// Edit and add this file to your html, to implement // raw websocket support. // This file should be edited to implement your raw websocket application logic. // For an auto-dispatch, JSON implementation, consoder using the PleziClient. // Your websocket URI should be an absolute path. The following sets the base URI. // remember to update to the specific controller's path to your websocket URI. var ws_controller_path = window.location.pathname; // change to '/controller/path' var ws_uri = (window.location.protocol.match(/https/) ? 'wss' : 'ws') + '://' + window.document.location.host + ws_controller_path // websocket variable. var websocket = NaN // count failed attempts var websocket_fail_count = 0 // to limit failed reconnection attempts, set this to a number. var websocket_fail_limit = NaN // to offer some space between reconnection attempts, set this interval in miliseconds. var websocket_reconnect_interval = 250 function init_websocket() { if(websocket && websocket.readyState == 1) return true; // console.log('no need to renew socket connection'); websocket = new WebSocket(ws_uri); websocket.onopen = function(e) { // reset the count. websocket_fail_count = 0 // what do you want to do now? }; websocket.onclose = function(e) { // If the websocket repeatedly you probably want to report an error if(!isNaN(websocket_fail_limit) && websocket_fail_count >= websocket_fail_limit) { // What to do if we can't reconnect so many times? return }; // you probably want to reopen the websocket if it closes. if(isNaN(websocket_fail_limit) || (websocket_fail_count <= websocket_fail_limit) ) { // update the count websocket_fail_count += 1; // try to reconect setTimeout( init_websocket, websocket_reconnect_interval); }; }; websocket.onerror = function(e) { // update the count. websocket_fail_count += 1 // what do you want to do now? }; websocket.onmessage = function(e) { // what do you want to do now? console.log(e.data); // to use JSON, use: // msg = JSON.parse(e.data); // remember to use JSON also in your Plezi controller. }; } // setup the websocket connection once the page is done loading window.addEventListener("load", init_websocket, false);