class Auth::Workflow::Sop include Auth::Concerns::WorkflowConcern FIELDS_LOCKED_AFTER_ORDER_ADDED = ["applicable"] embeds_many :steps, :class_name => Auth.configuration.step_class embeds_many :orders, :class_name => Auth.configuration.order_class embedded_in :stage, :class_name => Auth.configuration.stage_class field :name, type: String field :description, type: String field :applicable_to_product_ids, type: Array, default: [] attr_accessor :assembly_id attr_accessor :assembly_doc_version attr_accessor :stage_index attr_accessor :stage_doc_version attr_accessor :stage_id attr_accessor :sop_index ######################################################### ## ## ## ## CLASS METHODS ## ## ## ######################################################### def self.find_self(id,signed_in_resource,options={}) #puts "the id is: #{id}" return nil unless collection = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where("stages.sops._id" => BSON::ObjectId(id) ) collection.first end def self.permitted_params [{:sop => [:name, :applicable, :description,:assembly_id,:assembly_doc_version,:stage_id,:stage_doc_version,:stage_index,:doc_version, :sop_index, {:applicable_to_product_ids => []}]},:id] end ## @return[Array] array of hashes, each with the following structure: ## it basically returns the stage_index as well as the sop_index alongwith their respective ids. ## the matches array contains the product ids to which that sop is applicable, out of the product ids supplied. def self.find_applicable_sops(options={}) ## instantiate the order object from the serialized hash passed in. order =[:order])) ## we need to get the product ids , given the cart item ids. product_ids ={|c| cart_item = Auth.configuration.cart_item_class.constantize.find(c) c = cart_item.product_id }.uniq assembly_id = order.assembly_id res = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.collection.aggregate([ { "$match" => { "_id" => BSON::ObjectId(assembly_id) } }, { "$unwind" => { "path" => "$stages", "includeArrayIndex" => "stage_index" } }, { "$unwind" => { "path" => "$stages.sops", "includeArrayIndex" => "sop_index" } }, { "$project" => { "common_products" => { "$setIntersection" => ["$stages.sops.applicable_to_product_ids",product_ids] }, "stages" => 1, "sops" => 1, "sop_index" => 1, "stage_index" => 1, "doc_version" => 1, "_id" => 1 } }, { "$addFields" => { "stages.sops.sop_index" => "$sop_index", "stages.sops.stage_index" => "$stage_index", "stages.sops.assembly_doc_version" => "$doc_version", "stages.sops.stage_doc_version" => "$stages.doc_version", "stages.sops.stage_id" => "$stages._id", "stages.sops.doc_version" => "$stages.sops.doc_version", "stages.sops.assembly_id" => "$_id", "stages.sops._id" => "$stages.sops._id", "common_products" => { "$ifNull" => [ "$common_products", []] } } }, { "$project" => { "stages" => { "$cond" => { "if" => { "$gt" => [ {"$size" => "$common_products"}, 0 ] }, "then" => "$stages", "else" => "$$REMOVE" } }, "sop_index" => 1, "stage_index" => 1 } }, { "$group" => { "_id" => nil, "sops" => { "$push" => "$stages.sops" } } } ]) ## so we want to return an array of SOP objects. #puts "initial res is:" #res.each do |result| # puts JSON.pretty_generate(result) #end #puts "res is :#{res}" begin return [] unless res return [] unless res.count > 0 applicable_sops = res.first["sops"].map{|sop_hash| #puts "sop hash is:" #puts JSON.pretty_generate(sop_hash) k = Mongoid::Factory.from_db(Auth.configuration.sop_class.constantize,sop_hash) k.stage_index = sop_hash["stage_index"] k.sop_index = sop_hash["sop_index"] k } ## now emit create_order events. events = [] ## the important thing at this stage will be to add the relevant information on the order. if applicable_sops.size > 0 #puts "THE FIRST STAGE INDEX IS:" #puts applicable_sops.first.stage_index #puts "the first sop index is:" #puts applicable_sops.first.sop_index e = e.arguments = options.merge({:sops => applicable_sops.to_json}) #puts e.arguments.to_s e.object_class = Auth.configuration.assembly_class e.method_to_call = "create_order_in_multiple_sops" e.object_id = order.assembly_id.to_s events << e end events rescue => e puts "rescued" puts e.to_s return nil end end ######################################################### ## ## ## ## INSTANCE METHODS ## ## ## ######################################################### def create_with_conditions(params,permitted_params,model) ## in this case the model is a stage model. return false unless model.valid? assembly_updated = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where({ "$and" => [ { "stages.#{model.stage_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(model.stage_id) }, { "stages.#{model.stage_index}.doc_version" => model.stage_doc_version }, { "_id" => BSON::ObjectId(model.assembly_id) }, { "doc_version" => model.assembly_doc_version }, { "stages.sops.orders" => { "$exists" => false } } ] }) .find_one_and_update( { "$push" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops" => model.attributes } }, { :return_document => :after } ) #puts "assembly updated is: #{assembly_updated}" return false unless assembly_updated return model end ## called from #index in authenticated_controller. def get_many self.class.find_applicable_sops({:product_ids => self.applicable_to_product_ids, :assembly_id => self.assembly_id}) end ## return[Boolean] true if the sop already has some order with any of the cart_items in this order. def has_order_with_cart_items(order) results =Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where({ "$and" => [ { "_id" => BSON::ObjectId(order.assembly_id.to_s) }, { "stages.#{order.stage_index}.sops.#{order.sop_index}.orders.cart_item_ids" => { "$in" => order.cart_item_ids } } ] }) return results && results.size == 1 end ## @return[Integer] the index in the sop's orders of the given order. def get_order_index(order) ## unwind, and match. order_els = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.collection.aggregate([ { "$match" => { "_id" => BSON::ObjectId(order.assembly_id.to_s) } }, { "$unwind" => { "path" => "$stages", "includeArrayIndex" => "stage_index" } }, { "$unwind" => { "path" => "$stages.sops", "includeArrayIndex" => "sop_index" } }, { "$unwind" => { "path" => "$stages.sops.orders", "includeArrayIndex" => "order_index" } }, { "$match" => { "stages.sops.orders._id" => BSON::ObjectId( } } ]) raise "did'nt find the order" unless order_els return order_els.first["order_index"] end ########################################################## ## ## ## ## defs for events ## ## ## ########################################################## def create_order(arguments={}) #puts "came to create order" #puts JSON.pretty_generate(arguments) return nil if (arguments[:assembly_id].blank? || arguments[:assembly_doc_version].blank? || arguments[:stage_id].blank? || arguments[:stage_index].blank? || arguments[:stage_doc_version].blank? || arguments[:sop_id].blank? || arguments[:sop_index].blank? || arguments[:sop_doc_version].blank?) ## okay, wtf is this? order = => arguments[:cart_item_ids],:stage_index => arguments[:stage_index],:stage_id => arguments[:stage_id], :sop_index => arguments[:sop_index], :sop_id => arguments[:sop_id], :assembly_id => arguments[:assembly_id], :assembly_doc_version => arguments[:assembly_doc_version],:sop_doc_version => arguments[:sop_doc_version], :stage_doc_version => arguments[:stage_doc_version], :action => 1) if order_created = order.create_with_conditions(nil,nil,order) return after_create_order(order_created) else #puts "order was not created and checking if any past order already has these cart items?" return nil unless has_order_with_cart_items(order) #puts "it seems it does, so now doing after_create_order." return after_create_order(order) end end ## @return[Array] : array of Auth::Transaction::Event Objects. ## the event points to the schedule order function. ## is called from assembly. def after_create_order(order) #puts "came to after_create order." e = e.arguments = {} e.arguments[:sop_index] = order.sop_index e.arguments[:stage_index] = order.stage_index e.method_to_call = "sop_schedule_order" e.object_class = Auth.configuration.assembly_class e.object_id = order.assembly_id.to_s [e] end ## this was previously in after_create_order. def generate_mark_requirement_events(order) if get_order_index(order) == 0 ## we want to return an array of events. sop_requirements_with_calculated_states = get_sop_requirements(order){|requirement,i| e = e.arguments = {} e.arguments[:sop_index] = order.sop_index e.arguments[:stage_index] = order.stage_index e.arguments[:requirement_index] = i e.arguments[:step_index] = requirement.step_index e.arguments[:requirement] = requirement.attributes if i == (sop_requirements_with_calculated_states.size - 1) e.arguments[:last_requirement] = true e.arguments[:sop_id] = end e.method_to_call = "mark_sop_requirements" e.object_class = Auth.configuration.assembly_class e.object_id = order.assembly_id.to_s requirement = e } else ## do nothing. end end ## @return[Array] array of Auth::Workflow::Requirement objects. def get_sop_requirements(order) requirements_with_calculated_states = [] steps.each_with_index {|step,step_index| step.requirements.each do |requirement| requirement.step_index = step_index requirement.calculate_required_states(order) requirements_with_calculated_states << requirement end } #puts "these are the requirements with calculated states." #puts requirements_with_calculated_states.to_s requirements_with_calculated_states end ## iterates the cart_items in the last order of this sop, and sees which of them has the latest start time from the provided hash. ## @param[Hash] cart_items_latest_time : ## structure : ## ## ## cart_item_id => {:start_time_range => [], :end_time_range => []} ## ## ## ## @return[Hash] : a hash with just one cart item entry in it. def last_time_slot_applicable_to_present_cart_items(cart_items_latest_time) greatest_end_time = nil cart_items_latest_time.values.each_with_index{|value,key| greatest_end_time = value unless greatest_end_time if greatest_end_time #puts "value is:" #puts value.to_s #puts "greatest end time is:" #puts greatest_end_time.to_s if value[:end_time_range][1] > greatest_end_time[:end_time_range][1] greatest_end_time = value end end } return greatest_end_time || {} end ## @param[Auth::Workflow::Step] last_step : the last step in the sop. ## @param[Hash] cart_items_latest_time : the hash of latest time information for each cart_item, passed in from the assembly#schedule_sop_order ## @return[Hash] cart_items_latest_time : will update the def update_cart_items_latest_time(last_step,cart_items_latest_time) if cart_items_latest_time.empty? self.orders.last.cart_item_ids.each do |c_id| cart_items_latest_time[c_id] = {} cart_items_latest_time[c_id][:start_time_range] = last_step.time_information[:start_time_range] cart_items_latest_time[c_id][:end_time_range] = last_step.time_information[:end_time_range] end else cart_items_latest_time.keys.each do |c_id| if self.orders.last.cart_item_ids.include? c_id cart_items_latest_time[c_id][:start_time_range] = last_step.time_information[:start_time_range] cart_items_latest_time[c_id][:end_time_range] = last_step.time_information[:end_time_range] end end end cart_items_latest_time end ## @param[Array] cart_items : array of cart item objects, basically the cart_items from the order which are applicable to this sop. ## @param[Hash] cart_item => last_step hash. ## this hash contains the last step for each cart item ## if more than one cart item has been updated in a step, ## so suppose we have more than one cart item on a particular step, then what ? ## step_address => [cart_item_ids,step] ## step_address => [cart_item_ids,step] ## @return nil: returns nothing. def schedule_order_new(cart_items,cart_item_to_preceeding_step_hash) ## so to do this, we will have to save the results ordered by minute. ## how to do this with multiple locations. ## if more than one location is present at a minute, for more than one entity? ## in that aggregation we sort by minute. ## and nearness of the location. ## so first of all how to do that, then only we can move forward here.{|step,key| break unless step.merge_cart_item_specifications(cart_items) ## now the next step is to do the query. ## once we have the results from the query ## we can add that to the step ## then we can } cart_item_to_preceeding_step_hash end ## this has to return the cart_items_latest_time, as well as requirement_query_hash ## both are hashes. ## we should just update the results of the query on the step itself. ## and schedule order should return the last step. ## and nothing more. ## secondly, there is only one call. ## basically it sends the cart_item information to the step ## so schedule order should receive the cart items array. ## and nothing else. def schedule_order(cart_items_latest_time, requirement_query_hash) latest_ending_cart_item = last_time_slot_applicable_to_present_cart_items(cart_items_latest_time) self.steps.each_with_index{|step,key| next unless step.applicable #puts "the self stage index is: #{self.stage_index}, and self sop index is: #{self.sop_index}" step.step_index = key step.stage_index = self.stage_index step.sop_index = self.sop_index ## here we have to check the specifications passed in with the cart items, against the specifications provided inside the step ## and if all is ok, then it will take those and pass them to the query type defined in the step. ## that is the idea. ## so it has to make a seperate query maybe for each of the cart items. ## it will have to have this map somewhere. ## of all the query results till now for each cart_item. step.modify_tlocation_conditions_for_each_product(self.orders.last,self.stage_index,self.sop_index,key) step.calculate_duration ## how to set the default time information. step.time_information ||= {:minimum_time_since_previous_step => 0, :maximum_time_since_previous_step => 1} step.time_information[:minimum_time_since_previous_step] ||= 0 step.time_information[:maximum_time_since_previous_step] ||= 1 ## done. step.resolve_location(key > 0 ? self.steps[key-1].location_information : {}) step.resolve_start_time(key > 0 ? self.steps[key-1].time_information : latest_ending_cart_item) step.resolve_requirements if step.resolve step.calculate_duration step.resolve_end_time step.requirements.each_with_index{|req,req_key| next unless (req.applicable && req.schedulable) req.stage_index = step.stage_index req.sop_index = step.sop_index req.step_index = step.step_index if req.reference_requirement_address == nil requirement_query_hash[req.get_self_address(req_key)] = [{:start_time_range => step.time_information[:start_time_range], :end_time_range => step.time_information[:end_time_range]}] elsif requirement_query_hash[req.reference_requirement_address].nil? requirement_query_hash[req.get_self_address(req_key)] = [{:start_time_range => step.time_information[:start_time_range], :end_time_range => step.time_information[:end_time_range]}] else #puts "the reference requirement address is:" #puts req.reference_requirement_address.to_s #puts "this is the existing requirmenet query hash." #puts requirement_query_hash.to_s #puts "this is the step time information" #puts step.time_information if requirement_query_hash[req.reference_requirement_address].last[:end_time_range] == step.time_information[:start_time_range] #puts "end time range of last step is equal to the start time range of this step" ## now set this as the new hash. requirement_query_hash[req.reference_requirement_address][-1] = {:start_time_range => requirement_query_hash[req.reference_requirement_address].last[:start_time_range], :end_time_range => step.time_information[:end_time_range]} elsif requirement_query_hash[req.reference_requirement_address].last[:end_time_range][1] < step.time_information[:start_time_range][1] #puts "end time range of last step is less than start time range of this step." requirement_query_hash[req.reference_requirement_address] << {:start_time_range => step.time_information[:start_time_range], :end_time_range => step.time_information[:end_time_range]} end end } } cart_items_latest_time = update_cart_items_latest_time(self.steps.last,cart_items_latest_time) return {:cart_items_latest_time => cart_items_latest_time, :requirement_query_hash => requirement_query_hash} end end