<%- # TODO: Change Concept.labeling_classes to Collection.labeling_classes (in model # too). If those two settings differ (e.g. in spez) don't forget to add # migrations to update existing data. -%> <%= bootstrap_form_for collection, :as => :concept, :url => collection.new_record? ? collections_path : collection_path(collection, :published => 0), :layout => :horizontal, :label_col => 'col-sm-3', :control_col => 'col-sm-9' do |f| %>
<%= t 'txt.views.layouts.sections.labels' %> <% if not Iqvoc.const_defined?(:SKOSXL) %>

<%= t 'txt.common.hint_csv_input' %>

<% end %> <%- Iqvoc::Concept.labeling_classes.each do |labeling_class, languages| -%> <%- languages.each do |language| -%> <%= render labeling_class.edit_partial_name(@collection), :f => f, :concept => @collection, :klass => labeling_class, :language => language %> <%- end -%> <%- end -%>
<% Iqvoc::Collection.note_classes.each do |klass| %> <%= render klass.edit_partial_name(@collection), :owner_klass => @collection, :assoc_klass => klass, :f => f %> <% end %>
<%= Iqvoc::Concept.base_class.model_name.human(:count => 2) %> <%= f.form_group :inline_member_concept_origins, :label => {:text => t('txt.common.type_to_search')} do %> <%= text_field_tag "concept[inline_member_concept_origins]", @collection.inline_member_concept_origins.join(InlineDataHelper::JOINER), :class => "entity_select", :"data-query-url" => concepts_path(:format => :json), :"data-entity-uri" => concept_path(:id => "{id}"), :"data-entities" => @collection.inline_member_concepts. map { |c| concept_widget_data(c) }.to_json %> <% end %>
<%= Iqvoc::Collection.base_class.model_name.human(:count => 2) %> <%= f.form_group :inline_member_concept_origins, :label => {:text => t('txt.common.type_to_search')} do %> <%= text_field_tag "concept[inline_member_collection_origins]", @collection.inline_member_collection_origins.join(InlineDataHelper::JOINER), :class => "entity_select", :"data-query-url" => collections_path(:format => :json), :"data-entity-uri" => collection_path(:id => "{id}"), :"data-exclude" => @collection.origin, :"data-entities" => @collection.inline_member_collections. map { |c| collection_widget_data(c) }.to_json %> <% end %>

<%= f.submit t("txt.common.save"), :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>