p' ] ) ] ) ] ) ] end it 'ignores blanks' do expect(parse("p. foo\n \n p. bar\n \n\n p. qux")).to eq [ element( 'p', {}, [ 'foo', element( 'p', {}, [ 'bar', element( 'p', {}, [ 'qux' ] ) ] ) ] ) ] end it 'reads multiple consecutive blocks' do expect(parse("p. foo\np. bar")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['foo']), element('p', {}, ['bar']) ] end it 'includes raw content' do expect(parse("p. foo\n donkey")).to eq [ element('p', {}, %W(foo \n donkey)) ] end it 'includes raw content including initial indentation' do expect(parse("p. foo\n donkey")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['foo', "\n", ' donkey']) ] end it 'includes raw content from multiple lines' do expect(parse("p. foo\n donkey\n giraffe\n zebra\n")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['foo', "\n", ' donkey', "\n", 'giraffe', "\n", ' zebra']) ] end it 'includes empty lines in raw content' do expect(parse("p. foo\n\n donkey\n\n giraffe\n")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['foo', "\n", "\n", 'donkey', "\n", "\n", ' giraffe']) ] end it 'does not include line break after empty block element and before data lines' do expect(parse("p.\n donkey\n")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['donkey']) ] end it 'parses inline element in data lines' do expect(parse("p.\n %emph{donkey}\n")).to eq [ element('p', {}, [ element('emph', {}, ['donkey']) ]) ] end it 'parses empty attributes' do expect(parse('p[]. hi')).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses single attribute' do expect(parse('p[foo=bar]. hi')).to eq [ element('p', { 'foo' => 'bar' }, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses single value-less attribute' do expect(parse('p[foo]. hi')).to eq [ element('p', { 'foo' => 'foo' }, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses multiple attributes' do expect(parse('p[foo=bar,qux=donkey]. hi')).to eq [ element('p', { 'foo' => 'bar', 'qux' => 'donkey' }, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses multiple value-less attributes' do expect(parse('p[foo,qux]. hi')).to eq [ element('p', { 'foo' => 'foo', 'qux' => 'qux' }, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses escaped attributes' do expect(parse('p[foo=%],bar=%%,donkey=%,]. hi')).to eq [ element('p', { 'foo' => ']', 'bar' => '%', 'donkey' => ',' }, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses attributes in empty block' do expect(parse("p[foo=bar].\n hi")).to eq [ element('p', { 'foo' => 'bar' }, ['hi']) ] end it 'parses block start on next line properly' do expect(parse("p.\n this is not a child block.")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['this is not a child block.']) ] end it 'parses block start on next line with spacey' do expect(parse("p.\n")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['']) ] end it 'parses child block without content' do expect(parse("ul.\n li.\n p. You can.")).to eq [ element( 'ul', {}, [ element( 'li', {}, [ element('p', {}, ['You can.']) ] ) ] ) ] end it 'parses child block without content at end' do expect(parse("ul.\n li.")).to eq [ element( 'ul', {}, [ element('li', {}, []) ] ) ] end it 'parses child block with attributes' do expect(parse("ul.\n li[foo].")).to eq [ element( 'ul', {}, [ element('li', { 'foo' => 'foo' }, []) ] ) ] end it 'parses document starting with blank lines' do expect(parse(" \n \np. Hi!")).to eq [ element('p', {}, ['Hi!']) ] end it 'does not parse percent escapes' do expect { parse('p. %ref[url=]{eek}') } .to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError, 'parse error at line 1, col 43: expected "%", "," or "]" after "%", but got "3"') end it 'does not parse attribute values ending with an end-of-file' do expect { parse('p. %ref[url=hello') } .to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError, 'parse error at line 1, col 18: unexpected file end in attribute value') end it 'does not parse attribute values ending with a line break' do expect { parse("p. %ref[url=hello\n") } .to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError, 'parse error at line 1, col 18: unexpected line break in attribute value') end it 'does not parse escaped attribute values ending with an end-of-file' do expect { parse('p. %ref[url=hello%') } .to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError, 'parse error at line 1, col 19: unexpected file end in attribute value') end it 'does not parse escaped attribute values ending with a line break' do expect { parse("p. %ref[url=hello%\n") } .to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError, 'parse error at line 1, col 19: unexpected line break in attribute value') end it 'does not parse' do expect { parse('p') }.to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError) expect { parse('0') }.to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError) expect { parse('p0') }.to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError) expect { parse('0.') }.to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError) expect { parse('p. %') }.to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError) expect { parse('p. }') }.to raise_error(DMark::Parser::ParserError) end end