module ActiveOrient require 'cgi' require 'rest-client' require 'active_support/core_ext/string' # provides blank?, present?, presence etc #require 'model' =begin OrientDB performs queries to a OrientDB-Database The communication is based on the ActiveOrient-API. The OrientDB-Server is specified in config/connect.yml A Sample: :orientdb: :server: localhost :port: 2480 :database: working-database :admin: :user: admin-user :pass: admin-password =end class OrientDB mattr_accessor :logger ## borrowed from active_support mattr_accessor :default_server ## ## expected # ActiveOrient::OrientDB.default_server = { server: 'localhost', port: 2480, user: '**', password: '**', database: 'temp' include OrientSupport::Support =begin Contructor: OrientDB is conventionally initialized. Thus several instances pointing to the same or different databases can coexist A simple xyz = uses the database specified in the yaml-file »config/connect.yml« and connects xyz = database: my_fency_database accesses the database »my_fency_database«. The database is created if its not existing. *USECASE* xyz = ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb = initialises the Database-Connection and publishes the Instance to any ActiveOrient::Model-Object =end def initialize database: nil, connect: true self.default_server = { :server => 'localhost', :port => 2480, :protocol => 'http', :user => 'root', :password => 'root', :database => 'temp' }.merge default_server @res = get_ressource @database = database.presence || default_server[:database] self.logger ='/dev/stdout') unless logger.present? # @database=@database#.camelcase connect() if connect # save existing classes @classes = [] ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb = self end ## included for development , should be removed in production release def ressource @res end ## # called in the beginning or after a 404-Error def get_ressource login = [ default_server[:user].to_s , default_server[:password].to_s ] server_adress = [ default_server[:protocol] ,"://" , default_server[ :server ], ":" , default_server[ :port ]].map(&:to_s).join('') server_adress, *login ) end def connect i = 0 begin logger.progname = 'OrientDB#Connect' r= @res["/connect/#{ @database }" ].get if r.code == 204{ "Connected to database #{@database} " } true else logger.error{ "Connection to database #{@database} could NOT be established" } nil end rescue RestClient::Unauthorized => e if{ "Database #{@database} NOT present --> creating" } i=i+1 create_database retry else Kernel.exit end end end ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Database stuff ## ## get_databases ## create_database ## change_database ## delete_database ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =begin returns an Array with available Database-Names as Elements =end def get_databases JSON.parse( @res["/listDatabases"].get.body)['databases'] end =begin Creates a database with the given name and switches to this database as working-database Types are either 'plocal' or 'memory' returns the name of the working-database =end def create_database type: 'plocal' , database: @database logger.progname = 'OrientDB#CreateDatabase' old_d = @database @classes = [] @database = database begin response = @res[database_uri{ type }].post "" if response.code == 200{ "Database #{@database} successfully created and stored as working database"} else @database = old_d logger.error{ "Database #{name} was NOT created. Working Database is still #{@database} "} end rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e @database = old_d logger.error{ "Database #{name} was NOT created. Working Database is still #{@database} "} end @database end =begin changes the working-database to {name} =end def change_database name @classes = [] @database = name end =begin deletes the database and returns true on success after the removal of the database, the working-database might be empty =end def delete_database database: @classes = [] logger.progname = 'OrientDB#DropDatabase' old_ds = @database change_database database begin response = @res[database_uri].delete if database == old_ds change_database ""{ "Working database deleted" } else change_database old_ds{ "Database #{database} deleted, working database is still #{@database} "} end rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e{ "Database #{database} NOT deleted" } change_database old_ds end !response.nil? && response.code == 204 ? true : false end ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Inspect, Create and Delete Classes ## ## inspect_classes ## create_class ## delete_class ## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =begin returns an Array with (unmodified) Class-attribute-hash-Elements get_classes 'name', 'superClass' returns [ {"name"=>"E", "superClass"=>""}, {"name"=>"OFunction", "superClass"=>""}, {"name"=>"ORole", "superClass"=>"OIdentity"} (...) ] =end def get_classes *attributes i = 0 begin response = @res[database_uri].get if response.code == 200 classes= JSON.parse( response.body )['classes' ] unless attributes.empty?{|y|{| v,_| attributes.include?(v) } } else classes end{ |y| } else [] end rescue JSON::ParserError if i = i + 1 retry else raise end end end =begin returns the class_hierachie to fetch all Vertices class_hiearchie( base_class: 'V').flatten to fetch all Edges class_hierachie( base_class: 'E').flatten Notice: base_class has to be noted as String! There is no implicit conversion from Symbol or Class =end def class_hierachie base_class: '', requery: false @all_classes = get_classes( 'name', 'superClass') if requery || @all_classes.blank? def fv s # :nodoc: @all_classes.find_all{ |x| x[ 'superClass' ]== s }.map{| v| v[ 'name' ]} #.camelize } end def fx v # :nodoc: fv(v).map{ |x| ar = fx( x ) ; ar.empty? ? x : [ x , ar ] } end fx base_class end =begin returns an array with all names of the classes of the database caches the result. parameter: include_system_classes: false|true, requery: false|true =end def database_classes include_system_classes: false, requery: false requery = true if @classes.empty? if requery class_hierachie requery: true system_classes = ["OFunction", "OIdentity", "ORIDs", "ORestricted", "ORole", "OSchedule", "OTriggered", "OUser", "_studio"] all_classes = get_classes( 'name' ).map( &:values).flatten @classes = include_system_classes ? all_classes : all_classes - system_classes end @classes end alias inspect_classes database_classes =begin Creates classes and class-hierachies in OrientDB and in Ruby. Takes an Array or a Hash as argument and returns an Array of successfull allocated Ruby-Classes If the argument is an array, Basic-Classes are build. Otherwise key/value pairs are assumend to follow this terminology { SuperClass => [ class, class, ...], SuperClass => [] , ... } =end def create_classes classes # rebuild cashed classes-array # first the classes-string is camelized (this is used to allocate the ruby-class) # Then the database is queried for this string or the underscored string-variant # the name-building process is independend from the method »class_name« database_classes requery: true consts = execute transaction: false do class_cmd = ->(s,n) do n = n.to_s.camelize consts << ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: n) unless database_classes.include?(n) || database_classes.include?(n.underscore) { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "create class #{n} extends #{s}" } end end ## class_cmd if classes.is_a?(Array) do | n | n = n.to_s.camelize # capitalize consts << ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: n) unless database_classes.include?( n ) || database_classes.include?(n.underscore) { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "create class #{n} " } end end elsif classes.is_a?(Hash) do | superclass | items = superClass = superclass.to_s.camelize items << { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "create class #{superClass} abstract" } unless database_classes.flatten.include?( superClass ) || database_classes.flatten.include?( superClass.underscore ) items << if classes[superclass].is_a?( String ) || classes[superclass].is_a?( Symbol ) class_cmd[superClass, classes[superclass] ] elsif classes[superclass].is_a?( Array ) classes[superclass].map{|n| class_cmd[superClass, n] } end #puts{|x| x[:command]} items # returnvalue end.flatten end.compact # erase nil-entries, in case the class is already allocated end # refresh cached class-informations database_classes requery: true # returns an array of allocated Constants/Classes consts end =begin creates a class and returns the a ActiveOrient::Model:{Newclass}-Class- (Constant) which is designed to take any documents stored in this class Predefined attributes: version, cluster, record Other attributes are assigned dynamically upon reading documents The classname is Camelized by default, eg: classnames are always Capitalized, underscores ('_') indicate that the following letter is capitalized, too. Other class-names can be used if a "$" is placed at the begining of the name-string. However, most of the model-based methods will not work in this case. =end def create_class newclass create_classes( [ newclass ] ).first end alias open_class create_class def create_vertex_class name , superclass: 'V' create_classes( { superclass => name } ).first end def create_edge_class name , superclass: 'E' create_classes( { superclass => name } ).first end =begin nexus_edge connects two documents/vertexes The parameter o_class can be either a class or a string =end def nexus_edge o_class , attributes: {}, from:, to:, unique: false logger.progname = "ActiveOrient::OrientDB#NexusEdge" if from.is_a? Array{|f| nexus_edge o_class, attributes: attributes, from: f, to: to, unique: unique } elsif to.is_a? Array{|t| nexus_edge o_class, attributes: attributes, from: from, to: t, unique: unique } else if unique wwhere = { out: from.to_orient, in: to.to_orient }.merge(attributes.to_orient) existing_edge = get_documents( from: o_class, where: wwhere ) if existing_edge.first.is_a?( ActiveOrient::Model ) logger.debug { "reusing edge #{class_name(o_class)} from #{from.to_orient} to #{to.to_orient} " } return existing_edge.first end end logger.debug { "creating edge #{class_name(o_class)} from #{from.to_orient} to #{to.to_orient} " } response= execute( o_class, transaction: false) do #[ { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: CGI.escapeHTML("create edge #{class_name(o_class)} from #{translate_to_rid[m]} to #{to.to_orient}; ")} ] attr_string = attributes.blank? ? "" : "set #{ generate_sql_list attributes.to_orient }" [ { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "create edge #{class_name(o_class)} from #{from.to_orient} to #{to.to_orient} #{attr_string}"} ] end if response.is_a?(Array) && response.size == 1 response.pop # RETURN_VALUE else response end end end =begin Deletes a single edge when providing a single rid-link (#00:00) Deletes multible edges when providing a list of rid-links Todo: implement delete_edges after querying the database in one statement =end def delete_edge *rid rid = do |mm| if mm.is_a?(String) if mm.rid? mm elsif mm.is_a?(Rest::Model) mm.rid else nil end end end.compact response= execute transaction: false do [ { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: CGI.escapeHTML("delete edge #{rid.join(',') }")} ] end if response.is_a?( Array ) && response.size == 1 response.pop # RETURN_VALUE else response end end =begin deletes the specified class and returns true on success todo: remove all instances of the class =end def delete_class o_class cl= class_name(o_class) logger.progname = 'OrientDB#DeleteClass' if database_classes.include? cl begin response = @res[class_uri{ cl } ].delete if response.code == 204 # return_value: sussess of the removal !database_classes( requery: true ).include?(cl) # don't delete the ruby-class # ActiveOrient::Model.send :remove_const, cl.to_sym if o_class.is_a?(Class) end rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e if database_classes( requery: true).include?( cl ) logger.error{ "Class #{cl} still present" } logger.error{ e.inspect } false else true end end else { "Class #{cl} not present. "} end end =begin create a single property on class-level. supported types: if index is to be specified, it's defined in the optional block create_property(class, field){ :unique | :notunique } --> creates an automatic-Index on the given field create_property( class, field){ { »name« => :unique | :notunique | :full_text } } --> creates a manual index =end def create_property o_class, field, index: nil, **args logger.progname= 'OrientDB#CreateProperty' c= create_properties o_class, {field => args} # translate_property_hash( field, args ) if index.nil? && block_given? index = yield end if c==1 && index.present? if index.is_a?( String ) || index.is_a?( Symbol ) create_index o_class, name: field, type: index elsif index.is_a? Hash bez= index.keys.first # puts "index: #{index.inspect}" # puts "bez: #{bez} ---> #{index.keys.inspect}" create_index o_class, name: bez, type: index[bez], on: [ field ] end end end def create_index o_class , name:, on: :automatic, type: :unique execute transaction: false do c = class_name o_class command = if on == :automatic "create index #{c}.#{name} #{type.to_s.upcase}" elsif on.is_a? Array "create index #{name} on #{class_name(o_class)}( #{on.join(', ')}) #{type.to_s.upcase}" else nil end [ { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: command } ] end end ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Properties ## ## create_properties ## get_class_properties ## delete_properties ## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private def translate_property_hash field, type: nil, linked_class: nil, **args type = type.presence || args[:propertyType].presence || args[:property_type] linked_class = linked_class.presence || args[:linkedClass] if type.present? if linked_class.nil? { field => { propertyType: type.to_s.upcase } } else { field => { propertyType: type.to_s.upcase, linkedClass: class_name( linked_class ) } } end end end public =begin creates properties and optional an associated index as defined in the provided block create_properties( classname or class, properties as hash ) { index } The default-case create_properties( con_id: { type: :integer }, details: { type: :link, linked_class: 'Contracts' } ) do contract_idx: :notunique end A composite index create_properties( con_id: { type: :integer }, symbol: { type: :string } ) do { name: 'indexname', on: [ :con_id , :details ] # default: all specified properties type: :notunique # default: :unique } end =end def create_properties o_class, all_properties, &b all_properties_in_a_hash = all_properties.each{| field, args | all_properties_in_a_hash.merge! translate_property_hash( field, args ) } begin count = if all_properties_in_a_hash.is_a?( Hash ) response = @res[ property_uri(class_name(o_class)) ].post all_properties_in_a_hash.to_json if response.code == 201 response.body.to_i else 0 end end rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e response = JSON.parse( e.response)['errors'].pop error_message = response['content'].split(':').last # if error_message ~= /Missing linked class/ logger.progname= 'OrientDB#CreatePropertes' logger.error { "Properties in #{class_name(o_class)} were NOT created" } logger.error { "Error-code #{response['code']} --> #{response['content'].split(':').last }" } nil end ### index if block_given? && count == all_properties_in_a_hash.size index = yield if index.is_a?( Hash ) if index.size == 1 create_index o_class, name: index.keys.first, on: all_properties_in_a_hash.keys, type: index.values.first else index_hash = type: :unique, on: all_properties_in_a_hash.keys ).merge index create_index o_class, index_hash # i [:name], on: index_hash[:on], type: index_hash[:type] end end end count # return_value end def delete_property o_class, field logger.progname = 'OrientDB#DeleteProperty' begin response = @res[property_uri( class_name(o_class)){ field } ].delete true if response.code == 204 rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e logger.error{ "Property #{ field } in class #{ class_name(o_class) } NOT deleted" } false end end def get_class_properties o_class # :nodoc: JSON.parse( @res[ class_uri{ class_name(o_class) } ].get ) end def print_class_properties o_class puts "Detected Properties for class #{class_name(o_class)}" rp = get_class_properties o_class n= rp['name'] puts rp['properties'].map{|x| [ n+'.'+x['name'], x['type'],x['linkedClass'] ].compact.join(' -> ' )}.join("\n") end # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Documents ## ## create_document get_document delete_document ## update_or_create_document patch_document ## ## ## get_documents ## update_documents ## delete_documents ## update_or_create_documents ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =begin #nodoc# If properties are allocated on class-level, they can be preinitialized using this method. This is disabled for now, because it does not seem nessesary =end def preallocate_class_properties o_class p= get_class_properties( o_class )['properties'] unless p.nil? || p.blank? predefined_attributes = do | property | [ property['name'] , case property['type'] when 'LINKMAP' when 'STRING' '' else nil end ] end.to_h else {} end end =begin Creates an Object in the Database and returns this as ActuveOrient::Model-Instance =end def create_document o_class, attributes: {} attributes = yield if attributes.empty? && block_given? post_argument = { '@class' => class_name(o_class) }.merge(attributes).to_orient begin logger.progname = 'OrientDB#CreateDocument' response = @res[ document_uri ].post post_argument.to_json data= JSON.parse( response.body ) ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: data['@class']).new data rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e response = JSON.parse( e.response)['errors'].pop logger.error { response['content'].split(':')[1..-1].join(':') } logger.error { "No Object allocated" } nil # return_value end end def delete_document record_id logger.progname = 'OrientDB#DeleteDocument' begin response = @res[document_uri{ record_id } ].delete true if response.code == 204 rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e logger.error{ "Document #{ record_id } NOT deleted" } false end end =begin retrieves documents from a query If raw is specified, the JSON-Array is returned, eg { "@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#15:1", "@version"=>1, "@class"=>"DocumebntKlasse10", "con_id"=>343, "symbol"=>"EWTZ" } otherwise a ActiveModel-Instance of o_class is created and returned =end def get_documents limit: -1, raw: false, query: nil, **args query = args ) if query.nil? i=0 begin url = query_sql_uri << query.compose << "/#{limit}" response = @res[URI.encode(url) ].get r=JSON.parse( response.body )['result'].map do |document | if raw document else ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: document['@class']).new document end end rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e response = JSON.parse( e.response)['errors'].pop logger.error { response['content'].split(':').last } i=i+1 if i > 1 raise else query.dataset_name = query.datatset_name.underscore { "trying to query using #{o_class}" } retry end end end def count_documents **args logger.progname = 'OrientDB#count_documents' query = args query.projection << 'COUNT (*)' result = get_documents raw: true, query: query result.first['COUNT'] end =begin Inserts a Document with the attributes provided in the attributes-hash eg create_document class_name: @classname, attributes: { con_id: 343, symbol: 'EWTZ' } untested: for hybrid and schema-less documents the following syntax is supported create_document class_name: "Account", attributes: { date: 1350426789, amount: 100.34, "@fieldTypes" => "date=t,amount=c" } The supported special types are: n 'f' for float 'c' for decimal 'l' for long 'd' for double 'b' for byte and binary 'a' for date 't' for datetime 's' for short 'e' for Set, because arrays and List are serialized as arrays like [3,4,5] 'x' for links 'n' for linksets 'z' for linklist 'm' for linkmap 'g' for linkbag =end =begin Creating a new Database-Entry ( where is omitted ) otherwise updating the Database-Entry (if present) The optional Block should provide a hash with attributes(properties). These are used if a new dataset is created. =end def create_or_update_document o_class , **args, &b logger.progname = 'Rest#CreateOrUpdateDocument' r= update_or_create_documents o_class, **args, &b if r.size > 1 logger.error { "multible documents updated by #{ generate_sql_list( where )}" } end r.first # return_value end =begin Based on the query specified in :where records are updated according to :set Returns an Array of updated documents The optional Block should provide a hash with attributes(properties). These are used if a new dataset is created. ### das ist noch nicht rund. # =end def update_or_create_documents o_class , set: {}, where: {} , **args , &b logger.progname = 'Rest#UpdateOrCreateDocuments' if where.blank? [ create_document( o_class, attributes: set ) ] else set.extract!( where.keys ) # removes any keys from where in set possible_documents = get_documents from: class_name( o_class ), where: where, **args if possible_documents.empty? if block_given? more_where = yield # do Preparations prior to the creation of the dataset # if the block returns a Hash , it is merged into the insert_query. where.merge! more_where if more_where.is_a?(Hash) end [ create_document( o_class, attributes: set.merge(where) ) ] else{| doc | doc.update( set: set ) } end end end =begin Deletes documents. They are defined by a query. All records which match the attributes are deleted. An Array with freed index-values is returned =end def delete_documents o_class, where: {} get_documents( from: o_class, where: where).map do |doc| if doc['@type']=='d' # document index = doc['@rid'][1,doc['@rid'].size] # omit the first character ('#') r=@res[ document_uri{ index }].delete index if r.code==204 && r.body.empty? # return_value end end end =begin Retrieves a Document from the Database as ActiveOrient::Model::{class} The argument can either be a rid (#[x}:{y}) or a link({x}:{y}) If no Document is found, nil is returned In the optional block, a subset of properties can be defined (as array of names) =end def get_document rid rid = rid[1 .. rid.length] if rid[0]=='#' response = @res[ document_uri { rid } ].get raw_data = JSON.parse( response.body) #.merge( "#no_links" => "#no_links" ) ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: raw_data['@class']).new raw_data rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e if e.http_body.split(':').last =~ /was not found|does not exist in database/ nil else logger.progname 'OrientDB#GetDocument' logger.error "something went wrong" logger.error e.http_body.inspect raise end end =begin Lazy Updating of the given Document. =end def patch_document rid logger.progname = 'Rest#PatchDocument' content = yield if content.is_a? Hash content.each do | key, value | # puts "content: #{key}, #{value.class}" # content[key]= value.to_orient #if value.is_a? ActiveOrient::Model end @res[ document_uri { rid } ].patch content.to_orient.to_json else logger.error { "FAILED: The Block must provide an Hash with properties to be updated"} end end =begin update_documents classname, set: { :symbol => 'TWR' }, where: { con_id: 340 } replaces the symbol to TWR in each record where the con_id is 340 Both set and where take multible attributes returns the JSON-Response. =end def update_documents o_class, set: , where: {} url = "update #{class_name(o_class)} set "<< generate_sql_list(set) << compose_where(where) response = @res[ URI.encode( command_sql_uri << url) ].post '' #url.to_json end ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Functions and Batch ## ## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =begin Execute a predefined Function =end def call_function *args #puts "uri:#{function_uri { args.join('/') } }" @res[ function_uri { args.join('/') } ].post '' rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e puts JSON.parse(e.http_body) end =begin Executes a list of commands and returns the result-array (if present) structure of the provided block: [{ type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "create class Person extends V" }, (...) ] It's used by ActiveOrient::Query.execute_queries =end def execute classname = 'Myquery', transaction: true batch = { transaction: transaction, operations: yield } unless batch[:operations].blank? # puts "post: #{batch.to_json}" response = @res[ batch_uri ].post batch.to_json # puts "response: #{JSON.parse(response.body)['result'].inspect}" if response.code == 200 if response.body['result'].present? result= JSON.parse(response.body)['result'] do |x| if x.is_a? Hash if x.has_key?('@class') ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: x['@class']).new x elsif x.has_key?( 'value' ) x['value'] else # puts "ActiveOrient::Execute" # puts "o_class: #{o_class.inspect}" ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class( name: classname).new x end end end.compact # return_value else response.body end else nil end end rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e raise end =begin Converts a given name to the camelized database-classname Converts a given class-constant to the corresponding database-classname returns a valid database-class name, nil if the class not exists =end def class_name name_or_class name= if name_or_class.is_a? Class name_or_class.to_s.split('::').last elsif name_or_class.is_a? ActiveOrient::Model name_or_class.classname else name_or_class.to_s.camelize end if database_classes.include?(name) name elsif database_classes.include?(name.underscore) name.underscore else logger.progname = 'OrientDB#ClassName'{ "Classname #{name} not present in active Database" } nil end end # def compose_where arg # if arg.blank? # "" # elsif arg.is_a? String # if arg =~ /[w|W]here/ # arg # else # "where "+arg # end # elsif arg.is_a? Hash # " where " + generate_sql_list(arg) # end # end private #def generate_sql_list attributes={} # do | key, value | # case value # when Numeric # key.to_s << " = " << value.to_s # else # String, Symbol # key.to_s << ' = ' << "\'#{ value }\'" # # else # # puts "ERROR, value-> #{value}, class -> #{value.class}" # end # end.join( ' and ' ) # #end # def property_uri(this_class_name) if block_given? "property/#{ @database }/#{this_class_name}/" << yield else "property/#{ @database }/#{this_class_name}" end end def self.simple_uri *names names.each do | name | m_name = (name.to_s << '_uri').to_sym define_method( m_name ) do | &b | if b "#{name.to_s}/"<< @database << "/" << else "#{name.to_s}/"<< @database end # branch end # def end end def self.sql_uri *names names.each do | name | define_method ((name.to_s << '_sql_uri').to_sym) do "#{name.to_s}/" << @database << "/sql/" end end end simple_uri :database, :document, :class, :batch, :function sql_uri :command , :query end # class end # module __END__