@import 'variables' @import "compass/css3/border-radius" // List with progress bar .progress-list float: left width: 100% padding: 0 5px font-size: 11px .progress clear: both margin-top: 20px // List with tags .list-tags float: left width: 100% list-style: none padding: 0 margin: 0 li float: left display: block position: relative a display: block float: left background: $btn-default-bg border: 1px solid $gray-lighter +border-radius(3px) line-height: 23px font-size: 11px margin: 0 5px 5px 0 padding: 0 8px color: $breadcrumb-active-color &:hover text-decoration: none background: #F0F0F0 // Basic list group .list-group margin: 0 .list-group-item line-height: 20px .fa margin-right: 10px .btn .fa margin-right: 0 .progress margin: 5px 0 &.active .badge color: $breadcrumb-active-color &:last-child border-bottom: 0 &.list-group-simple border: 0 background: 0 0 .list-group-item border: 0 background: 0 0 padding: 5px 10px &.border-bottom .list-group-item:last-child border-bottom: 1px solid $list-group-border &.list-group-navigation border: 0 float: left width: 100% .list-group-item border-left: 0 border-right: 0 +border-radius(0) .padding-0 .list-group border: 0 .list-group-item border-width: 1px 0 0 +border-radius(0) &:first-child border-top: 0 .list-group-item &.active background: $brand-primary border-color: $brand-primary &:focus, &:hover background: $brand-primary border-color: $brand-primary border-color: $list-group-border a.list-group-item &:focus, &:hover background: $list-group-hover-bg // List group for contact .list-group-contacts .list-group-item padding: 10px img border: 2px solid $btn-default-bg +border-radius(50%) width: 40px margin-right: 10px .contacts-title font-size: $font-size-h6 font-weight: 600 line-height: 20px p margin-bottom: 0 line-height: 20px &.active background: $btn-default-bg border-color: $list-group-border color: $breadcrumb-active-color .list-group-controls position: absolute right: 10px top: 15px .list-group-status float: left margin-right: 10px height: 40px width: 10px position: relative &:after position: absolute left: 0 top: 15px width: 10px height: 10px +border-radius(50%) content: " " &.status-online:after background: $brand-success &.status-away:after background: $brand-warning &.status-offline:after background: $gray