require 'hirb' require 'ansi/code' class SimpleCov::Formatter::Console VERSION =, "../VERSION")).read.strip def format(result) root = nil if Module.const_defined? :ROOT then root = ROOT elsif Module.const_defined? :Rails then root = Rails.root.to_s elsif ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] then root = File.dirname(ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"]) else root = Dir.pwd end puts puts "COVERAGE: #{colorize(pct(result))} -- #{result.covered_lines}/#{result.total_lines} lines in #{result.files.size} files" puts if root.nil? then return end files = result.files.sort{ |a,b| a.covered_percent <=> b.covered_percent } covered_files = 0!{ |file| if file.covered_percent == 100 then covered_files += 1 false else true end } if files.nil? or files.empty? then return end table = do |f| { :coverage => pct(f), :lines => f.lines_of_code, :file => f.filename.gsub(root + "/", ''), :missed => f.missed_lines.count, :missing => missed(f.missed_lines).join(", ") } end if table.size > 15 then puts "showing bottom (worst) 15 of #{table.size} files" table = table.slice(0, 15) end s = Hirb::Helpers::Table.render(table).split(/\n/) s.pop puts s.join("\n").gsub(/\d+\.\d+%/) { |m| colorize(m) } if covered_files > 0 then puts "#{covered_files} file(s) with 100% coverage not shown" end end def missed(missed_lines) groups = {} base = nil previous = nil missed_lines.each do |src| ln = src.line_number if base && previous && (ln - 1) == previous groups[base] += 1 previous = ln else base = ln groups[base] = 0 previous = base end end group_str = [] do |base, v| if v > 0 group_str << "#{base}-#{base + v}" else group_str << "#{base}" end end group_str end def pct(obj) sprintf("%6.2f%%", obj.covered_percent) end def colorize(s) s =~ /([\d.]+)/ n = $1.to_f if n >= 90 then { s } elsif n >= 80 then ANSI.yellow { s } else { s } end end end