require 'git' require 'colorize' require 'trollop' require "git/status_all/version" require "git/status_all/extensions" require "git/status_all/git" module Git module StatusAll class App def main # we want to disable the text coloring if we are printing to a # file, or on a platform (like windows) that likely doesn't support # the colors String.disable_colorization = !$stdout.isatty opts = Trollop::options do version "git-status-all #{Git::StatusAll::VERSION} (c) 2016 @reednj (" banner "Usage: git-status-all [options] [path]" opt :fetch, "perform fetch for each repository before getting status", :default => false end dev_dir = ARGV.last || '.' repo_paths = Dir.entries(dev_dir). map {|p| { :name => p, :path => File.expand_path(p, dev_dir) } }. select { |p| Git.repo? p[:path] } repo_paths.each do |p| name = p[:name] begin g = p[:path] if opts[:fetch] print "#{name}".right_align("[#{"fetching...".yellow}]") + "\r" if !g.remotes.empty? remote ={|r| == 'origin' }.first || g.remotes.first g.fetch remote end end s = file_status(g) r = remote_status(g) s = " #{s} ".black.on_yellow unless s.empty? n = s.empty? ? name : name.yellow puts "#{n}".pad_to_col(24).append(s).right_align("#{r} [#{}]") rescue => e if e.to_s.include? "ambiguous argument 'HEAD'" err ='ERROR: NO HEAD' else err ='ERROR' end puts "#{name}".right_align("[#{err}]".red) puts e.to_s if err == 'ERROR' end end end def file_status(g) result = "" result += "A#{g.status.added.length}" if g.status.added.length > 0 result += "D#{g.status.deleted.length}" if g.status.deleted.length > 0 result += "M#{g.status.changed.length}" if g.status.changed.length > 0 result += "U#{g.status.untracked.length}" if g.status.untracked.length > 0 return result end def remote_status(g) if g.remotes.empty? return "no remotes".black.on_red end if{|r| == 'origin' }.empty? return "no origin".black.on_yellow end if !g.branches[:master].up_to_date? b = g.branches[:master] s = '' s += "#{b.behind_count}\u2193" if b.behind_count > 0 s += "#{b.ahead_count}\u2191" if b.ahead_count > 0 return end return '' end def term_width @term_width ||= `tput cols`.to_i end end end end