# This file is part of PacketGen # See https://github.com/sdaubert/packetgen for more informations # Copyright (C) 2016 Sylvain Daubert <sylvain.daubert@laposte.net> # This program is published under MIT license. # frozen_string_literal: true module PacketGen module Header # Bootstrap Protocol, {https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc951 # RFC 951} # # A BOOTP header consists of: # * an operation code field ({#op} of type {Types::Int8Enum}), # * a hardware address type ({#htype} of type {Types::Int8}), # * a hardware address length ({#hlen} of type {Types::Int8}), # * a {#hops} field ({Types::Int8}), # * a transaction ID ({#xid} of type {Types::Int32}), # * a {#secs} field (){Types::Int16}), # * a {#flags} field (){Types::Int16}): # * a 1-bit broadcast flag ({#b}), # * a 15-bit Must Be Zero field ({#mbz}), # * a {#ciaddr} field ({IP::Addr}), # * a {#yiaddr} field ({IP::Addr}), # * a {#siaddr} field ({IP::Addr}), # * a {#giaddr} field ({IP::Addr}), # * a {#chaddr} field (16-byte {Types::String}), # * a {#sname} field (64-byte {Types::CString}), # * a {#file} field (128-byte {Types::CString}), # * and a body ({Types::String}). # # == Create a BOOTP header # # standalone # bootp = PacketGen::Header::BOOTP.new # # in a packet # pkt = PacketGen.gen('IP').add('BOOTP') # # access to BOOTP header # pkt.bootp # => PacketGen::Header::BOOTP # @author Sylvain Daubert # @since 2.2.0 class BOOTP < Base UDP_SERVER_PORT = 67 UDP_CLIENT_PORT = 68 # DHCP opcodes OPCODES = { 'BOOTREQUEST' => 1, 'BOOTREPLY' => 2 }.freeze # @!attribute op # 8-bit opcode # @return [Integer] define_field :op, Types::Int8Enum, enum: OPCODES # @!attribute htype # 8-bit hardware address type # @return [Integer] define_field :htype, Types::Int8, default: 1 # @!attribute hlen # 8-bit hardware address length # @return [Integer] define_field :hlen, Types::Int8, default: 6 # @!attribute hops # @return [Integer] define_field :hops, Types::Int8 # @!attribute xid # 32-bit Transaction ID # @return [Integer] define_field :xid, Types::Int32 # @!attribute secs # 16-bit integer: number of seconds elapsed since client began address # acquisition or renewal process # @return [Integer] define_field :secs, Types::Int16 # @!attribute flags # 16-bit flag field # @return [Integer] define_field :flags, Types::Int16 # @!attribute ciaddr # client IP address # @return [String] define_field :ciaddr, IP::Addr # @!attribute yiaddr # 'your' (client) IP address # @return [String] define_field :yiaddr, IP::Addr # @!attribute siaddr # IP address of next server to use in bootstrap # @return [String] define_field :siaddr, IP::Addr # @!attribute giaddr # Relay agent IP address, used in booting via a relay agent # @return [String] define_field :giaddr, IP::Addr # @!attribute chaddr # client hardware address # @return [String] define_field :chaddr, Types::String, static_length: 16 # @!attribute sname # optional server hostname, null-terminated string # @return [String] define_field :sname, Types::CString, static_length: 64 # @!attribute file # Boot file name, null terminated string # @return [String] define_field :file, Types::CString, static_length: 128 # @!attribute body # @return [String] define_field :body, Types::String # @!attribute b # Broadcast flag, from {#flags} # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute mbz # 15-bit Must Be Zero bits, from {#flags} # @return [Boolean] define_bit_fields_on :flags, :b, :mbz, 15 # @return [String] def inspect str = Inspect.dashed_line(self.class, 2) fields.each do |attr| next if attr == :body next unless is_present?(attr) str << if (attr == :chaddr) && (self.hlen == 6) Inspect.inspect_attribute(attr, Eth::MacAddr.new.read(self[:chaddr][0, 6]), 2) else Inspect.inspect_attribute(attr, self[attr], 2) end end str end # Invert opcode, if known # @return [self] def reply! case self.op when 1 then self.op = 2 when 2 then self.op = 1 end self end end UDP.bind BOOTP, sport: 67, dport: 68 UDP.bind BOOTP, sport: 68, dport: 67 end end