![Genomer: A swiss army knife for genome projects](http://genomer.s3.amazonaws.com/icon/genomer/genomer.png) ## About Genomer is command line glue for genome projects. I wrote this tool to simplify the small but tedious tasks required when finishing a genome. Genomer does not perform assembly, gap closing or genome annotation. Genomer does however make it easy to reorganise contigs in a genome, map annotations on to the genome and generate the files required to submit a genome. A important part of genomer is making all projects reproducible. Genomer is designed to work well with build tools such as [GNU Make][make] and revision control tools such as [git][git]. This allows for all steps taken in genome project to be tracked and reverted if required. [make]: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/ [git]: http://git-scm.com/ Genomer is also built as a modular tool where additional functions are added by installing plugins. Plugins can be added simply by naming them in the `Gemfile` in the genomer project root, followed typing the command `bundle install`. Furthermore plugins can be specified to specific versions, this means that new versions of genomer plugins will not break any existing genomer projects. ## Examples I wrote genomer to simplify the manual and error prone tasks in my own genome projects. You can see examples of using genomer for [a small plasmid][plasmid] and for [a larger microbial genome][genome]. Each of these projects takes advantage of revision control and build files to make the projects reproducible. [plasmid]: https://github.com/michaelbarton/chromosome-pfluorescens-r124-plasmid [genome]: https://github.com/michaelbarton/chromosome-pfluorescens-r124-genome ## Screencasts * [Installing Genomer](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXws8RnBsUU) * [Genomer example usage](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfsdJOELFjs) * [Generating Genbank upload files for a simple plasmid](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVn62pMnIRA) ## Installing Ruby and RubyGems are required to use genomer and related plugins. Genomer is installed on the command line using: $ gem install genomer ## Contact Genomer is developed by Michael Barton (www.michaelbarton.me.uk). The source code is available on [github][]. Bug reports and feature requests should also be made there. [github]: https://github.com/michaelbarton/genomer ## Copyright Genomer copyright (c) 2010 by Michael Barton. Genomer is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for further details. The swiss army knife image is by [Alan Cann][cann] used under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 2.0 Licence. The original can be [found on flickr.][flickr] [cann]: http://microbiologybytes.com/AJC/ [flickr]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ajc1/4663140532/