### IRC notifier This notifier sends notifications to an IRC channel using the carrier-pigeon gem. #### Usage Just add the [carrier-pigeon](https://github.com/portertech/carrier-pigeon) gem to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'carrier-pigeon' ``` To configure it, you need to set at least the 'domain' option, like this: ```ruby Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack, email: { email_prefix: '[PREFIX] ', sender_address: %{"notifier" }, exception_recipients: %w{exceptions@example.com} }, irc: { domain: 'irc.example.com' } ``` There are several other options, which are described below. For example, to use ssl and a password, add a prefix, post to the '#log' channel, and include recipients in the message (so that they will be notified), your configuration might look like this: ```ruby Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack, irc: { domain: 'irc.example.com', nick: 'BadNewsBot', password: 'secret', port: 6697, channel: '#log', ssl: true, prefix: '[Exception Notification]', recipients: ['peter', 'michael', 'samir'] } ``` #### Options ##### domain *String, required* The domain name of your IRC server. ##### nick *String, optional* The message will appear from this nick. Default : 'ExceptionNotifierBot'. ##### password *String, optional* Password for your IRC server. ##### port *String, optional* Port your IRC server is listening on. Default : 6667. ##### channel *String, optional* Message will appear in this channel. Default : '#log'. ##### notice *Boolean, optional* Send a notice. Default : false. ##### ssl *Boolean, optional* Whether to use SSL. Default : false. ##### join *Boolean, optional* Join a channel. Default : false. ##### recipients *Array of strings, optional* Nicks to include in the message. Default: []