# frozen_string_literal: true module PriceHubble module Client # A high level client library for the PriceHubble Valuation API. class Valuation < Base # Perform a full-fledged valuation request. # # @param request [PriceHubble::ValuationRequest] the valuation request # @param args [Hash{Symbol => Mixed}] the authentication credentials # @return [Array, nil] the valuation results, # or +nil+ on error # # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength because of the request handling # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize dito def property_value(request, **args) data = request.attributes(sanitize: true) res = connection.post do |req| req.path = '/api/v1/valuation/property_value' req.body = data use_default_context(req, :property_value) use_authentication(req) end decision(bang: args.fetch(:bang, false)) do |result| result.bang(&bang_entity(request, res, data)) result.good(&assign_valuations(res.body.valuations, request)) successful?(res) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # Map and assign the valuation response to our local # +PriceHubble::Valuation+ representation. While taking care of the # multi-dimensional array structure which is reflected from the request # data. You get back a lambda which you need to call to get the results # (for use in a decision). The return values is a # +Array+. # # @param data [Array>] the raw response # valuations data # @param request [PriceHubble::ValuationRequest] the original request # @return [Proc] the valuation mapping code # # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength because of the request # to response mapping # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize dito def assign_valuations(data, request) lambda do # valuations[i][j] contains the valuation for property i on date j data.each_with_index.map do |valuations, property_idx| valuations.each_with_index.map do |valuation, date_idx| # Fetch the request data for this valuation and # extend the raw data to build a local representation valuation.property = request.properties[property_idx] valuation.valuation_date = request.valuation_dates[date_idx] valuation.deal_type = request.deal_type valuation.country_code = request.country_code # Build the local representation from the raw data PriceHubble::Valuation.new(valuation) end end.flatten end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # Generate bang method variants bangers :property_value end end end